Wanted - Cattails?

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

Anyone have cattail seeds available? We have several swamps on our property and I would like to get some started in one of them. Thanks

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Cattails you say.... [image looking out my BR window]

I can see if i can scrounge a bunch for you.

they were certainly blowing the other day when we had 50mph winds... but i'm sure there are seeds left.

I have to go to the PO today anyways.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)


Please be careful, they can be terribly invasive!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes they are.... as you can see in the image above.. where the opening is... well it was pretty "solid" until the muskrats moved in. At the other end [the south end of our detention pond] it was to the point you could not see water.... but the 'rats' have made a nice 'hotel' if you will, and made a nice clearing in the water, so now the ducks can come back in for a landing.

I personally hate the 'tails' .... BUT - they do filter the water and obviously are food for the 'rats'.

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

thanks for the warning. I'm planting them in a swamp that is pretty secluded so shouldn't be an issue but I appreciate you thought.

So, the muskrats like cattails....hmmm - no wonder I had problems with them distroying our seawall when we lived on the channel :)

tcs1366, would you like me to send you a SASE?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Sure -- that would be fine.

I'm in the Exchange.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

One more warning: they don't necessarily need to have their feet wet. In fact they also do well in 'normal' soil......

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

hmmmm....didn't know that. What keeps um under control?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I can tell you from what i've experienced with them.... that pond outside my window was put in 8 yrs ago, the cat tails have been there 6 yrs. We heard the builder seeded the pond with them for filtration or erosion [i guess]

in those 6 yrs, as the 'tails' have grown ... .they are only about 8-10" away from the edge of the water line.

so, for us, they are not really encroaching into the grass.

Maybe do a bit of research on them - pros and cons; growing conditions, etc.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I'm not sure if what you want to do is such a good idea. It's like planting running bamboo with the thought that I have lots of room. A shallow swamp may end up fill with cattails.

Just saying.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>A shallow swamp may end up fill with cattails.

... and it can do that quickly, too

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

so what would the down side be if the swamp is full of cat tails?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I can tell you... they do provide "homes" for birds ... i have more Red Wings than i've ever seen... and I'm sure there are other critters that live in there too.

Do you have a photo of your "swamp"?

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

I'll walk down and take a picture today - love going down there, especially in the spring when the frogs are lively :)

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

Here's a few pictures...

Thumbnail by shelley1962
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'd research cat tails to see how much sun they need. I read something about them not growing in shade.

Would they be in full sun?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Actually shade would probably keep them under control.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cattails are taking over the sunny edges of our swimming hole here on the farm, but they aren't growing in the shady end. The way the seeds blow, usually they show up in wet areas naturally after a couple of years. I wonder if the shade has prevented that? If you're planning on growing other moisture loving plants in the swampy areas too, the cattails may be too aggressive, that is, if they're happy.

There are a lot of really nice moisture loving perennials that like the shade though. Hostas, astilbe, filipendula, primula, ferns, several iris (partial shade to sun), lizard's tail, horse tail, swamp azalea (I think there are a few hardy up there), marsh marigold, buttercup ranunculus, and various sedges may be options too. Wetland gardens can be so beautiful, and it looks like a great area to do something fun with :-) ...of course, this is coming from someone who wants all the grass around here gone, and the whole area lush with pretties, LOL. Best of luck!

Churubusco, IN(Zone 5b)

Ya, the swamp is partial to full sun in the summer. Neal, thanks for the ideas!!! Now I've just got to find a source for THOSE plants! :)

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