'09's O/C purchases

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well, it's that time of year,if yor going to get your plant fix it will be in the form of seeds....or at least for me. I did make one last plant purchase of hydrangea "Lemon Daddy" and a big swap of unusual woodland plants but that will have to do it for me on plant material this year.

I've already started making my "gotta have it" perennial list for '09,starting w/first and formost,"Tasmenian Angel"(terribly mis-spelled) variegated pink blooming,acanthus mollis from Plants Delight.Also some more hydrangeas from different sources,i.e: "Little Honey" ,oaklief,"Sun Goddess","Buttons & Bows" and others.

I'm sure my list will grow by leaps and bounds as winter progresses.

Just checking to see if any one else is as obsessive/compulsive as me.


Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Peggy, you are surrounded at Dave's Garden with people just like you. Wonderful isn't it. Top on my list is the new echinacea 'Tomato Soup' from Terra Nova'.

I can't wait for the garden catalogs to start arriving. Every year I vow not to buy another plant and every year I fail miserably!


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Haven't looked at Terra Nova for a couple of years.Haven't seen the new echinacea"Tomato Soup",gotta check it out. Maybe I should start ordering from them again.

So many plants...so little dirt.

McLean, VA(Zone 6b)


You missed Fairy's perennial coop. She was offering a bunch of different coneflowers with spring shipping. Tomato soup is the first red one available. There is also a new red rudbeckia that you can start from seed - cherry brandy. Check out Thompson and Morgan or Harris Seeds.

Thumbnail by pennefeather
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Oooo,that is pretty.

Well,uh-oh! We got our stemulis check so I placed an order for some MORE seeds and a table top light stand to go w/ the heat mat I purchased last year. You can't keep a good O/C gardener down.Can't wait until it gets here so I can sew onion,giant red stem chinese chives ,lemon grass and cumin seeds....and whatever else will fit under the light.

My "Lemon Daddy" hydrangea will be here this time next week.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

For those interested in seeds, on the co-op forum, there is a co-op going on right now for Summerhill seeds. http://summerhillseeds.com/seed-coop-c-105.html?coopsession=1
The final price will be 35% off the marked price.

I love that Rudbeckia on the T&M catalog! I may have to check that out.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)


What is wrong with you? ACK! ENABLER! I didn't get in on the co-op in time to get the 35% off but I did place an independant order that I really,really didn't need....but Had to Have! Do you have a spare bedroom? My hub's is gonna pitch me out if I don't stop...LOL

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I thought the co-op was open until Nov 18th.

You can never have enough seeds!!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

OK...let me rephrase that...All the ones reserved (that I wanted) for DG co-op were sold...but your still an enabler and I like ya for it....LOL

edited to corect to say ,not all the seeds were gone...just most of the ones I picked

This message was edited Nov 6, 2008 8:29 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>You can never have enough seeds!!

LOL -- you can say that again.

That Tomato Soup is stunning!!

I may wander on over and check out summerhill.... Ugggggggggggggg.

I'm still twitching from 50% off Hostas... I just can't go there .....

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

50% Hostas???? You holding out on us? *BSG*

No don't go there...I will not look....I will not L@@K!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL... yeah... Bridgestone or something like that... twitch on over to the Hosta forum... Marie started the thread...

ALL their hostas... 50% OFF!!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

ACK! Nooooooo! I just bought a bunch of hostas earlier this year. I will not look....I will not L@@K...you can't make me.....LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL --- i know the feeling....

but up here, we are so much closer to winter... you still have a lot of 'planting season' left.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

No! Do you hear me? NO!*BG* I'm busy trying to buy up every seed I can find for WS. My poor DGkids will be without Christmas presents if I don't quit and I haven't even hit the sights I buy from the most,yet.

Now I must go get comfy w/ my Germaina catalogs and see what damage I can do with those. At least I have an open account w/ them.

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