Jade Vine (Strongylodon)

Gainesville, FL

Don't know if this will work, this is in my Photobucket and I am not certain how to post photos from there to here

This message was edited Oct 29, 2008 12:31 AM

This message was edited Oct 29, 2008 12:32 AM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You have to save pics on your hard drive and post them from there, either that or if your photobucket account is open to the public then you can post a link to it.

Gainesville, FL

actually I figured out how to do it.
My P-bucket is very private, LOL, I don't ever allow anyone direct access to it.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow... that is a beauty. Lovely greenhouse too.

Gainesville, FL

Thank you very much, plutodrive!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Wow! The vine is awesome, but so it the background. I'm in dire envy!


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

What do you do with it over the winter months?

Gainesville, FL

I'm not certain what you mean? It grows year round in the greenhouse. Its planted in the ground. It is about 8 years old and has a trunk approximately 6-7 inches or more in diameter.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Goth, my brain may be 'limited' - I am just trying to understand how this is planted in a greenhouse: so, do you have a huge greenhouse with a partial dirt floor, in which this vine is growing - am I understanding correctly?

It is simply gorgeous!

Gainesville, FL

Oh I see what you mean. Well, I am not certain how 'huge' it is. I guess its large for a residential greenhouse, but by commercial standards it would be small. Its a little over 1700 square feet with a 20 ft ceiling. The floor is not partial dirt, its totally dirt. Almost every plant that lives in the greenhouse is planted, except orchids and some hanging baskets, and the potted "winter boarders" that usually live by the pool or elsewhere in the yard.

The vine has climbed up and attached to the struts that span the greenhouse, and twined and re-twined on itself over the years. There is also a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma "Ginny" in the same place that is quite huge.

I have to cut this vine back continually or it tried to engulf everything in its path.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Absolutely grand QUEEN Goth.. a wonderful plant and a great example of it as well... AND DITTO the GH envy.. a wonderful place for the more tender.. in the summer there.. you perhaps have a shade cloth. [ what rating ? ] .. open doors and vents.. and a gigantic fan..
you don't have an A/C unit do you.. did I miss any thing.. and tricks you have to keeping it managable in the heat... great work there... Gordon

Gainesville, FL

Actually I don't utilize shade cloth. The GH is sited to get sun from sunrise to sundown, and the only shade it receives is from some surrounding trees in the yard that strike it at different angles throughout the day.

I don't keep the doors open unless I am physically in the GH due to the fact that I don;t want any animals from the woods wandering in and creating chaos. But yes I do have a back vent that is 36 feet x 8 ft and two 3 ft square exhaust fans in front to pull air through that vent.

No AC yet, if I did that I'd have to pitch a hammock and move in, LOL

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Queen of the Jade vines... well that's a King sized vent.. for sure.. now.. I'd be one that would prefer to move in...A/C or not... I bet the fan noise wouldn't even keep me awake... I should just build a Gigantic greenhouse..and forget about regular home all together..
thanks for the technique/management tips Gordon

Hi...I have one of these sprawling all over two trellises and would like to cut it back some. What's the best way to root these guys?

Gainesville, FL

Air layering works sometimes. I have been told that you need a mist bed to root cuttings, and that follows...out of probably 50 cuttings I have ever tried to root, I got 2 to root.

Got it. Thanks.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That is nice!
I am considering a cold frame green house over a landscaped portion of the garden where I do have Jade vines and Hawaiin Wood Rose growing. I would remove the cover during the warm season. I know a couple of folks who do that. How does your green house work during the summer with permanantly planted things? Do you have any removable parts?

I just took some cuttings from my Gold Jade Vine, and they did go into a misting bed. They still have a low success rate even in the misting chamber. I do think there is a higher success rate this time of the year when it's cooler.

Gainesville, FL

No I have no removable parts. Neither does my greenhouse, LOL

Dandridge, TN(Zone 6a)

LOL Funny!

What a great looking vine, so many flowers! I'm so jealous...
How hot does it get in your GH in the summer?

Gainesville, FL

It depends. Usually, I can keep it at or below 85, even when its in the high 90's. It's usually not below 80 in any case though, once the outside temps get into the mid-70's to 80's.

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