The Flowerpot cafe' XV (15)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

***giggle*** I just can't help it...I had no idea a veggie could be that ugly!

Maybe a cup of Plantgeek's hibiscus/raspberry tea will bring me to my senses and let me see their inner beauty... but I doubt it... grin...

london England, United Kingdom

LOL Plantgeek! Hate football, don't want to talk about it!!!! until our next game on Wednesday !

How was the poetry meeting? The park is called Dulwich Park, it was rather a dull day but I didn't see any witches LoL!
Thanks for the Honeydew melon, that went down a treat! I'm trying to think tropical but it's
f f f f freeeeeeeezing here!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, we posted at the same time. They are ugly ok!!!! fine by me!!! I'm not crying into my parsnip soup!! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hope Bob got home safely and had a comfortable night?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes, he just had to go down Thursday and come back Friday. It's a long trip on a shuttle bus in a wheelchair so by the time he got home all he wanted was a hot shower and bed...both of which are work when you have to keep one leg up and dry. But once he was cleaned up and snuggled into bed he slept for 10 hours straight.

Well, it's time to go get Mom and head into town for shopping and then to my nieces place. I told them everything has to be done today because even God rested on the seventh day and I am certainly weaker than God.

Terri, don't feel bad about your uglies. I did a google image search of them and even the blue ribbon winners are ugly. The looked like ghostly carrots on steroids so at least your uglies show a bit of character.

london England, United Kingdom

Good to hear Bob had a good night.. He has probably missed your home cooking, happy shopping!
Great description of a parsnip..... carrots on steroids haha!
Enjoy a relaxing day on Sunday and if you come in the cafe, please wear your Sunday best. Lol!

Louisville, KY

Zany, you need a cup of my "special" tea to see things like that. lol Come see me later.
Glad that Bob is home and doing well. I'm sure he is too.

Liverpool will do better next time. I'll fix 'em up with my homemade bourbon balls. Then we'll see who feels no pain. lol

The poetry meeting went fine. No one's danglies got tramped on too much. Mostly, we critique each other's work, which, done properly, is crucial for editing. Sometimes writers can't get out of their own ways to fine tune things. What's clear to the author is not always so for the reader, so the point is lost without clarity.
This is a very good buch of people who focus on crafting instead of letting personal opinion get in the way. I'm pretty lucky and have them to thank for a few pieces being tweaked just right.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

So nice to hear Bob is on the mend and is actually getting his rest, now Zany you be sure you get a nice cuppa and some rest as well.
We came back from the cabin today as we had things to do at home so Steve just put some corn out this morn when we got up and we headed back. There is a bit of ice on the pond as you can see.
I'd like to try some of those bourbon balls plantgeek, they sound yummy.
Thanks for the crossed fingers, no frozen pipes and the fridge was still running - we will shut it all down the last week of hunting and then have some cozy weekends at home until the thaw!
LOL on the geese, Terri you are a riot ducks??? MR ducks, no der not!
Sue, please soak your toes in the pool for me, will be a while before we can do that here again. Nice hottub weather though.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

As for the gourds I am almost embarassed, well that is if I were the embarassed type LOL! They are still on the pewter platter on the table same as they were with the zinnias. So they sorta are the centerpiece for Thanksgiving.
Here is a photo of the pinetree that split at the cabin, we will cut it up in the spring.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

And here is Steve getting the corn out.
As for the protea, I am giving up. Have been reading about it and doubt it would grow here even inside, itis some gorgeous stuff and I was amazed at the cost of an arrangement upward of $150, but as you say Terri sounds like it lasts for 3+ weeks.

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Oh my goodness! There's a riot going on at the cafe !!!!
Geese, ducks whatever!!!!!!!! quack quack hiss! Lol.

Nice to have you back Candee, flying visit to the cabin! It looks very beautiful this time of year but very cold with the ice on the pond there. Lovely pictures, Thanks for remembering to take them!
Will you be making a Christmas tree arrangement with some of the pine branches?
The Protea arrangements sound Very expensive!!! I got 4 with foliage for £6.99 and thought that was a bit too much to spend LoL!

Plantgeek, do me a favour please? if anyone mentions the duck thing again..... get the whip out ok? lol!
Sounds like you had a splendid evening with fellow poets and writers.
Good idea for the Bourbon balls they certainly didn't play with any today!! Maybe I'm being a bit harsh it was a draw we didn't actually lose!!

Chillax on Sunday everyone!

Louisville, KY

What a beautiful place to get away to Candee. What are those little trees in the foreground of the first pic? Love the color of the bark and the way they stand out against the pond. Great shot. I bet your cabin is a wonderful place in the spring too, full of wildflowers and critters scurrying about.

Ok Terri, whip is in hand. lol Somebody please say duck.
LOL. One box of balls on the way. When's the next game?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh dear, she has that whip ready to crack... the very idea quacks me up. . . I'm going to wassle out of her reach ... the rest of you DUCK!

Humansville, MO

we will make a home for any animal
they are all welcome
we had pancake and egg this morning
the egg sure were good

Louisville, KY

LOLOL! She said the majic word! Twice. That's eggsactly what I wanted to hear. Run Forrest, run...

Elle, that sounds yummy. It seems that animals know they are welcome here too. Every stray and lost critter in the neighborhood comes here. The word is out.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

elle, pancakes and eggs sound wonderful and we have that for supper sometimes, not with fresh eggs though, that is your speciality.
Those trees plantgeek are a type of flowering locust if I recall correctly and the leaves have a sweet taste to them. It is a nice weekend getaway, but you know what they say about having a second place, twice the work. But twice the pleasure as well.
Believe you are in for quite a whippin there Zany with all that quackin up.
Terri feel free to come and get all the pine branches and pine combs you can carry, bring a huge cyber truck cause not only do we have many pines at home, there are hundreds more at the cabin and acorns and other nuts for your wreaths desire.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone...... It's pancake day, tuck in!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Have them while they are hot!

Back later! no more quacking please!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now those are some flippin flapjacks!!!
Here is my cyber arrangement for the cafe, how do you like it next to the wall there?

Thumbnail by haighr
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Hanging my head in shame... please accept this cyber bouquet as a token of my apology for my shameless behavior.

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

lol you got great duckies zany, I just started a new thread for cyber arrangements, check it out. Figured I would use my posies that are finished for the season and create more arrangements to keep me busy while inside!

london England, United Kingdom

Love your cyber arrangements ladies! very clever, especially the goose dish!!
Like the way you managed to get the eggsact green wall Candee. Sue will be pleased!

Which reimnds me, Sue (our cafe designer) was asking us to think about our Christmas cafe and how we would like it. Any ideas? keep modern or go traditional, what do you all think?
I know you are all in Thanksgiving mode but Sue would like some imput please!

Plantgeek 88! Our next game is on wednesday. Champions League, the top teams in Europe are in this competition. Liverpool have won it 5 times, which is more than any other club in England.
We also have a song about that!! another time. lol!

elle, Thank you for accepting the animals to your farm!!
Candee, yes please! I'll send the cyber truck over to collect all your lovely stuff for christmas goodies, Thank you!
Zany, nice try. she's still looking for you Run Forrest Run! Your bouquet sure is purdy! Thank you.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm running... If life is like a box of chocolates...why am I left craving it so bad?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I think a free for all Christmas is in order. We can mix styles and worry about cleaning it up for New Years.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That is a nice idea Zany, that way we can all design what we like and bring it in to share regardless of mod or not. I was first thinking that all ultra mod would be fab, but not everyone is up for that and some may like the traditional reds and greens. So we could just use different themes in different areas of the cafe, for instance:

In the powder rooms and sitting areas perhaps put the mod stuff in brilliant colors.
Keep the traditional reds and greens in the reading/meditation room.
But then what for the front cafe entrance?

Louisville, KY

Zany, Zany, can run but you can't hide. Eventually, you will have to come out for chocolate, like the ones I have here glistening like jewels, filling the air with their dark rich goodness. Mmmmmmmm...

Candee, thanks for the tree ID. The best honey I ever had was from a honey locust tree. A rare commodity too, but if you like the stuff, I highly recommend it.

Yummers on the flapjacks Terri. Eggsactly what was needed to start the day.

How 'bout a woodsy look in the front? Candee, could we use a few boughs of your felled pine tree? I've got tons of mistletoe, fountain grass plumes, porcelain berries, holly berries, wreaths of rush and moss.

Go Liverpool!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

check it out!


Louisville, KY

ROFL! This is too good. Ok, I'll let you off the hook this time. I'll even send you a box of orange slices dipped in dark organic chocolate, because this deserves a prize.
Danged but if that doesn't look tastey. I'll have to see if I can sweet talk DW into cooking it. She loves goat cheese, and I think it tastes like a wet goat smells, but perhaps not with this recipie.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL I redeemed myself! Orange slices wit dark chocolate!!! YUMMY That does sounds heavenly.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, just a quick flit by to drop in soemfresh flowers.
Yum Terri, those pancakes are eggsactly what I want!
Candee and Zany, well done on the cyber arrangements! What a great idea. That chocolate nosh looked bizarre Zany!
Hey Geek, you asked me something way back in this thread, but I can't remember what it was? Anyway, gidday gidday!
Cheerio, must go!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That bucket is just duckie Sue. You have a big task to keep us wintereroverers warm sunny and fullo posies for the months ahead. You are doing a fab job, thanks! What are the purple thingies?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Being semi-nontradational as I am, I never care if the pie is eaten before, during or after the T-day feast. Hellppa youselvesss!

Thumbnail by haighr
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Candee, the purple thingies are Verbena, and there are shasta daisies, leek flowers and centaurea foliage. The bucket is my ash bucket from the fireplace, but being spring, it's not needed.
When is T-day? Yummmmm! What kinda pie is it? (I eat anything 'cept parsnips)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I am so glad Candee serves pie early!

Thumbnail by Zanymuse
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

turkey day is tomorrow Sue but the cooking starts early.
Zany so glad you gotta piece, don't forget to share with Bob, he is likely mighty hungry after all you both have been through. I do hope that is real whipped cream you dobbed on top?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just droppin in with my 10" chocolate, chocolate cheesecake. Be careful this will fill you up quick - don't worry I used lowfat cheese LOL!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, Just popping in quackly to say hello and to wish you all a great Thanksgiving time!
Bagsy first slice of the choc choc cheesecake, it looks FANTASTIC!! I showed it to Katie, she said WOW I want one Mum!!! Thank you for the treats and have fun.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Will do and happy you are havin such a good visit with sis, say hey for us.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Of course it is real whipped cream! Non of that fakey stuf on a perfect pumpkin Pie!

You are really hitting me in the hunger zone with all these yummies!

Poor Bob is going through a rough spell and has not been able to eat for the past few days. He ran a fever of 101 for 4 days, his foot is swollen to the point the skin cracked and he has hic coughs so bad he can't sleep. We spent all morning at the emergency room and I just got him home and back into bed with his foot up on pillows, some stronger antibiotics, muscle relaxers, and a sleeping pill. I was late for work but he was finally sleeping when I left the house and should stay out for at least 10 hours according to the Doctor...just in time to knock him out again for the night when I get home.

So far they still say that they are going to be able to save his foot so we are trying to remain positive.

I'm bushed and a bit on the cranky side but I think I'm going to go ahead and bake him a sugar free pumpkin pie this weekend since he's been trying so hard. (I have to work Thursday and Friday so we were planning TG dinner on Sunday with my Mom and Brother).

Now where did Terri make off to with that chocolate cheese cake...

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Quack quack Terri, and gobble gobble to our American friends. All the yummies look scrummy.
Sorry about Bob Zany. It must be quite a juggling game to keep on working and running the house as well as looking after his needs. I hope you have plenty of friends and family for support? I hope his foot starts to heal (heel...LOL) soon! Corny I know! Doh.....,
So pumpkin pie is the go for Turkey day? I only ever had it once, and I'm pretty sure it was yummy! I must make one next year when I harvest all my pumpkins!
Cheers everyone.

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