The Flowerpot cafe' XV (15)

Louisville, KY

Hahahaha!!! You betcha. I knew there were kindred spirits here.

(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone! I just thought I'd pop by and see how you all were!

Sue, love the frog with the snail! Too cute!

Candee, You look great riding the jeep! I should get me one of those!

Terri, I love the tea party! Are those tulips tied up with raffia? I really like the look and am going to have to try it myself!!! Oh and did you make those cakes? I've always had a soft spot for cake :) I had to close off the picture cause I almost started droooooooooooooooling.......they look sooo goooood!

Who the new helper in the cafe? She really fits in with the new modern art deco style.


I just found this picture of Bella from when we were moving back in April. Her and Coco are both in the box and we're a big hit with everyone who was helping us move!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Humansville, MO

i got 6 egg so far
in about a week and a half
we do not know how many laying we got 8 hen

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Steven, Bella will be a great addition to the cafe. Watch out for her help when moving though. I had a cat named Oscar that moved to Ohio without me once. My sister had been staying with me and when she packed to leave he crawled into a box and went with her. When she opened the box he jumped out, hungry and a little dehydrated but ok. Lol he ended up as a mouser in their barn. Big city cat turned country.

(Zone 6a)

hahahahaha, thats too funny Zany! Oscar the traveling cat!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah, the funny part was that my sister doesn't even like cats. But Oscar decided she was his person and would follow her everywhere. It drove her crazy but he was determined she was going to accept him and he would always bring his catches right to her and drop them at or on her feet. LOL he was wooing her in his mind and grossing her out in hers. Needless to say...I loved it!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a zany story Zany, what an interesting story you always bring to happy hour! Can't imagine the surprise of your sister with that box.
Hey Steven, glad we coerced you back in here, knew you couldn't stay away. Bella is always the bell of the ball and I know why, she is a beaut!
Sorry you missed the scrumptious treats, but sure there will be more to come expecially this time of year.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Steven! Nice to see you and Bella at the cafe, (and everyone else of course)!!
Thanks! glad you liked the arrangements. The collar is ready made from sisel (fabric) and very handy to use for a quick Hand tie. Our new helper is the very stylish Madam Woodonthewall, with Miss Bruggy still working part time!!
Got home late tonight! Just popping in quickly to tell you our good news today. We have been at katie's school for an Award ceremony, watching her collect her award, I was so proud of her, tears and all!! It was for Personal Social and Health Education! eh?
We didn't have that subject when I was at school. LOL Anyway an Award is an Award, right?!!

Sue, not hassling you honeybunny!!!! feel free to bring mush and leaves anytime!!
Candee, MD Maryland of course!!!!!! seems so obvious now that you've told me! Sounds like a lovely place to live.
Plantgeeky, So Sue's got mushy flowers, and you fell for that one?!!!!! LOL
Glad you like the Protea 'cos I'm making you a fresh cuppa tomorrow.
elle 6 eggs is half a dozen, soon it will be dozens of eggs to collect!! maybe you will bake a cake for us with your eggs?!!
Zany, lol oscar, famous travelling cat!!

Have a good night all, see you tomorrow! Leaving a couple of table arrangements.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Bear grass and red roses......

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That first one Terri- is that a bunny ear tribut to Bella? They are so stylish and fit right in of course. Big congrats to Katie and her oh so very proud family. Never heard of that course at my age either, but guess things have really changed since the old "home ec" courses! LOL.
Good idea for the eggs, elle what are you going to make with them. How long do fresh eggs keep? Do you refrigerate them after gathering? Curious blonde questions here.

Louisville, KY

Congratulations Terri! That's great news. I'm sure your kiddo was proud too. I'm sending y'all a virtual sampler box of organic hazelnut truffles, dried mango slices dipped in kiwi flavored yogurt and mandarin orange sections lavished in dark chocolate. Enjoy.

Steven, welcome back. I do remenber you from Sue's place. What a cute bunny. We are begining to assemble a small barnyard here with all the critters we have. Whoohoo! The more the merrier.

Zany, that's a great cat story. I have read that when cats present us with their kill (or nearly killed), they are sometimes trying to teach us how to hunt. This is what mama cats do with their young. But in you kitties' case, he may have been trying to impress your sister into letting him stay. lol

Six eggs! My mouth is watering Elle. I'm on my way over. lol I do love real eggs and they are so much healthier. I read they contain lechithin, which is lacking in factory farm eggs. The lechithin negates the bad cholesterol in egg yolks to some degree. And they just taste so much better. We can get things like that at farmer's markets while they are in season, but after that, it's off to the health food stores and their high prices and questionable definitions of free-range chickens.

Love the bunny ears also Terri. We have a creek here named Beargrass Creek. I never thought of the grass being used for decoration. Yours look elegant.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dibs on the choc covered mandarins and I don't even care for chocolate that much. I just had 5 of them and they are almost gone, if nobody takes the other 5 I'll be back later!

Humansville, MO

we have not try them yet
i might get dave to cook
they are small
it would take 3 to make 1
i might try 1 today

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What are they elle, chickens or cornish game hens ???

Humansville, MO

they are chicken

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, yes it can be a tribute to Bella's ears or whatever you want! Thank you.
I hope you saved some of those chocolate mandarin sections for the rest of us? No dibbing!!

Hi Plantgeek, Thank you for the chocs, the hazelnut truffles are absolutely yummmmmy!
Beargrass creek sounds like a lovely place. The florists sell Beargrass around here sometimes, it's quite expensive for a small bundle. Most of the time they won't sell you any foliage!!!

Hi elle, so Dave cooks... Cool! The chickens look like young ones, how old are they when they start to lay eggs? Us city folk are not familiar with the ways of chickens!!

Been watching England v Germany football tonight! Had a few friends round so I didn't get time to make your cuppa plantgeek Soz!!
Have a good night all.

P.S. Hope you are feeling better Sue and it stops raining soon!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

They look like a happy bunch of cluckers there elle, hope they step up their production to your expectations if they haven't already.

Louisville, KY

Hey Terri, would you like some beargrass seeds? Grow it yourself and save money.
No problem on the cuppa. I was warming my hands around a mug of ginger-peach green tea sweetened with agave nectar. I can now feel my toes. lol
Did your team win?

Elle, those are some very nice looking chickens.Occasionally, we will brave the crowd at the state fair, slough through grease fatted air, pork-butt-on-a-stick, green-hued children who have just gotten off the tilt-a-whirl, and make our way to the livestock barn. Whew!
We mostly go there to pet the animals-goats are so personable- look at the different breeds of chickens and rabbits, horses, whatever else we can find.
Some of those chickens look like they are sporting 80's style doo. What a hoot. And others are truly beautiful, long colorful plumes that you would expect to find on a bird-of-paradise.

Humansville, MO

they are 5 month old
we are surize that they are laying
they do not lay much in the winter
we get 1 egg every other day
we got 8 hen
but we think only 1 or 2
are laying
i would like to have a cup of that tea
i am a tea nut


Louisville, KY

One humongous mug coming up Elle. :) And to go with it, thin slices of dried lime dipped in mango sauce.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!
Plantgeek, yes England won 2-1, so everything is hunky dory!
I would like some seeds please! Does it grow easy like ordinary grass? or does it need to be near a creek in wet conditions?
I have used some black Mungo grass here with the Tea time arrangement.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh black mungo grass, new one to me and I love it. Have to check if I can get some around here. The tea is lovely thanks so much and what are those things?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Glad you like the tea set Thank you! I've made a mistake, it is Mundo grass, I think!! Sue's the expert she has this black grass!! Wish I hadn't taken the pic with the black background because it really doesn't show the grass off well. The flowers are Protea and even though they were quite expensive they have been going for 3 weeks so far, so thats quite good value really Lol!
Are you going to the cabin this weekend? Hunting time and all that jazz!! Keep warm and enjoy yourselves. I bet it looks stunning around the cabin at this time of year? Photo's please this time darling!!

Hi everyone!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yep we are going up this afternoon and put some corn out and hope the pipes haven't frozen. We don't do them until after hunting season and it is always touch and go this time of year. We lost one fridge a few years ago as the newer ones cannot take the cold weather and the combo antifreeze and oil froze and ruined it. There was quite a mess as the freezer was full of deer meat and it had all thawed and run all over the floor, what a stinkin mess. Now we don't keep as much in it but still need to shut it off in the cold temps. Keep your fingers crossed for me that all is functioning.
Protea is another one I have not heard of, must go look at that one as well. I checked the black grass is hardy in our area so may have to try and get some next season,.
Wonder how karma is doing with her bloodgrass? Hope it is still thriving for her.
mittsy, haven't forgotten the seeds, believe it or not these gourds are still as firm as ever and still on the table.

Louisville, KY

Candee, for protea, check Silver Hill Seeds. There may be other nurseries here that carry it, but it's a South African shrub not hardy to our zone...sniff, sniff. It's also called a sugar bush.

Terri, I don't think beargrass needs to be in marshy conditions from what I've read. I have never grown it, but if it can survive our extreme temperature fluctuations, humidity and droughts, I'm sure it will do ok in your neck of the woods. I'll look around and Dmail you when I find some.

london England, United Kingdom

Oh good! you haven't gone yet then. I thought you may to on your way already.
I'll be keeping fingers and toes crossed for you, hope all is working well up there.
No idea about Karma, she's got better fish to fry these days lol, miss her though!
Would love to see the gourds again, are you going to make a Thanksgiving arrangement with them after the weekend? Have a great time, now I will miss you!

Louisville, KY

Have fun in the woods this weekend and I hope you catch dinner.
I'm gonna hafta beg some venison from my brother since my Dad has lost his taste for it.
Actually, he's just gotten lazy. lol

london England, United Kingdom

Howdy Plantgeek! Yay it's Friday!!!!!! are we rockin' tonight?
Thanks for checkin' out the seeds for me.
Was thinking, with all that sniffing you are doing.. we had better stock up the ladies room with tissues! Can anyone do origami? Lol.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Have a great week end everyone! Here's hoping for no frozen pipes. I have a busy weekend ahead with Bob returning from Frisco tonight, chores and taking Mom shopping and trying to teach my niece how to set up her web page and paypal account. She wants a online store but I doubt she will actually stick with it...Big dreams and little drive to make things work... Oh well, I'll help her and see what happens this time.

Louisville, KY

Funny, funny Terri. I'm blaming all the sniffling on traumatized sinuses and not the fact of winter. But y'all ain't buying that, are you? lol
Not much rockin' tonight unless you call poetry meetings a rip-roaring good time. You know us writers are a risque bunch who like to expose our apostrophes and dangle our participles in front of everyone. Woooo, better watch out.

Zany, sounds like you are going to need the whip this weekend. lol It's all yours. Congrats on your hubby coming home. Hope you two have a snuggly weekend.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, Pleased to hear Bob is coming home. Good luck with your neice and everything! I was going to ask how the latest Artworks are coming along, but I guess you have your hand full at the moment!
Have a nice weekend and don't work too hard!

Poetry group no less! I'd better watch my p's and q's !! you must cringe at my spelling, apostrophies and dangly bits lol! what the heck! This cafe will not disriminate against those that cannot write propa ok!! Hey have a great night! I shall be wondering around the cafe chatting to Madam woodonthewall (we have fab conversations).... we will be saying.

Plantgeek where art thou? !

london England, United Kingdom

Hey elle, I found some new ducks for your farm!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Terri, a flock of pigeons and a couple of geese do not a duck make!

london England, United Kingdom

LOL Zany, I told you I wasn't a country person, see I don't know the difference between ducks and geese!!!!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

**giggle** the geese could live on the farm and the pigeons are squab "on the hoof" so since both are edible and lay eggs I can understand a city gall being a bit confused.

london England, United Kingdom

I'm confused alright!

These parsnips are my friends...... HELP!

night night Zany!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

OOH! Do people really eat those ugly things?

Good night and sweet dreams

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ughhh! I hate parsnips (sorry terri) Do we need to move the cafe? Hows everyone coping with the long scroll to the bottom?
Have a nice time at the cabin Candee, and congratulations on Bobs return Zany, also good on you for helping your neice.
I like your Tea setting Terri, I too have the black Mondo grass and would never have thought of using it for arrangements! I must learn to think outside the square.
Let me know if we need to move, and if we require a new paint scheme.

london England, United Kingdom

Good afternoon flowerpot people!

Sorry for the UGLY parsnips!!!! hey you dis my parsnips! Actually they do not usually look like that, more like a carrot shape when you buy them in the shops!! These uglys are my homegrown efforts ok!

Sue, with all the cakes around here, the excercise is good!! I was thinking we could wait until after Thanksgiving to start the new Christmas cafe?
Mondo!!!!! I knew it was something like that! I only have a small clump of it so just snipped a few blades.
You probably have so much to choose from Sue, some stuff might get overlooked!!

Plantgeek, Have you got your Liverpool scarf on because we are playing in half an hour!
The pigeons I got for elle's farm are magical!!! look how they changed colour overnight.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Terri, silly rabbit, I would never laugh at your dangly bits. And sometimes we need to have our p's and q's run amok so that fun things come of chaos. So let the good times roll!
Love those pics BTW. What a beautiful park.

Here y'all, I brought fresh honeydew melon slices, drizzled with mango/kiwi sauce,(think tropical, stay warm) venison jerky, marinated in my own secret spices and to wash it all down hibiscus/raspberry tea sweetened with honey straight from the hive.

Those parsnips remind me of Medusa rush. Very cool.

Lurkey Sue! There you are. Been playing in the pool? I have to say I envy you. I'm not a winter person at all. My hands don't get warm again till spring. lol
How's the weeding biz? I'm sure it's kicking into high gear about now.

Go Liverpool!

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