The Flowerpot cafe' XV (15)

Louisville, KY

Yes, me too. Resistance is futile.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Treckies!!! Beam me up Scottie.........

london England, United Kingdom

Exotic fruit bowl, tuck in!

Love the dome Plantgeek!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Fresh fruit is good for you!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Wow! Hats off to you Terri. How beautiful. So yummy too! That really did make my mouth water.

Well. 'night all. Gotta go snuggle up and watch a movie. Oh darn. lol

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Plantgeek! Enjoy the movie .. snuggle snuggle!!!

Hey Sue!!!!!!!! Has Mummy gone home yet???

'night all.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

That is the perfect center piece for the Thanksgiving diner table!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Lovely arrangement, Teri. I love how your plant purchases show up in so many different places, and in so many different ways. You get a lot of bang for your money. The tea party was a great idea for the special guests Abygail and Ruth. Sorry I missed them.

Elle - I have vegetables and fruits from my yard, and thought about getting a few hens for some eggs. How many do you have, and are they a lot of work? Not sure if our city ordinances will allow me to have any....

I actually volunteered to work at a Star trek convention about 30 years ago when all the original stars were in it.

Humansville, MO

the chicken are no trouble
i feed them 2 time a day and water them
no egg the last two day
i miss it

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone

Thanks Zany, I didn't think of a Thanksgiving table when I made it!!
Thanks Dianne, I try to use the flowers a few times, first tall then short!!!!

Hi elle, Don't worry about the hen, I think she is a very special hen.
This morning I collected all these eggs she laid for us!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Just popping back in with some tea and coffee before I go out tonight!!

Coffee pot,....oooops, I spilt a bit!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Dianne, did you wear a costume for the Star Trek convention?

Tea anyone?

Have a great weekend, chillax guys!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

You too Terri. Very lovely arraignments, as always. I'm curious though as to how that chicken stamped its eggs, before or after laying them? lol

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Plantgeek, Very funny!! Actually I put the stamp on, it says ' elles fresh eggs' lol!!
Have a good one, Cheers mate!

Louisville, KY

Cheers to you too!

Soilsandup, that sounds like a great idea. I'd love to have a big yard full of critters.
Ellesgh, you have a really good thing there on a farm. I'm sure there are some things that are not easy, but to me, it's better to dodge road apples than idiot drivers everyday.

Humansville, MO

we are trying to make it like the old day farm
we are getting a calf or two
we try to grow our own veg.
and my flower
on a 40 A place

Louisville, KY

Elle, that sounds so wonderful. I would happy-dance myself stupid if I had 40 acres to play with. Hats off to y'all for giving it a go. I had a friend who did the same thing and I know it's not easy, but what a great way to live.
Some pals of mine are venders at a farmer's market and grow a lot of organic heirloom veggies and flowers, so much better than the crap sold in stores. If we want to feel real, we have to eat real. So there. lol
Good luck to you and if you are ever looking for seeds, let me know. I may be able to locate them or their sources.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hi everybody. Busy as all get out righ tnow, but the weathe rso lousey, just had to pop in and get a sniff from around the cafe and look at some beauty. 23F temps do a number on th eplants. Most everythign has gone dormant here. Stuffed some mum plants that trying to bug in gh and hopefully will have them to make an arrangement from.

Hope everybody is doign well and their gardens too!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

23f brrr. We are having a lovely break in the storms here today with the sun shining, temps in the high 60's to low 70's and the air so crispy clean from the last rains that you can see forever... too bad I'm stuck at home and not able to take a long drive in the country because today is the perfect day for it. But since I am stuck at home with the darling, I called my brother and talked him into taking my Mother out on a day trip around the lost coast. It is about a 5 hour drive along the coast, very steep, narrow, winding road with some of the most beautiful scenery and vistas on the planet. He's never been on it and Mom hasn't been out that way since 1998 when Dad was still able to travel some.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ruth loved the bouquet Terri, she raved about it all the way home. You have all been very busy it appears. elle, your chickens sure got productive when Terri threatened them with the hose if they didn't get busy and produce for you.
plantgeek a goat for you, now is that just for company or to help with the lawn mowing?
Zany, I will happily go along on that drive along the coast, but beware, if my eye begins to wander we may wind up in the ocean.
Dianne, I am not sure I would ask about chickens in Sacramento, all that clucking could get your neighbors stirred up LOL!
Steven, haven't seen you in a while, you doing okay or frozen solid these days.
We had temps as high as 78 F yesterday and today had some snow showers - talk about weird weather?
Nice to be back and those teas etc were all a welcome sight for these tired eyes, knees, elbows LOL! Not long till T-day and another house full, but will be ready when it gets here. Hope we can all take turns with that centerpiece, our meal will be around noon, so if I could use it from 12-1 that would be great!

Louisville, KY

LOL. The goat would be for company, not much lawn to speak of since I replaced grass with blooming things. Goats are very cool critters, love the eyes too.

We get weird weather like that all the time here, so much so, that no one pays it much attention and if we don't get it, something's wrong. lol

My DW and I have decided to stay home for Tday this year and stuff ourselves with grilled scallops, shrimp and something green, watch a good movie, tell each other silly jokes, smooch and enjoy the quiet. No drunks on the roads to contend with, no blustery realatives, and no danged football game blaring on the TV for the boys to watch while we are expected to clean up. Whoohoo!!! I'm so thankful. lol

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a great plan plantgeek. We used to do the seafood thing at Christmas holiday just for a change from traditional. I do a lot of cookin on t-day, but do a lot the day ahead and then not so much to do on the big day. I don't have a dishwasher so I do wind up with a lot after, but doing a day ahead not so much initially.
We do our quiet smooching at Christmas while we are away on R&R.
Lucky you not much kentucky grass to contend with, we have been working on the same thing, hence our isle of dreams that too care of a lot of mowing.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Candee and geek, whens T-day? is that thanksgiving?
We have seafood at xmas, because its usually so darned hot! The last few years we've had some of the neighbours over for a champagne breaky, then we all jump in the pool! The visitors usually have to go to their rellos houses for lunch, so me and Bill are left to finish off the bubbly and smooch also! I can't wait, it also means 2 weeks off from weeding others gardens!
I think Steven never forgave me for trying to steal his orchid when at my house the other month. I haven't seen or heard from him since, not even a thankyou for putting him up, but I guess thats to be expected for being such a rotten host and wanting his orchid for myself!
I have been lurking but been busy with some stuff so haven't had much time to stop in for a chat. I have been following the conversation though, so don't forget, I'm watching you's!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Louisville, KY

Wow, what is that tree with purple blooms? How beautiful! Love to have one.

Yes, T-day is Thanksgiving, also known as turkey day (for being a turkey if you get out in the madnness of traffic).

Your X-mas sounds wonderful. I'll go for that!
We mostly keep to ourselves that day too, except for one quick obligatory visit to deliver a few goodies to a niece and nephew who are too young to understand that some folks don't celebrate xmas. Then, it's back home to snuggle up with the cats and snakes, our housefull of plants, each other and much silliness,chocolate, smooches... and the rest is none of your all's buisness. lol

Ok Lurkey Sue, don't wear yourself out and keep in touch.
Candee, more dreaming, less mowing.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 27 this year. The cooking begins on Wednesday at my house.
I understand the no celebrate with gifts and a lotta hoopla on Christmas plantgeek. Steve and I go away every Christmas and have been doing so since the kids have been out on their own. They all come home for T-day and opening of deer season but then off to their inlaws at the Christmas holiday.
I'll be jumping in a pool as well this Christmas Sue, as we will be in PV for the holiday. No gift exchange at all and we just get a few things for the grandbabies. Sounds like you have a great neighborly day planned for yourselves.
Sue, what is that, it is so nice to see your warm gardens and hear your warm tales. Please pop in often as you can.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

With the kids all living so far away and none of us able to travel the distance we are ignoring the whole season pretty much. I did buy 2 turkeys while they are on sale because we both love it. I'll cook one and then seal the cooked meat up in meal size packets in the freezer and keep the other frozen until we need it for more lunch meats. It sure tastes better than the stuff the call sliced turkey in the deli dept.!
I always volunteer to man the fort at the power plant gate so the younger folks with families at home can take the time off to be with them on the holidays.

I don't think anyone here will be swimming unless they go to the gym. The rivers are a bit cold and muddy this time of year. But the fishermen will be out in mass.

I was just noticing that I spend most of my DG time in this and the Artisans forums... funny because I am not much of an artist or a flower arranger! So it must be all the great people who are that attract me. I am in awe of all the true talent here.

london England, United Kingdom

Weather report... 47f today cold,wet and windy!!!!!
Hi everyone, Good to hear you are all ok.
Lurker Sue, How are you going to fill up the tables with modern arrangements lurking??? that will never do!!
Never mind watching we need some Action around here!! I wanna see your big leaves!! lovely purple thingy tree! begins with T has a B in it and A at the end, but can't remember the name!!

Smoochy smoochy talk going on, then say its none of our business!!! LOL lurve is in the air!!
Zany, Hope your Mum enjoyed the drive, gave you and Bob some 'alone' time eh? LOL! Hope he's getting better.
Star, Nice to see you, glad you enjoyed the sniff around the cafe!
Candee, Good Ruth like the bouquet. It must seem quiet at home this week without them?
I guess you are all going to be busy cooking, please share your cakes with me!!

We miss you Steven, come back one day!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Zany, we love having you around here! Thanks for joining our cafe and being great fun. We posted at the same time.
I take so long to type, you wouldn't believe it!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Close up, proteas,chrysanths,rose petals,chinese lantern,carnations, coloured pins,Poppy seed heads sprayed gold.

Got to go and feed my chicks! Have a good evening all.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, didn't mean to miss you out, did your hen lay today?

london England, United Kingdom

Dianne, I haven't heard that expression 'get a lot of bang for your money' I guess I do, LoL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We use a lot of slang phrases here in the states terri. Love that arrangement, looks really hot, hot in the cafe.
Glad you are "cattle prodding" Sue, she needs to start gathering those poseys, perhaps if she take a bit of time next week instead of laying round the pool on her holiday, she will make something then??? hint, hint

As for me, still staring at those same gourds but w/o the zinnias for accent. Guess I need to go out and collect some new grasses as Tasha and Mike brought me a wonderful vase back from PR and Ruth gave me a new little vase when she was here. If I just had some doggone flowers!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Thanks! Where is PV and PR?
I was wondering if we were going to see those gourds again! How do they look now? you have lots of beautiful pines, grasses and cones to use! Oh and I really would like to see your new vases, if you please!

I'd say it's a gentle nudge, rather than the cattle prod treatment LoL! I'll leave the whip for Plantgeek to sort her out!
Sue, I think you deserve the lurker cake this week, Congradulations!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

PV is Puerta Vallarta, MX and PR is Puerto Rica.
Yes I have things to use, but it is almost dark when I get home and today it snowed all the way home over the mts and the wind is brutal, so when I hit the door I don't venture back outside. This weekend we are going to the cabin and then t-day and then hunting season for a week so will get those grasses together soon as I can.
Will post the vase it is really nice wood and goes well with our decor here.
The gourds are still firm and look good as the first day I got them. When they go to seed I promised some to mittsy, where is she by the way???

london England, United Kingdom

I dunno!
Miss Mittsy too and hope she is keeping well along with all our other friends that used to visit the cafe!
Thanks for explaining what those letters stand for! Is it warm in PR at Christmas then?
You had snow! no wonder you don't want to venture out when you get home. Same here, it's dark when I get home too. Is it a working day on Friday after Thanksgiving or is it holidays also?
I like the sound of your wood vase. Do I have a wood vase? can't think of one if I have, I wonder.. LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hagerstown, MD? whats that? I'm learning stuff today, I wasn't paying attention in school 30 years ago!!
Humansville MO? Thanks Miss.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Thanks for the cake Terri, and love the sparkelrs on the first one!
Too wet for flower picking and I think they all is mush!
The purple tree is a Jacaranda, and there is a cerise Bouganvillea climbing the large conifer. I took the picture while out driving in the country on a drizzly sunday. we were checking out a five acre property that is going cheap. We do that alot!
Puerta vallata and Puerto rica? Isn't that where the love boat used to dock? and also Acapulco?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yes Sue on PV and the love boat I believe. PR is in the caribbean and PV is on the west coast of Mexico as well as Acapulco. We try to hit the warm spots every Christmas holiday, but try not to visit the same place twice.
Jacaranda, I have heard of that now that you bring it up and it is lovely. So you are always house shopping, certainly not with that beautiful estate we all came to visit or are you planning an even larger estate for our next trip down under???
Now Terri is more info for you, yes we live in Hagerstown, MD, but hence not the name. Steve's last name is Haigh and his nickname has always been haighr and hence my favorite name selected for DG, just in case you thought haighr was short for Hagerstown, which we fondly refer to as Hagersbush as it is "in the sticks" - Now I must tell you it is a great location up in the western maryland mountains and just a 1 1/2 hour drive from Washington DC and Baltimore so not too remote.

Louisville, KY

Sue! Good to see ya. Although I have to say I had my whip all ready, oiled and eveything. lol Oh well, I'll just shuffle off and put it back in its lonely boring little case, sniff, sniff... Here I go now, sniff, sniff... Has anyone been bad? lol

Oooh, I'd love to have that 5 acre lot. I would cetainly plant a jacaranda tree there. Too bad they won't grow here.

Ahhh!!! The Love Boat, not that again! Run while you can.
A warm place long away from snow sounds great though. Good for you all Candee. I'd rather have a tropical sunburn that frostbite anyday. Hope y'all have a wonderful time.

Terri, I love the last arraingement! It's very cool. Protea is a an awesome plant.

Zany, save me a fishin' spot if you will. Fresh fish sounds great.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hey plantgeek, don't put the whip away, sure there will be a use for it. Just stick it in the umbrella stand by the door where we can get at it readily.

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