The Flowerpot cafe' XV (15)

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Have a good weekend.

Candee, Thanks! Have a great week with your grandbaby and MIL!
Will that be the last mowing of the year?

Dianne, Thank you! About that Arum lily arrangement, in the mag it says....
This design uses two containers in the form known as 'straight and crossing' Euphorbia stems stand vertically, with Phormium (varigated New Zealand flax) leaves as the crossing lines. Arum lilies, and small branches of green skimmia are used low to complete the arrangement.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you create with your 'potential stuff'!!
Why (may I ask) are you wearing purple to your 'black and white' ball ?!!! Have fun anyway!

Here's an arrangement for the cafe. I used Iris leaves and Roses..

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A bit closer..

I'm off out to watch Liverpool, win hopefully!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Can't chat long, dinner party to attend.
Terri and Sue, gorgeous flowers and arraingments! Hat's off. I love seeing new plants too.

Soilsandup, hat's off to you too for taking care of the kitties. And yes, snakes and cats may be an unusual mix, but you should see all the other creatures I wanted to bring home.

Ok, Zany, Candee, all of y'all, have a great evening.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi plantgeek (love your name)! Thanks!
Hope you enjoyed your dinner party and are not feeling too hung over today!! Don't forget to tell Dianne about your spider friend too!.
Liverpool won... Happy days!!!!!
Dianne, Did you dance the night away???

Hello lurkers!

Louisville, KY

Morning everyone. Nope, not a bit hung over, a little too much roasted squash perhaps.

Ah yes, Spider. Sue has this huge spider that was gracious enough to allow me to fit a saddle onto her and took me for rides to the beach and into the bush. She also accompanied me through customs "to negotiate" getting seeds passed. Sweet gal.

Congratulations Terri on your teams victory!

london England, United Kingdom

Are you going to turn into a Liverpool supporter???? YAY!!!!!!

On the Menu today we have EGGS......

Boiled...... (a yellow rose)!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Sunny side up!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Louisville, KY

Bravo! A most excellent display of courses. I cannot chose, they all are so wonderful, so I will have to have one of each.

Ahhhhhh...most satisfying. Thank you Terri. :)

I'm now whipping up a batch of organic muffins stuffed full of fresh-picked blueberries,
Mandarin orange and pecan scones, and huge pot of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.

Brunch is served y'all. Go Liverpool!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dianne, I have the same queston - purple to a b&w ball? Very ingenious on your part. Now if it was a black and blue ball I would understand the use of purple LOL.
Excellent arrangements, now am sorry that I mulched my iris leaves the other day after mowing. Mowing will be over when the leaves are all down as I like to mulch them. Congrats Terri on your win.
I love the scrambled eggs they look like the ones I made this morn with cheese and steak.
Abygail arrived yesterday and she and Tasha are visiting this afternoon, they don't fly out until Tues and hopefully not into hurricane Paloma that is in the caribbean. MIL Ruth came this morn and we are watching the boob tube right now.
plantgeek, that sounds like quite a batch of food and the coffee sounds irrestible, may I trouble you for a cup? I can send Madame Woodsy to fetch it.

london England, United Kingdom

Plantgeek, thanks, LoL no- one can eat 3 eggs surely!! Paul Newman ate 50 in a film can you beat that?!!
Ohhh your scones sound delicious, 3 please! A friend of mine went to Jamaica on holiday and she brought me some of that Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. It is really nice, very expensive here!
Thank you for the treats today! ...... Please may I have another cup?

Hi Candee, Thank you. Good to hear you are feeding them all top quality scran over at your place!
Hope the hurricane doesn't cause any damage and they are all safe. Have fun!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

plantgeek88, I reread a few of the posts here and you mentioned that you have been busy running 2 businesses. Can I be nosey and ask what kind of businesses they are? I struggle keeping the house up with just one job these days.

Terri, will that last arrangement stand on it's own or does it have hidden support? It looks so neat I may try to copy it when the roses are in bloom again.

Soils, a teapot would be great. I actually drink tea a lot more often than coffee.

I started thinking about the many pets we have had over the years. Of course there were the dogs and cats and guinee pigs, and hamsters and rats, a toad in a terririum, a tarantula, a crawdad, freshwater aquariums and a 100 gallon salt water tank, parakeets, myna bird, cockatiels, canaries, a duck named Danald Duck, lizards, snakes, a cricket, a possum, a racoon, a fat hen that never layed an egg, a goat and Elizabeth the lamb. LOL and no, we lived in the city and not a farm with all of those!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I got interrupted while typing that last entry and when I came back and hit the send button I see I missed the wonderful brunch you prepared. A boiled egg and a pecan scone with a cup of tea sounds lovely. Yummy, and I didn't have to cook!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi zany, yes it stands on it's own, no hidden support, just in a vase of water. The coloured wire is keeping the Iris leaves together at the top.
Hope Bob is recovering well?
WoW! that it a list and a half of pets!! I like the fat hen that never laid an egg... lol!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, I had to open the pictures and look again before my old eyes could see the dark vase. Now it makes sense!

Yeah, I always thought it was a rooster in drag because it kept trying to crow. It sounded like a sick canary and strutted like a rooster. I named her Confusion. She was almost as funny as Danold who was a mallard drake who thought he was a dog because my mutt at the time rasied him. Silly thing would even try to fetch the newspaper by dragging it across the lawn. Come to think of it I do believe that duck was the best watchdog we ever had.

Louisville, KY

Please y'all, help yourselves to the goodies. There's plenty, buckets, boatloads. lol

And yes Terri, I can beat 50 eggs...with a whip. hahahahaha

Candee, living with so many critters must have been wonderful. And they seem like they were quite the characters too. I can just picture the duck dragging the paper and the hen must have been a hoot.
I had a tarantula once. Got her because the landlord's son kept hitting on me and was too stupid to understand rejection. I knew he was terrified of spiders, so I bought one, let him see it and when he came bothering again, I invited him inside, shut the door quickly and asked him if he would help me look for my new pet that had escaped from her tank.
I'm evil, yes, evil. bwahahahaha
So, it worked.

You are not being nosy at all Zany. I'm a painting contractor, getting too worn out for the job. Very toxic as well. So I have decided this year to start a plant business dealing with succulents, cacti, tropicals, unusuals, terrariam plants and endangered species.
Can't make a cent as a poet unless you are teaching, and good luck getting a position anywhere. So I thought I would go for something that I love doing instead of what I have to do. I would not want to have the deathbed regret of never trying.
It has been slow, navigating obstacles, but I guess I have to be like a seed and wait for the rain.
Whew, that was a mouthful. Time for some java.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi All - only have a few minutes, but wanted to pop in with a freshly brewed pot of Chrysanthemum tea for Zany and anyone else who wants some. Sorry Plantgeek - no java for now...hopefully you will be able to take a breather every now and then with your busy life.

Terri - loved all the different offerings of eggs you had. My, my, there were lots of other goodies to be had too.

The black and white ball is called that to signify that it is an occasion to dress in your finery - since there was going to be so many black and white dresses there, I decided to go with purple. I had a great time - closed up the place at half past midnight.

Loved all the stories about your various pets. I do have to clarify that it is my daughter who is fostering the kittens, I am just helping her out now and then. They are the cutest things though.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

soilsandup thanks for the lovely tea. It was a real pick-me-up.

plantgeek88, painting is definately something that gets harder with age, especially ladder work. The plant business sounds a lot more fun!

The Home health nurse came out and attatched Bob's wound vac. today and said the wound is starting to close in a bit which is good. He goes back to Frisco in 3 weeks. So far so good!

Humansville, MO

so glady bob doing good
here have some fresh egg
they are the first from my chicken
i love the tea

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Hope the relos are all well and being looked after propa like!!

elle, Thanks for the fresh eggs! Good idea to bring some in, Plantgeek ate the last lot!!!
Will you be making Christmas goodies?

Zany, Great name for your hen, confusion LOL!!
Good news that Bob is on the mend, hope he's not tiring you out yet!!

Plantgeek, that was so cruel frightening the poor chap like that !!!! lol
Good luck with the new plant business, as you say, it's better than having regrets.

Dianne, Glad you enjoyed the ball, coming home after Cinderella time!!!
Thanks for the Chrysanth tea on the menu, they are pretty huge! and what a lovely teapot you have there.
I'm sure the tea drinkers will enjoy that brew!

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Fresh eggs! I do love eggs and fresh are mighty nice for a change.Thanks!

We are getting rain today but it is a warm rain and the temp is still sitting at 60 degrees. I found one of the grandkids left me a little present of their little water color set. You know the type with the hard little squares of color. I decided to give it a try... LOL kids paint on typing paper... I did a goldfish and a rooster. It was rather fun. I may just splurge on some real water colors and papers and see what I can do...I have no talent or skill but playing is rather relaxing and stress relieving.

I told Bob I think I'll paint a bunch of different pictures and do what most no talent hacks do with their not so great pieces...wrap them up and give them as gifts... after all, who doesn't like to get hand made gifts from untalented friends and family ;~)

london England, United Kingdom

Zany Darling, ...... You DO have talent!
We have your Beautiful Artworks hanging here at the cafe and everyone loves them!
Keep chillaxing with your painting, you're doing great. looking forward to your next creation.

Freezing rain over here to report! Hate winter! moan moan.......
Night night all.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL, I'll have to add you to my gift list :~}

Humansville, MO

yes i will be making some for xmas
but what i do not know yet

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! are we still open? think I see a light through the window!!

Yay! I'm on Zany's gift list , Thank you!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wow, I am glad I stopped in for that cuppa Dianne, exactly what I need right now, as it is raining and stuck inside.
Zany, confusion is the best name I have ever heard that is a hoot and glad to hear Bob's wound is healing, you must be taking great care of him.
plantgeek, sounds adventurous to start a new business, good for you. Right now you better get busy with that whip cause elle showed up with a bunch of eggs and am sure she has lots more.
Please allow me to introduce MIL Ruth and Abygail. They can't stay long as Ruth is going home today, but she has been having lots of fun with Abygail. Aby is now speaking O'la as if she is the one in PR LOL!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lest I not forget Casey who is fondly called "bad dog" that is what Tasha and Aby call him and it fits!

Love the stained glass window we had installed, this is the first I had seen it!

Thumbnail by haighr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Candee, Ruth and Abygail,
Thanks for popping in to see us, you look so cosy on the sofa together, precious times!!
Just the thing to do on a rainy day.
'bad dog' looks very good to me!!!

Here'a a little Tea party for Abygail and Grandmas Ruth and Candee!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Abygails chair

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london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Some cakes for you all!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Abygail is getting so big! Wasn't she born just a couple of days ago? That picture of Ruth and Abygail is priceless. It really captured the feeling of shared fun together.

Terry, that tea party looks grand and inviting. How do you fing time to come up with so many different arrangements!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Zany, I seem to have 100's now don't I? LoL!
I've been trying to put a portfolio together, but I never know which ones to choose!
I usually spend a day making different things (when the housework needs doing)! and hope that they will fit in one of the threads during the week!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well, Abygail just finished sitting on her throne Terri, eating all those fabulous treats and washin them down with the smily teas. You are too kind friend.
Zany, I cannot agree more, where does the time go? She was 2 in October and is she ever a dollbaby. Thanks so much.
Terri if you were here you might have a different perspective on bad dog LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Glad you enjoyed the tea party!
Here's a bouquet for Ruth to take home with her, nice meeting you! Merry Christmas!
Safe journey home.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Humansville, MO

i here but no time to help the cafe
the goat are driving me craze
every time i go chick my chichen
they get in the yard
you need to go thought the goat to get to the checken
got 4 egg so far
none today
need to work today

london England, United Kingdom

Hi elle, Sorry the goats are driving you crazy. That must be life in the Boonies! LoL
Have a good day at work.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

elle, tell those goats they better behave cause it has been years since I had a roasted goat! 4 eggs. That is breakfast for two. It sounds like they are starting to get the idea of what they are supposed to do.

Terri, from what we have seen here you should have one thick portfolio of wonderful and unique arrangements already!

Candee, has it really been 2 years already? My the time flies.

Louisville, KY

Mmmmmm... roasted goat. It's not too baahaahaad. Sorry, couldn't let that one go. lol
I promise not to eat it all like I did the eggs. But they were so danged good.

Thanks for the eggs Ellesgh. There is nothing better than farm fresh. Real food!

What a wonderful pic Candee. Truly precious.

Good to hear Bob is doing well. I see he tried my remedy of dried Zanubian cave crickets. Tastes like crap, but works everytime.

Terri, I'm with you on bemoaning winter. I absolutely hate being cold and unable to grows things outside. I suppose we could move to Tahitti but... wait. I have an idea. How about constructing a humongous heated dome over the Cafe, say about 10 acres, tall enough for small trees and vines, filled with birds of paradise, exotic flora, a couple of monkeys...
Whadday'all say?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

OOH, in the dome we can build a Star Trek Holodeck and set it to be anywhere in the universe according to our mood... Just think of the exotic plants we could have... LOL ok, I admit it, I'm a Star Trek fan.

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