Winter vegetable gardening

Winston Salem, NC

Are there any veggies I can start from seeds now (late Oct.) or transplants? It's getting into the 30s at night now.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Hmmm, not really much to choose from , Sawpalm.

If you like you can set out onion sets though. Those will get a nice root system thru the Winter then really kick in late Winter/Early Spring to give you some great onions. Also garlic can be set out now, too.

If you like turnip greens you could try broadcasting some of those but there is a good chance that they'll germinate and come up but just sit there unless we have a really nice extended warm spell to kick them into high gear.


Johns Island, SC

Think you could still get away with planting garlic cloves, sawpalm, but you've missed the window for most fall veggie crops. I haven't had much luck with germinating cool-weather veggies from seed here in Charleston---I always buy plants, and they seem to do well (really limited on variety, though). Soil temps stay too high too long for growing the varieties you want from seed.

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