ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 130 - The Big CHILL Begins !!

GW i m soooooo JEALOUS !!!! you are getting a great deal on that ! man o man you are going to have fun. I just took out my " what is that one called again " ???? duh brain fart ........ you know what i m talking about ? for die cuts . LOL i just look at it and laugh. So out of date and yes them cartridges are expensive !!!! but so worth it ! Hmmm might have to come over and play at your house ? lol :)
ok so the pies were a bomb !!! so bummed. The crust was a looser. the filling was good . SO i threw them away :( can't serve bad pie.
So i went out and did my raised beds . Loaded up all the old wood left over from the house. dumped them and made a bunch of rectangels and squares for the garden
DH is on his way home iwth the skidsteer . I will move the other beds with nice soil and he will teach me how to run the thing. No more shoveling !!! yaeah i got about 12 beds made . I m sitting with a beer and will go take a bath soon. Before kids get home
Well just looked at clock and it aint ganna happen :P so i shall just drink my beer.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Cheers! Sue

Neal come over and make pie with me : ) pwease . lollll
i got beer

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Evening everbody, I have been busy again today with paper work and phone calls. Had a stack of bills belonging to DMIL, and then started on a project for our church. We have a fund raiser every year selling pecans and I made fliers and sent them to various churches in the area, and have some that I will take to town and put up tomorrow. We also get the chocolate covered pecans, and they come in a fancy gold bag, which are good to use as little gifts. Yum, and they are good too.

Then I listed about 30 books on half.com, and some children's videos. Trying to get some stuff cleared out of the entertainment center, because we are gonna have to get a different one, as our new tv won't fit in this one. So I have been busy all day, and a lot of it has been on the computer!!

Sue, if you drink too much beer, you may have to throw out the pies made while imbibing!!

Know Joyce is gone, but hope she has a good weekend at the Mall of America. I haven't been, but I have heard that it is huge!! Dovey, I would need two tubs of epson salts to soak feet and the whole body

kimberly I have seen those criket machines, and they are way cool. I saw in informercial, and they were doing templates to decorate cakes. That would be something neat to play with.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Post to follow... Hit the wrong button...

This message was edited Oct 31, 2008 10:27 PM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi all.. Hope you all had a beautiful day today...It made it to 64 down in Dayton where I spent most of my day...55* up here now...

I got home late as I had to hit the bank by 7pm, then the Dollar store for laundry things and dog cookies...(They get 2 animal cookies for their breakfast with Dad and his coffee) Also had to get some Puppy Pads and Chow for our new arrival...Please meet Lily below...We got Rudy from a Vet friend of mine, and that seemed to help him alot...but today, one of my coworkers had these pups that he was trying to home for his elderly neighbor...No Way was I gonna pass up that lil smushed in face...LOL...and she was FREE!!! I was ready to take all 6 of them!!!
Jim was in tears when I unzipped my jacket, where I had her in hiding, and wished him a Happy Birthday (the 7th of Nov)
We have been home 2 hours, and he is still sniffing back tears...Poor guy, I shoulda known as Lily is the spitting image of Saki...He is happy now...I think...LOL
I can tell you one thing, she is a holy terror and will most assuredly keep him on his toes...I have already figured out that if she gets mouthy, she needs to potty...and she likes to attack my feet, while they are in motion... LOL

I hate to leave good company without responding to all but I need the shower and my bed.. Gonna be a verrrrry loooong day tomorrow...I am taking Paul home to Murfreesboro, TN in the morning...I am planning a down & back run tomorrow so I can rest Sunday...Creator knows, I need it...Been a long week on a tired and not well body...The last of the corn got mowed last night, and that mold and I are not dealing well...Since this is going for Feed and not Ethanol, makes me rethink my next trip to the meat dept at the grocery....Can't wait till I can raise my own...Meat not Corn... LOL

Have a great weekend everyone...Hopefully see you all tomorrow night...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Whoooops .. Fergot the Pic!!!!

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Aww, Dusty, what a cutie!!

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Ah Dusty what a great picture!

Defoecat, to heck with the epson salt, I would need drugs... and that's just to get me there ^_^

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

hehe, me too Dovey!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you and Hush the BOTH of you ...I need drugs and a 50 yard Dump truck of Epsom Salts....I feel definitely rode hard and put up verrrry wet...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Folks,
Everyone continues to be so impressively busy! Not me, though. I'm still trying to decide on what to put on the fireplace, now that it's all stripped down. I found some quartz that I really liked the other day-- still waiting on the price. Plus, is the quartz fireproof enough to put on the edge of the opening? So far my sister and I have looked at 4 different stores & abt 4000 magazines & can't find something we both like & can afford, but I'd like to get beyond the festive cinderblock look soon.

Isabella continues to recuperate and improve. I'm amazed, & grateful!!!

Sue, if you figure out the never fail pie crust, be sure & let me know. I love pie, but I've pretty much given up on crust & buy pillsbury instead. It's not that good, but it's better than suffering with a decent filling & inedible crust. I have a recipe somewhere with some vinegar--- sounds terrible, but it seems to me that it worked most of the time, even when it was humid.
The chicken pot pie I made a couple weeks ago, topped with puff pastry, was scrumptuous! Of course, puff pastry can't work when you want a two crust berry pie...
Oh, I tried the baked cranberries recipe from my 1920 cookbook & they were wonderful. The outer shell (husk?) of the cranberries got very soft, and they tasted yummy hot. Very different from the can of compressed goop, and much smoother than the boiled on the stovetop method.
I've been working on getting some bulbs in & squirrel & deer proofing (which takes a lot longer than putting the bulbs in the ground. I'm putting all my tulips in huge containers, & they're going to winter over in the "tomato house"-- basically a wood frame covered with netting to keep the critters out. For the daffodils that I'm putting in the ground, they get covered with chicken wire & dusted with red pepper powder, & then the chicken wire gets weighted all around the edges with stones. Maybe I should just buy flowers once a week at the grocery store!
I've also been needlepointing like crazy, to get a project for my sister done. It's going to go into a framework & get covered with glass & end up as a tea tray. I'm so excited, because she actually uses a tea tray. Needlepoint is kind of hard to make practical, after the first few throw pillows or eyeglass cases. Whoopee!

Re: Hallowe'en. My favorite costume ever was made from a big moving box, cut into two rounds & studded with raisins, worn over the shoulders like a sandwich board. That's all you have to do if you want to dress up as an oatmeal cookie.

Is anybody considering going to Winterfair (the arts & crafts show at the Northern KY Convention Center, Fri-Sun after Thanksgiving)? Lots of glass, ceramics, woodcrafts, needlework, jewelery, fiber arts plus sugared almonds & coffee to boost the stamina. I love to go but my sisters get worn out (I scooter). One admission charge for all three days! Am I tempting anyone?

Only a few minutes now until All Hallows' Eventide turns in to All Hallows/ All Saints day. One of my priest friends has a church where the kids dress up as Saints on this Sunday. The most daring was a guy who came as one of the (unforetunately many) saints who's been decapitated. He didn't make it too gory, but he was carrying a fake head around, while his own was hidden under a choir robe. I was never able to dare something like that, but I'd get out all the old registers of baptisms & marriages & deaths & leave them on the altar until Advent. Just to give the communion of saints idea some visibility, I suppose.

OK, guys, I'm off to needlepoint again. Everybody stay healthy, enjoy the extra hour of sleep this weekend, keep up with your therapy, & enjoy the dandy weather!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, that little pup is SO cute! What a sweetheart!!

I had a great time at the crop tonight...Pooped, need to sleep. Before I crash, here's my costume. It won first place! :D Thanks so much to Chele, Critter and Neal for their input!

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I love Quartz, besides being pretty, if your looking for a spiritual aspect Quartz is a stone of inner peace and it dispels negativity or filters away negative energy. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies.

I can smell puppy breath all the way to my house, love at fist whiff.

Love the costume, it suits you *S*

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The Tongue!


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Kimberly, that's so cute! Turned out great!

dovey, good thoughts on the Quartz, the benefits of using it that way didn't even occur to me, and I often display big pieces of quartz on the hearth and my meditation altar.

Dusty, AAAAWWWwwwwww....what a cutie!

Pat, so glad to hear the good news about Isabella. The beheaded saint costume cracked me up! Do you have trouble with critters digging daffodil bulbs? I've only had to protect tulips and crocus, but usually nothing bothers daffs. Except I did have a problem one time with my dog digging them because I had used bone meal (later started only using it under the bulbs and burying it well, and that took care of the problem).

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dusty, what a cute pup! How big will she get?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, Neal,
I've had trouble with the squirrels digging up daff bulbs-- even some of the smaller frittilaria-- and either making off with them or leaving them on top of the soil for the deer to munch. You know: they dig 10 holes to fool the other squirrels, & then forget where they put it themselves, & go back to the bulb bed for reinforcements. I love the tiny daffs, so I've been catering to them unawares. This year I've gotten more big hearty daffs, so I should have some blooms next spring with all these precautions!

The red fox I spotted a few months ago is now a regular visitor, but he seems to be mostly a commuter, so not a problem.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue--- I forgot to ask yesterday--- have you seen the movie called Waitress? It's out on DVD. It's a movie abt pie, and love, and more pie. Check it out if you haven't seen it.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Rotten squirrels you've got there Pat! Good luck with your barricade.

Sue, forgot to mention earlier, great idea on the beer and pie making! LOL We'd have to do crust before the first beer though. One during the making of the filling, and the rest while they're in the oven!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

No squirrel problem here as long as my neighbor Buster is alive. He loves squirrel stew and keeps the population down!

LOL on the beer Neal and Bonnie
Dusty WOOOOOGIE WOOOOGIE PUPPY so cute . The experssion on Jims face is a great one. He looks soooo happy . !
Gosh i have heard of vinager in pie crust . Something about making it more tender. I have a cake with vinager and its good.
Darius LOL on the squirrel . We have them buy the tons around here. Really need to get out and get hunting
saw a 6 pt buck in our yard , just strolling along as if we didn't exsist . Fun to see.
Got busy with the garden beds. Did the whole thing over. Dh said just use the left over lumber from the wood YEah on that one. So it does look better. Stripped topsoil off from other areas around the yard . ITs better soil than the ones i have been trying to amend the last two years !!! grrrrrr. duh. But we have to do 3 over again and get the better topsoil in. I really want to do 12 beds but i thin i won't ask to much of Dh .Eight is plenty for me right now ..... i think.
Went to Waffle House for dinner, all i can say is " .............. " there are no words to describe this WH. What is the attraction ?

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Sue, LOL! What is the attraction? You didn't have to cook at home!

Dusty, cute puppy!

Bonnie, is that new computer program working for you?

GW, love the scrapbook page costume! LOL!

You all sure made me hungry for pie! And beer! What a combination!

Loving this weather! Up around 70 in the afternoons. Getting lots done outside, straightening up my little shed, collecting seeds, pulling huge weeds, organizing as we put outdoor stuff away for the winter. Had a bonfire last night. Anyone that wants to come for the next bonfire, bring weiners and marshmallows! can't keep enough here! LOL!

Darius, is your helper back on his feet, yet? I have a major case of pantry-envy! Your shelves look so pretty with all those jars all lined up!

Lana, goodluck at the bunny show!

Hello to everyone else that I didn't mention by name. Think of you all and hope everyone is feeling well again.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's the pie crust recipe, from Fran Gordon of---- well, I'm not sure exactly where she lives but she's in northern KY. I subbed for their minister once and I guess we ended up talking abt pie crusts!

4 cups unsifted flour
1Tblspn sugar
2 tsp salt
1 and 3/4 cups crisco
1 Tblspn white vinegar
1/2 cup water
1 large egg

Put 1st 3 ingredients in a bowl & mix well with fork.
Add crisco & mix with fork or pastry blender until crumbly.
In a small bowl, with a fork, beat together water, vinegar, and egg. Combine with dry ingredients & mix with fork until all ingredients are moistened.
Divide into 4 or 5 portoins & shape into round, flat patties, ready for rolling. Wrap each piece in waxed paper & chill for abt 1/2 hour.
Lightly flour both sides of patty when ready to roll out & roll to abt 1/8 inch thickness.

That's where her instructions end, so I guess you should fill it up & throw it in the oven!
Then eat & enjoy...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The FPR is framed and sheathed!
We are beat!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey everybody, goshsmom that pie crust sounds really good, gonna save that recipe, and try it.

Sue, do you mean the waffle house was good or bad? Anytime I can eat without having to cook it, it is a good place!!

Ric, good for you. You can rest tomorrow!!

I picked up DGD about 10 this morning, and have not done much. Had to go to a visitation tonight, and ate at a local restaurant, was good.

Sunday are busy, so need to go. Don't forget to set your clocks BACK!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

For me the attraction of waffle house was that they were open at 3 in the morning and cheap

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

And they had 150 octane Coffee and Gri-its down south!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh yes, the clocks. I thought I'd woke up early thinking it was 4:30 am, but I just realized I woke at 3:30! ....and while I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee, LOL.

Ric, LOL on the attempt at a Southern accent! Gotta get that extra syllable in there.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Darius!!!!...and Dave said to let you know that's from him too :-)

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Darius, I hope it's a beautiful day for you


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Darius we hope it's a WONDERFUL Day down in your Valley!!!

Ric & Robyn

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

So I was thinking about how many ways you could finish this statement
The world can be divided into two groups of people;
Those who _______, and those who _______.

Like this.
The world can be divided into two groups of people;
Those who take showers, and those who take baths.


The world can be divided into two groups of people;
Those who think trees have feelings, and those who take their meds.

Personally I think trees have feelings until they die, then they make great homes for wildlife (ok and maybe some firewood).

Edited to correct "to" to "two"
So maybe I should add

The world can be divided into two groups of people;
Those who use spell check, and those who still screw up even with spell check.

This message was edited Nov 2, 2008 6:11 AM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Darius, hope it is a great one!!

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Darius! So how old did you say you are? Oh, yeah, I remember, 29 and holding! Have a wonderful day!

Weather liars better not be messing with me...calling for low 70's thru Wednesday with upper 40's at night! WhooHoo!

Ric, pictures?

Dovey...those who are nice and those who are mean.

Enjoy the day....

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

yeah, hip-hip-hooray for the nice ones

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

This was probably the trickiest part of the project.
(As I told Darius... no more 'baying' for me!)
Because of the order in which we had to do the job also the hardest to figure out.
Lots of angles.... lots of trimming...lots of shims! LOL!
But while not actually a visual treat the most satisfying.

Thumbnail by henryr10
Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Ric, looks great! You are sure going to enjoy having that extra space.

Goshsmom, thanks for sharing that pie crust recipe. I'll have to give it a try.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Here's the outside shot....
Off to work on the roof...


Thumbnail by henryr10

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