Alata Ruby Glow

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Back in July I had a new roof put on the house,and they trumped all over my vine,I thought I had lost if for this year,I kept smelling the most wonderful fragrance every evening and morning when I left for work,and came home from work.
I looked everywhere and could not find the source of that fragrance,duh then it dawned on me to climb on the roof and take a look today,knowing a freeze is coming the next 2 nights,and surprise!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Fountain of flowers!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Vine has wondered out of the greenhouse over to the detached garage,the vine is loaded with flowers,but there are so large and heavy the are on the underneath side of the vine.

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Vieques, PR

That is a great plant. I'd love some seed if you ever harvest any.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I'd love to share seed with you,if I could ever get some!!!!
IT always blooms in the fall,and never enough time for the fruit to ripen.

Vieques, PR

Not to be self-serving, but try growing a cutting indoors over the winter to give it a head start on the outdoors season. Light soil, lots of sun, keep it fed and I am almost certain you'll have some fruit on that plant before winter sets in.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I have one growing from a seed I got off one fruit from last year,actually the fruit wasn't quite ripe and it went thru a freeze still left on the vine,it is about 8ft long now.

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

I like your photo with the water trickling around the flowers. Very creative idea!
Mine turned into a monster before it first bloomed this fall. It roots fairly easily from cuttings. I tried to set fruit on mine but none of the others were blooming at the time lol. I guess I will have to save pollen again.

Here's mine

Thumbnail by angel_tree_baby
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Whats your secret to rooting easily?????
Frost and hard freeze just wiped mine out this week!!!!

Vieques, PR

I usually just cut where the stem has gotten kind of woody, scrape the outer layer back lightly, dip in rooting hormone, plant in light soil, keep moist not wet, plenty of light. With this apporach I probably get two out of three to grow within a few weeks.

Here's a more expert approach I found:
--sounds like an awful lot of work, and if I want lots of new plants, I just set three or four cuttings for every two or three plants I want to end up with.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I tried Jeff Davis method,and it didn't work for me,cuttings stayed green long time but wouldn't root with the bubbler method.

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

I use the floral foam method. Get a deep tupperware container (rectangular one work good for some reason- I use a tupperware container meant for storing the velveta cheese lol.) Anyhow, get some floral foam meant for wet flowers at wallyworld etc. Cut it to fit tightly (must be a very tight fit) in the container. Then with a knife cut foam into 2 inch squares while it is in the container. Fill the container with water to the top of the foam. With a toothpick, poke a hole in the center of each square.

Go take your cuttings and strip most of the leaves off except maybe a few small ones at the top or cut large top leaf/leaves in half. I use fairly short cuttings @ 6-8 inches. Make your bottom cut under a leaf node. Rinse the bottom stems under water and dip in powdered rooting hormone. Then you just pop them into the foam. They will be rooted in a few weeks.

I keep this in a window that gets indirect light or under grow lights somewhere a little warm. You *must* change the water every day and keep it just above the foam. I try to use lukewarm water it just seems to work better.
I have rooted hundreds this way -not just passies but other green stemmed vines as well.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Does this only work for you in the spring?
I can hardly ever get things to root in the fall.

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

If you do it in the fall I would do it under grow lights in a warm room. I have taken them in the fall and rooted them that way.

It works best in the window or indirect light on the patio etc in the spring.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Joe'swife took some vines to make cuttings,I didn't get back out there soon enough,hard freeze got the vine.

Chickenville, FL(Zone 9a)

What? You mean the whole thing is gone? Dig up the roots and put them in a pot somewhere warm and maybe they will come back if it didn't freeze too hard. These guys don't like it much under 40's. I will prob have to overwinter mine. It is in a pot but has grown 30 feet in all directions lol.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

It's in the greenhouse,in the ground,it finds a crack in the roof and grows outside,it has done this now for a couple years.

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