Happy Wanderer lilac vine

Bakersfield, CA

My lilac vine is having some problems, the older leaves, near the trunk of the vine keep turning brown. I have cut it back three times, and it comes back with in weeks just as beautiful as ever, than the leaves start turning brown from the tips to the center... the oldest to the youngest on up the trellis. I have asked many people what they might think, and have tried a few things. Still no luck. PLEASE help. Thank you in advance.

Hi there ...the happy wanderer is a native and therefore does not enjoy too much water (hates wet roots) and also hates fertilizer ...leave it alone ...ignore it and come winter it may die down ...it forms seed pods. After it dies down cut it back and it should come back in Spring. Good luck with your plant.

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Barmera, Australia

The Happy Wanderer (Hardenbergia) is an Australian native but comes from the cooler areas and can burn in fierce sunlight with low humidity. However it would be worth while checking to see if you have a problem with salt either in the soil or your water supply, along the same line of thought you might have inadvertantly fertilised it with a product that was too high in Nitrogen, being a legume it manufactures Its own nitrogen. Another possibility is traffic fumes because your photo shows that the plant is right next to a road or street or fumes from an industrial site. No definite answers I'm afraid just some ideas that might be worth checking.


Sydney, Australia

Got to agree here. Have always had happy wanderer in the garden and never do a thing to it. Soil here is sandy. It's one of those plants that are "set and forget" which I love given limited time. Would agree with Stake on the salt possibility. Do you use bore water?

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