Biostack - How much compost do you make in a year?

Round Rock, TX

I just bought my first Biostack - Smith & Hawkin sale $103. I'm trying to decide if I should buy another one or maybe another two. I just need an idea of how much compost I can produce in a year with one Biostack.


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I have no Idea how much I produce- it varies with season, weather, and how much diligence I put into it at the time.

I started by replacing my old one piece composter with one Biostack several years ago. I knew within months that I needed at least one more. No compost ever "finishes" until after you stop adding to it. So now I use 2 Biostacks and they meet my needs. One holds and older batch, the other holds the newest, actively composting stuff.


Thumbnail by kqcrna
Mid-Cape, MA(Zone 7a)

Gardeninggal, I've had three Biostacks since last year. I agree totally with Karen that the amount of compost one can produce depends on variables like the season, temperature, and what one puts into it. Not to mention, how often one tosses and waters it! (I'm sort of a once-a-month gal myself.)
Just to give you an idea of what happens for me-- last Spring, after the cold winter here, I harvested a wheelbarrel full of compost that had been "curing" in one of my Biostacks since the previous Fall. Last week, after our warm summer temps, with lots of grass clippings, kitchen refuse, and last-Fall's bags of chopped leaves that I layered all summer, I collected two 40-gall. trash cans full of compost waiting to be spread on my garden beds before winter.
My photo shows the trash cans, next to my Biostacks.

Thumbnail by CapeCodGardener

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