Weight Loss Challange Oct. 25 - Nov. 1st.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Fall is arriving here in central MO. Temps are down into the 40s in the early mornings. 60s in the afternoon.

I'm seeing a first for me, 2 bluebirds are still here and checking out the old maple stump that the woodpeckers have been feeding on and drilling large holes in since we cut it. The bbs are acting as tho they may try to set up residence for the winter. They and the robins usually winter in the ozark area. I just now saw about 4 or 5 more bbs.

I'm tired this morning. I may not do much today. I have apples I can work on while sitting down. I have 23 pts. so far.

I found some fine mesh made of heavy plastic that I put around the top of the pot the large brugmansia is in to keep the cats out of it. I weighted it down with 3 qt. jars of water. The garlic powder and black pepper wasn't stopping the cats from using the soil for a litter box. I have some very persistant cats!!

Tina, Tricia, it is good to hear from you. Tricia, I pray your son's problem is diagnosed properly soon. Miagraines are terrible things to have. I had them for years. For my family it is the girls/women who mostly have them and it is hormonal. Remember that boys can have hormonal problems too. And often at an early age. Just a thought I wanted to pass on to you in case you don't find an answer elsewhere.

Kyle worked on my computer yesterday evening and it is working at lightening speed today. There were over 350 cookies on it. He changed the setting on that to medium. I think they must have set that at the shop when they rebuilt the computer. Jack and I always kept it set to only accept cookies from DG and a couple of his favorite sites that required them. All other sites had to request permission and it was a one time only grant. I have little RAM and HD left open so he says I need to defrag the RAM every time I reboot. That will free up a lot of RAM for me. My email still may not be working correctly but I'm not sure. I have Yahoo and MSN accounts I could use for email but am very reluctant to do that for spam reasons. I may give one of these addresses to a select few persons just so we can keep in contact if it continues to give problems. Then I need to remember to check the accounts for mail I may have recieved. I can usually recieve mail, I just can't send most of the time. My server has patiently worked with me on this problem to little avail.

I was at the Lazy Days cafe' last evening. One of the daughters had to be gone for a school event for her son so they needed help. Strictly volunteer basis. All I got was a nice supper which I ate when I got home. Way too much food but I hadn't had anything to eat except an Ensure since noon. It felt so good to be with that part of my extended family for the evening. We only had about 45 customers since the school event attracted most of the regulars.

Anna, I still have to go look at your pictures. But I do not understand how you can have too much body fat as dedicated to your diet and workouts as you are plus all the farm work. I can't help but wonder if you are beating your head against a brick wall because it is natural for you to have this amount of body fat and nothing is going to change that. Some things we just have to live with.

I found some tulip bulbs that I haven't gotten planted yet. I need to find a container and get them planted soon. Planting them wihout protection is in vain since we have so many voles. I also need t0 get the rest of the garlic planted. I would like to have about 100 cloves planted. And at least that many 'seeds from the topsets. If they do as well as this year I'll have plenty of garlic next fall.

I need to go and start lableing the jars of applesauce and then get more canned. I didn't pick up apples yesterday so I have 3 days worth to work up. Some have no defects tho so I don't want to work them up. I'll save them for eating fresh.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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