May I introduce you...

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

to my daughter, Laurie-Anne. She has just joined DG as Askhery. Laurie lives in Arizona but is moving to North Carolina within a few weeks. Even though NC isn't tropical, I am hoping she will hang out here with all you nice people.

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome, Laurie! Come on over, tell us what you're growing!


Thumbnail by goofybulb
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Welcome to the family, Laurie!

WHAT (screaming) - why don't you live with mother in Hawaii?!!! LOL

All I would need is a connection (with someone) to live there (and a lot of money) - those cabana boys look VERY interesting! I wouldn't need a second invitation, that's for sure! LOL That's all I would do - look - but man, can I do some looking!!!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Hey Laurie-anne... You have such a great Mom (Dad and Grandmother) are so fortunate. Look forward to talking to you...maybe meeting you down here (doubt if I will ever go East!!)


Chapel Hill, NC

Thank you for the warm welcome! I already feel at home... I have one foot in AZ one foot in NC and my heart in Maui. Home is where your heart is... Thanks again XOXOX Laurie

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome Laurie! Glad to meet you! We dearly love your Mom. I'm sure that you are ever bit as sweet as she is! It'll be a joy to see you around!!!!

I live in Texas, but my heart is in Hawaii, also! Aloha!


G'day Laurie ...welcome does your garden grow?

Keaau, HI

Hows'it Laurie! Keep things on the sunny side of the house.

Aloha, Dave

Hi, Laurie! Welcome!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi, Laurie. Have already heard a LOT of nice, nice things about you. North Carolina? That won't be the convenient jaunt to Maui that Arizona is. Just means you must stay longer at one time. Your family is dearly loved. You know I am the crazy aunt in the attic, don't you? Welcome to DG where the best of the best hang out.

LouC aka Christi aka Princess Kilikina

Chapel Hill, NC

Thanks again, it is nice to meet all of you! I know mom (Braveheartsmom) loves you all dearly, I already feel part of the "family". I am looking forward to moving to NC... We bought a cute little house with 5 acres to play with. We hope to move for good within the year but we have business to wrap up here in AZ before we can go for good; plus we just don't know what we are going to do with our home here in AZ, should we sell, rent it, or just keep it so we have somewhere to stay when we return to AZ to visit the kiddos??
Because I did not inherit mom's green thumb I will be be starting from scratch, please wish me luck. I am quasi-competent at pruning aka making shrubs into boxes, etc. but that is the extent of my talents. However, I do have some wonderful things to start with in NC like a terrific butterfly bush, Japanese maple, roses, and wildlife to keep my interest. I even mowed my own grass (first time I have done that since I was a kid) with a push mower I found in the shed left from the previous occupant, it took only five hours haha! People have joked with me that it will take a while to get used to the snakes and spiders and I might need to get a shot gun, however, it is nice to see living things. I guess I will figure out what to do with the millipedes in the soil, those bother me more than the snakes. I really look forward to eavesdropping on your conversations to learn a thing or two about the therapy of gardening. All my love and thanks again, Laurie

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

bird watching for rocket launch in Cape Canaveral

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for your warm welcome to Laurie, I chat on endlessly about all of you, your gardens, and your lives - now she will get to know you all first hand. I am so happy she is with us!

Laurie is starting from scratch. After many years of running two businesses and growing two children she finally has time for a garden! As a child she loved to prune - in fact we used to call her Morticia (from the Adams Family) because as soon as a hedge started to bloom she would decide that it looked untidy and off with their heads! In fact Santa brought her a pair of hedge clippers when she was about 11 - I don't know what he was thinking of!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

LOL, Morticia! Or Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts ("off with their heads")? I'm sure she'll have a beautiful garden, no matter where she'll be. Some things are genetically transmitted.

Here's "Thing"...

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Love "Thing" - Hey, prune that one Laurie!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) need to come over here, Dear, and prune my garden!!! Something I haven't done in ages!

Those millipedes are your friends!!! At first I thought ours were really gross, until their "poop", all thru the mulch pile had turned that pile into beautiful compost...their 'castings' are terrific. They (if they are like ours) don't bite and they are benign little helpers!!!!

NC? My inlaws used to live in Charlotte. Sweet little town. Chapel Hill is lovely. You shall be really challenged for tropicals but we will keep you supplied. Suggest an insullated greenhouse or good basement to store them in for the winter!!!!


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It is great to make your acquaintance, Laurie-Anne. The Tropical Zone Gardening forum is a fun place to be. And the people are so nice and patient and everything. I am not quite in a tropical place. We are in a sub-tropical zone here but everyone makes believe I am tropical anyway. Great place to visit. We visited Hawai'i 18 months ago. A bit of myself stayed there and is calling for the rest of me to go back.

Take care, all.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hi there Laurie-Anne! Can't imagine that you are anything other than a gifted, sweet and beautiful person, coming from the family that you have.

Wondered why this guy came visiting the other night...must have been to say howdy. Be glad you don't have coconut crabs in NC! This guy is just a baby and is as big as my fist.

My Tali plays with all the milipedes out here. Grosses me out, but then her Mom always played with rolly bugs, so I guess she comes by it naturally.

Yokwe all,

Thumbnail by Islandshari
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Laurie-Anne and welcome!! Hang out here often enough and you will have plenty of laughs. :~)

MIddle Blue, Indonesia

Hello Laurie...

Sure you will get a green thumb also. Its already in your blood. Just "Activated" it ^^

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