Salvia `Black and Blue'

Kannapolis, NC

Here's my B&B salvia blooming in my Asheville garden. It's supposed to be annual, but returned for me like this from last year's planting. It's gorgeous and the bees love it!

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

A view of one of the bumblebees enjoying a snack. These photos were taken 10-20-08.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Kannapolis, NC

A photo of the bush.

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's hardy to zone 7, so unless you're way on the west end of NC where it's colder it probably ought to be perennial for you unless you have a bad winter.

Candor, NC

Watch out for pine voles! They like the tubers. These pests use mole tunnels, and the latter will avoid rocky soil. I would work in crushed rock into the soil if you have problems.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

just love the pics there, mine come back every year for me too, this year I took some cuttings to see it they would root,
( I have bubble tubs) .. no roots yet, but lots of new growth on the bare stems, so will move them to dry pots in another two weeks or so and treat them like the cardenial flower that I brought in and started.. the roots grew from the new growth on the stems. ( I did collect seeds again this year from my blooms, tho)

Kannapolis, NC

Joeswife: Good for you! I tried rooting a couple of cuttings, but no luck. I'll try again next year, though. Please let me know how your cuttings do.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

I have one of these to winter over in zone 5.
I have been bringing it in for a houseplant and it stays nice and green.
I think I've exhausted it, though, because it has stopped blooming in summer.
I'm going to leave it in the basement this year with water but little light.
Anybody know if I'm on the right track?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

that is what I have done with mine.. roots in pots , cuttings, all in basement

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Joeswife - thanks. I assume it worked when you did it, right? I love this plant. Have you ever collected seed?

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

I collected seeds from my B&B last month. I had never done this before, so I have not sowed them yet. I took a cutting last summer and it was successful. I took more cuttings this fall, they are in the GH. I have to go check to see if they rooted yet.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

yes I collect seeds and plant them, they come up just fine..

Candor, NC


Do you have bumblebees in your area? They mess up pollination on many Salvias.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I do have bumble bees.. they seem to hover around my jasmines and cardinal flowers and mgs and four o'clocks alot.. they B&B I have is way over on the other side of the yard..the BB"s seem to hover around the main patio Garden..

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