Historical irises

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

How old does an iris cultivar have to be in order to be recognized as historical?

Davenport, WA

The answer is 30 years. This was determined by the AIS and Historical Iris Preservation Society (HIPS).

Irises registered in 1978 (or before 1978) are considered historic.

Just to confuse things, some people will use the term "classic irises" for those hybridized in the 1940's through 1960's.

I've seen the term "antique" used to describe irises hybridized before 1940. This doesn't set well with some people born in the 1920's and 1930's who don't consider themselves as antiques!

Hope this helps!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Thank you!! I always wondered!!! LOL on the "antiques"!!!

Hebron, KY


Thanks for asking the question! I was wondering the same thing too!

Thanks for the answer Pat!


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

YW!!! Maybe we can trade irises next year!

Hebron, KY

"YW!!! Maybe we can trade irises next year!"


Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I looked at your trade list and noticed you are looking for irises. I just started mine and hopefully they will do well. I have planted over 125 rhizomes...all different...and still have a few to trade this year.

Hebron, KY


It seems too late in the year to be planting rhizomes. I'm hoping all the ones I have planted will make it over the Winter. I'm really looking forward to all of them blooming next year! The ones I planted in 2007 didn't bloom this year.

What zone are you in?

I just sent checks to the AIS and the Tall Bearded Society. Both new memberships. I'm really thinking about joining the Historical Iris Society too.


Aurora, IL

Is there source or nursery you recommend that has historical irises? My house was built circa 1930 and I'm filling front garden with plants popular at the time.
Thank you.

Kingston, NY(Zone 5b)

I think when the AIS formed HIPS in the 1970's, the 30 year limit made more sense than it does now as it picked up the 1940's and earlier irises. Funny how the decades fly by!

keelybird57 - there are a number of places which carry Historics. As these are about all I buy, I can let you know which I would start with for good selection, price, and correctness. 100-99% correct: Superstition (will have the biggest selection of 1930's and earlier) - Nicholson's Woodland and Chuck Chapman (of Canada). The 90-99.% are: Winterberry, Argyle, Bluebird (though she may have more from the post-30 era).
Do you know which ones you are looking for? This picture has cv's from the 1910's in the foreground, and 1930's in the background. Happy hunting!

Thumbnail by hespiris
Aurora, IL

Thanks for the info. No, I am not knowledgable enough to know what I'm looking for yet. I put in some roses and peonies and spring bulbs. So now I'm thinking 'iris.' I'll start by looking at your suggestions. Thank you again.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I have decided to start at 1950 and go back with a few earlier ones but only if they have the long drooping falls. Of the 150+ irises I have traded for/bought this year, I am letting the below list go in order to trade for the older ones. For the ones I really want and can't trade for, I think I will sell whatever irises I don't trade off on Ebay and use the money to buy ones I really want!! Was happy to find out that I already have 4 or 5 to start with and even though it is getting cold, am going to trade with a couple of people. Can hardly wait until next year!!! Seems like a good list to use as bartering with!! LOL!!!

BB Batik
IB Angel Heart
IB Orange Petals
Champagne Elegance
Change of Pace
Coffee Whispers
Color Glory
Dazzling Gold
Glazed Orange
Gnus Flash
Gypsy Romance
Innocent Pink
Innocent Star
Jaguar Blue
Mellow Dreamer
Modern Classic
Night Edition
Oasis Gary
Olympic Challenge
Pacific Cloud
Point in Time
Role Model
Sea Farer
Space Wing
St. Helen’s Wake
Stellar Lights
Stepping Out
Sunset Sky
Vanity’s Child
Violet Dawson

Of course I also have:
Iris cristatas
iris pallida (not variegated )

South Hamilton, MA

Certainly keep the cristatas if you have shady nooks.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

It is too late in the season for swaps & planting but I would be interested in
obtaining some of the old irises. I have checked the HIPS site for some of
mine and noted there is a definite breakpoint between old and new. Seems
as though pre-1940 were the narrow droopy falls of the truly antiques. 1940
to about 1970 were the germanica crosses. Post 1970 were the junior versions
of today's beauties. I would like to locate more of the really old ones in
exchange for my modern ones. Someone needs to start a new thread about
May of next year.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Similar to 'flavescens'

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Similar to 'florentina'

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Similar to 'copper lustre'

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Similar to 'pallida'. My camera tends to add a red tint to colored flowers
in bright sunlight. This is more a pale blue on very high (45") stalks.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Have LOTS of cristatas!! I have found three or four places that sell the old ones. Also checked into the historical iris society and they have sales. Soooooo...... BTW..an Ebay seller has them but they she is asking 4X or more than what commercial growers are asking!!!

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