want to trade vegetables and herbs

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I have
Green and yellow marrow
Fenchel 'Rondo'
Spinach 'Matador'
Parsnip 'Javelin'
Asparagus bean
Chicory 'Blinker'
Pickle Restina
Cucumus melo honeydew
Ramp 'Totem'
Sugar bon
French bean
Squash melon
Leek 'de Carentan'
Flaunting broad bean
Pisum sativum 'Blauwschokker) an ancient Dutch species
Lettuce 'lollo blondo'
Peppermint (in 1 or 2 weeks)

I would like to have
Lettuce (expecially iceberg, but other species are welcome too)
Capsule peas
Flower cabbage
Pak Choi
Yellow beans
Almost any vegetable I do not have (must be possible to grow in 6b)

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello Jonna,

I have seeds for Endive ('Batavian' and 'Green Curled'), many lettuces - I don't grow iceberg - most of mine are leaf lettuces but I do also have several heirloom butterhead varieties that I grow during the winter and are supposed to be some of the more hardy winter lettuces, Pak Choi, some species of herbs and the 'Pencil Pod Wax' bean.

I also grow assortments of cabbages, chards and kales during the winter but would have to check the hardiness of the varieties I have for whether or not they'd hold up in 6b.

Let me know if any of those would be of interest to you - if so I definitely see some great things on your list that I'd love to trade for.


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I send you d-mail

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I would be very interested in your Asparagus Bean, Braod Bean abd Pickle Restina.

I have many types of lettuce (including iceberg), various other greens, and numberous herbs. I can send you a more difinitive list from home if you are interested..

Thanks for your consideration!

PS - I think I should hand carry them, though - I've always wanted to visit Belgium!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)


I am interested, so please d-mail me your list.
Well, If you come to Belgium, I will be happy to have you as a guest in our home.


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