Dell Inspiron 8500 solution

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

I realized after I posted that people might assume I still had a problem . . . . but,

Just in case you have this model of Dell laptop, you might want to know this . . .

I have been having all sorts of trouble with the laptop, and I have recently only been able to boot-up the computer in "safe mode." Luckily, the fellow from IT (after over a month) found the problem.

Apparently, the electical connection the illuminates the screen runs very close to the starter button - too close, actually.

So, when I was trying to start the computer, the "wire" (well, I assume it was a wire) was compressed, as though the lid was shut, so of course the screen remained black.

The solution is to get a tech person to lift the blue cover strip where the starter button is and basically shift the button and the wire apart using a screw driver! (talk about a low-tech solution!)

Anyway, this is one of those odd ball problems with a very simple solution - but a solution that is not discussed under "trouble-shooting" in the manual, so I thought I would share it.


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