Crazy Chicken Crew Titles & Adventures, Continued

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is a re-list of everybody so far who is a confirmed crazy chicken-head. Keep chatting. At ease! Ensure your quarters are clean and tidy in case the General visits!

Commander Moxon when she's hatching
Chief Petty Officer (CPO) Moxon when she's not. Because she is a picky speller, which is petty.

Commander Catscan when she's hatching.
Captain Catscan when she's not.

Lieutenant Major Harmony.

General Dusty

Commander Williams when she's hatching.
Major Williams when she's not.

Commander ZZ when she's hatching.
Mother Bird ZZ when she's not.

Commander Josh when he's hatching.
Captain Josh when he's not.

Samurai Warrior Luvs

Freezer Camp Captain Debilu

Kitchen Protocol Officer Jan

Ninja Dahlianut

Queen Mother Fran

Chief Food Taster to the Queen Mother, BJ.

Commander Jordan when she's hatching.
Captain Jordan when she's not.

Minister of Pastries Brigidlily (or maybe Senior Chef Pastrypuff...she is in 2 minds)

Chief of Covert Operations (CCO) Grownut (usually found under her rock)

Lieutenant Lazy Ladies.

Master Technical Officer (MTO) Musicnotes.

Chief Between (is InnBetween), but we can't call her Chief Between InnBetween because that is way too confusing even for those of us who are admittedly brilliant. Like Catscan.

SilkieChick = Queen of the Fluffed and Furléd Fowl (QFFF)

Chicken Coordinating Officer (CCO) MaypopLaurel

Coordinator of Missing Chickens (CMC) LadybugsAbound

Chief of Wild Bird Operations (CWBO) Wren.

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