Just found this site and finding my way around,We live down south in Seaford,retired and some dissabilities ,we are growing fruit trees and vegies and lots of cottage garden plants too.
Looking forward to meeting you all:)

western sydney nsw, Australia

HI Supergran Welcome I am still new to gardening and forums . I found this is a great forum the people are very helpful and take the time to explain things . Sammut.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello, Supergran, I'm not an Aussie or Kiwi due to my being from Mississippi in the USA but I can say that this is one of my favorite forums. All are so nice and helpful and I do enjoy the pictures of the wildlife, esp.,. the roos.
I hope I get the opportunity to get to know you.
Most sincerely, Lee

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Supergran9 it's nice to meet you.
I am guessing you have nine grandchildren.
I have 7 of my own and 9 step-grandchildren. A total of 16
Christmas time is a killer for me. All that money buying Christmas gifts.

I live on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. It has a subtropical climate.

Hi Sammut!

Welcome hug

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Marleneann, I don't think we've met either. I often chat with Awchid, 77 Sunset, Weed-Woman and Chrissy. I live in the N.E. part of the state of Mississippi. Here, we have a temperate climate and the temps are dropping gradually. I do so like the Fall and call it 'sweater' (?jumper) weather.
We have bried Falls and Springs and our summers can get dreadfully hot and humid. We're about 300 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and at the foothill of the Appalachian mountains.
My passions include: growing orchids, gardening and bird watching. The soil here is a red clay and terribly hard to amend. Too, it's stoney. My Irish ancestors would have felt right at home here regarding the stones.
Recently, I had total knee replacement and am still going to Physical Therapy, as I will be today at 8:45. I'm a male, aged 51 but feel like twice that at times. Getting on this contraption, helps me focus on things other than the pain.
Well, I don't really know of anything else to add to my CV.
I hope we can chat more often
Respectfully, Lee
p.s. Third line should read, 'We have brief Falls and springs.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hi Lee nice to meet you too.
I have knee problems too and will have to have a knee replacement in the next few years. Depends how long I can put up with the pain.

I belong to the Maroochydore Orchid Society. For years I was the President but now I am the Editor of the Newsletter and Webmaster for the website as well as Publicity Officer.
Here is a link to our newsletter.

Well must dash as hubby will soon be home from bowls.
Talk to you soon.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Marleneann and Leeflea51 this is the first time we have met I have only had time to jump on and of in of the last couple of weeks had work men in my house and also my sons house thank god the renos are finished .

Cockatoo, Victoria, Australia

Hello supergran, its lovely to meet you, I have been a member for a while here, but was a lurker for qhite a while as well.
I live in Cockatoo, so still have some remnant of bush around me. We live in a hollow, with what used to be underground watercourse (now gone - sadly), and everything seems to start growing about a month later than everywhere else.
Your garden sounds lovely, and full of goodies, I hope we will get to see some photos....

Hi Lee, I don't think I've met you either, I have seen your letters, and have been trying to figure what part of Australia was Golden MS. So thats ONE mystery solved, only other one at the moment is WHAT IS EATING MY BASIL IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT!!!!! GRRRRR!!!!!


Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Marleneanne and sammut, It is nice to formally meet and introduce ourselves.I find other people's lives and environs much more intersting than mine.
Marleneanne, I had what is called osteonecrosis of the lower femur and upper tibia of both knees and the left one was giving me the most trouble, so that's why it was operated on first. I must say, that even my having been a Registered Nurse for a good many years, it didn't prepare me for it. I had it done on Sept. 23, was in the hosp. for 3 nights, then was tranferred to our local hospital's rehab unit. When I arrived there, I couldn't walk but now am using no device to get about in the house. I do use a cane when I'm outside filling up the bird feeders. All the people with whom I've spoken to about this say that after the first 3 weeks they don't regret it in the least. I'm still having some pain that requires an opiate but I only take it every 12hrs. By Spring, I should be able and do the things I normally do, such as gardening, mowing, etc. Good luck to you Marlenean.
Sammut, renovating can certainly wear you down with nervoussness and anxiety. I'm glad for you it is finished. As I've told the other kind ladies with whom I chat who live in Australia and NZ, I've always been fascinated with both countries and the flora and fauna there. One lady sends me pics of roos, etc., which I find so thrilling. All the people on this site are so kind, helpful and just overall good people.
I do hope we all become great friends. Each of you, please do send me a d-mail should you need someone to listen. Have a good day and hope to hear from you soon.
Kindly, Lee
BTW, it's 2:25a.m. here and am i close to the correct time there as about 5:25p.m. there

western sydney nsw, Australia

Lee, your close with the time I just poped back its 645 P.M. now it was about about 540 P.M. when I wrote ----Sammut

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hello weedsandall, I am glad we, indeed, have an opportunity to meet. As I wrote to sammut and Marleneann, other people's lives are so much more intersting than mine. I hope you and I, along with the others will become fast friends. I feel more at home on this site than many of the others. Such kind people all
Yes, I live in Mississippi. I was born and reared in a little small town of about 3,000 people named Okolona which is about 18 miles south of Tupelo. From here to Okolona(not to be confused with Oklahoma, the mid-plain state) is about a 2 hr. drive.
As you might have read, my passions are growing orchids, gardening, watching birds and enjoying all kinds of wildlife. I have entirely too many orchids to have inside but orchids are quite addictive. I've never paid more than $50 for one, though. I'm a member of the American Orchid Society and frequent their web site. Much good advice is provided there but they can be rather intimidating as most are professional and hard-core and serious growers. I'm not. Just a hobbiest and if it gets to being too tedious, then I'll stop growing them.
I grow mostly intermediate ones and they range from A to z.
Well, will be off to get my clothes out of the dryer, so I can wear them to Physical therapy today.
Have a very good day/night.
Kindly, Lee
P.S. I wonder if it's snails eating your basil. Check at night and look beneath the leaves and elsewhere.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Lee, First time was about 5: 40 P.M. second time 6: 45 P.M. ---Sammut

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

thanks sammut, it's won't be long before your bedtime, whereas, I'm just getting started. Woke about 9:00pm in pain, so I took some med. and just decided to stay up as I had laundry to do.

western sydney nsw, Australia

I have a roast cooking its about time to put the green vegs. on to steam and have my dinner with a glass of wine please join me I will set a place for you .------Sammut.

Thumbnail by sammut
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Oh, sammut, thanks. I'll get dressed, grab a valise and be on my way. Since the total knee replacement 3 weeks ago, I might be a little slow but I'll get there. Now, do have plenty of wine and even some mellow Bourbon, if you please.
Then, you can follow me home and I'll serve you your meal of choice. Although I'm male, I can cook and have even been told I do a good job at it. My dad was a good cook, too. So was my mother but she hated it. Cora, the lady who cooked for us used to let me help her in the kitchen and much of what I learned, I learned from her. I don't remember her ever measuring anything.
I'm mostly a meat and potatoes fellow. Now, the friend with whom I live can eat just about anything and he, too, can cook but hasn't in a while. It's mostly I fix what I want and he fixes what he wants. It has worked out like that for the last 30 years, this year.
So, as I get ready, you think of what Deep South foods you might like and I'll whip it up in no time. I think I'll start you off with some fried Okra. Have you ever had it before?
Well, will see you in just a matter of no time.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Your in luck I have cougar bourbon aged 8yrs. its 74:0%U.S> proof distilled Lawrenceburg U.S.A. I hope you will like it after a few I know you will enjoy it . I love food and big serves no little plates for me whate is Okra I dont think I know it , bring your friend with you .---

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Sammut, I, indeed, will enjoy the bourbon. I haven't drunk anything as far as alcohol goes in years. It's just i don't party anymore and stay home most of the time and drinking alone seems to be no fun. Now, are there good parting places in Western Sydney? If so, we'll pull a binge!
I live in what is frequently referred to as the Deep South as we are near the Gulf of Mexico. Okra is related to cotton and Mallow and is know botanically as Abelmoschus esculentus which forms pods about 3-5 inches long. It requires a long, hot growing season, which he have this far South. One cuts the pods into slices about 1/4 wide, salt and pepper it, dredge in corn meal and fry in oil until golden brown. It's also used in chicken gumbo, etc. Okra is just one of those regional foods and for many in the South, it's a staple. It, too, can be boiled and has a taste somewhat like asparagus but it musn't be cooked too long as it will get slimey and not so good.
Of course, another staple for many of us Southerners is corn bread which is made with corn meal, an egg and milk, Then, it's poured into a heated skillet with some oil in it and baked in the oven at 400F for20-25 minutes( at 204C).
It's these types of foods I was reared on, esp., fried chicken. We here eat so much fried stuff. However, Owen and I seldomly fry much but every now and again, it's nice to indulge. If the laws weren't so strict, I'd send you some okra seeds for you to plant and see how they do. Like with so many of our dishes, many can be traced back to our terrible time of our nation, whem slavery was legal. Horrible, horrible, horrible. And it was from them that we got so many things esp., some of the food.
Will run and get a shower before I go to Physical Therapy. Take care and feel free to ask any question. I know I have from this forum. One of the most humorous was the espression, the lurgies(? sp). Someone had to explain that to me.
Take care and enjoy your night. Lee.

Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi Gran, I just did the whole welcome thing, Quite a long speil it was too. went to post a photo eith it and lost the lot so will get to know you another night. Marleneann I checked out your link but only got some nice music. Thankyou. When I want music I usually only get a broken up version and have to wait for it to down load this time I wanted a website and got music and unbroken to boot.
Margaret if it's not snails at your basil it maybe earwigs, Scrunch up some newspaper and sit it at the base of the plant in the morning
check it out to see what you have caught and then KILL them. Goodluck with that.
Looks as if it is going to be a nice day tomorrow so hope you all have a good one as well.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Now Awchid, that is one georgeous plant! again, please let me know what it is. Lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

Aussie dend. "apple Blossom" Very pretty clear pale pink with a nice perfume.

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Again, sorry to be a bother but it is so gorgeous. You have a truly spectacular specimen My hat is off to you. Lee

What a lovely lot of chat going on here ...wonderful to see and isn't daves garden a great place to hang out?
leaflea ...you were a nurse? wow I think nures are true Angels ...I am glad you are slowly getting better ...you won't know yourself in a couple of weeks, your growing conditions sound very similar to mine ...red clay short Spring and Autumn looooong summer and a pretty fair Winter.I have irish in me somewhere too ...love my spuds! take care mate.
Sammut ...enjoy your wine in those lovely new surroundings ...I am sure it's all been worthwhile.
Margaret ...Marleneanne ...supergran9 ...gee it's nice to see you settling in here isn't it Lesley (love the orchids) ...it's freezing here how about you?

Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Chrissy, yeah, I graduated from nursing school in 1977 and practiced until 1991. The manic-depression was gettin worse due to my not wanting to take the meds. Didn't like the way they made me feel, tired, lethargic, etc. So it was best of I quit and did so. Lots of drama involved with that decision.
Am getting to get to know some really nice new-comers or they might have always been online. I still say I feel more at home on this site than some others and it's because of people like you and my other Ladies of the Southern Sky.
Thanks for your concern about my knee and i do think you are right about my improvements however slow it may seem.
Take care, sleep will and don't let the bed bugs bite.
Your Northern Hemisphere friend, Lee

Thanks for the welcome everybody and I enjoyed all the chat too.
Right now I need to get out in the garden to plant a Mullberry,and a loganberry:)

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