How large is a "very large" bulb?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I just received an order from Easy to Grow bulbs. I thought their service was excellent but I am disappointed in the size of the bulbs. Beneficia is about 3 1/2" and the Amputos are all less than 3". Is this typical? The cheap bulbs at the big box stores are all much larger than that. These bulbs were described as "very large". Should I be concerned? If so, who has larger named bulbs?

Ardesia, I have ordered from John scheepers & thier bulbs are very nice, large bulbs. I have an order in to them now {5} bulbs! Can hardly wit. They are the dbls. collection with an extra single one. Lorine

Mobile, AL

I have ordered and received Amputo from both John Scheepers and Easytogrow bulbs. The bulbs that I received were comparable in size despite the fact that I ordered from easytogrow at the end of the season (half price).

Amputo is a diploid and as such will not get as big as a Tet.

Benefica is a Tet.

Bulb sizes are usually given in circumference rather than in diameter. The circumcuference is usually specified in metric (centimeters). The sizes will vary somewhat even if ordered from the same company.

WOW! It is so nice to finally be receiving our orders, isn't it?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks, I was wondering about the genetics and if that was a factor. Scheepers gives the circumference while Easy to grow only says large or very large.

It is nice to get new bulbs; I even went out today and bought brand new pots for the ones I want to use in Christmas decorations.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

A, I think the name is Benfica, although I've seen all kinda spellings for it. Regardless, you're gonna love it. It is absolutely beautiful. As to the size, I think what you got are good sizes and will perform well for you but in my book that is not large, lol. I don't have Amputo so can't comment on that one.

In my book, a "very large" bulb is the size of a a small head of lettuce. I have a pic somewhere of me holding such an amaryllis bulb. So they do exist. However, generally speaking, it seems like the fancier they are, the smaller the "large bulbs" seem to be.

I know that doesn't make sense but...

This message was edited Oct 29, 2008 7:27 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi Nery, you always make sense to me, I think we think a lot alike. Kinda convoluted but that's OK by me. LOL

You are right about the spelling of Benfica, I just was just guessing rather than checking. Amputo is a fragrant white; they will be holiday decorations this year then go into the ground where I hope they will multiply like bunnies.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hiya. I went back and checked Amputo and saw it was white. I will edit my previous post so I don't sound like a numbskull.

This message was edited Oct 29, 2008 7:34 PM

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