tcs1366 picture (Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #17

(Zone 7a)

We came from here -

Hope it's alright I commandeered Ms. Piggy here - I was afraid starting discussion about our swap might not fit into the too-long-for-my-slow-dialup, sooooooooo -

Regarding our next swaps, I'm thinking we could do two like we did before:
--- an earlier Dec '08 swap that would be convenient for those with limited cold periods for winter sowings like southerners (including the Ike & Gustav survivors), and

--- For a later Feb '09 swap, perhaps Suzy will be back with us and rarin' to go?

The suggested version of Suzy's swap rules is one that became the "tried and true" one, so how about we use it for the coming December swap for now? I'd like to use the link Starlight gave here: . What I post at first will just be a hypothetical set of rules until we get it like we want it.

Another suggestion I have is that I start the December '08 swap with the first post being reserved for the swap rules, which I'll modify and update as folks dmail me their suggestions (I might miss suggestions if they don't get dmailed to me). And then, let's reserve the 2nd post for Starlight, from which she'll "rule the roost" lol. After those first two posts, discussion can begin.

The piggy theme was cute - does everyone want to stay with that or try something different this next go-round? Let me know so I can start the swap thread with a theme in our *rules box* at the beginning. Y'all wait for Starlight to claim her spot in the 2nd post for running the show.

Following are a few suggestions I'd like to get some feedback on, so I can keep the rule box relevant:

1. At the beginning of the rule box, would it be okay to put:
Survivors of Gustav and Ike: you don't have to have any seeds to participate with - just let us know wacha would like to have :)

2. Number of participants - shall we do what Suzy did last year and set a limit of 20 (or whatever) and then welcome any late comers?

3. If participants don't have any seed (or as much as they may wish) to trade with, they might like to consider buying some to trade with. A few inexpensive sources I know about are:

--- (an outlet for Thompson & Morgan with seeds going for around 49¢ to 99¢ (¢ = 155 + alt and Number Lock on))

--- (Pinetree - pretty good selection at very low prices - expect not too many seeds at low prices, but sometimes they do all right. They let you know how many seeds each packet has. Their vegie seed selection is so large, that there are many ornamental vegies that would fit among flowers beautifully - like that deeply ruffled, black-toned maroon-leaved kale 'Redbor'.

--- - (J. L. Hudson) - Hudson sells seed in bulk (in addition to regular catalog prices), and some kinds of bulk seeds give you quite a bit of mileage for the money. My suggestion here is that if you'd like to try this option, that you post on the swap thread to see if anyone would be interested - maybe we could avoid duplications and save $ at the same time. A few I recall that have been popular in the past and that are inexpensive are fragrant ones like mignonette (Reseda), evening stock (Mathiola bicornis) or moonflower (Ipomoea alba). A great herb to grow among the flowers that Hudson now has in bulk are various kinds of basil (Ocimum), and little gems to tuck in here and there could be something like Brachycome iberidifolia. There are cottage garden classics like hollyhocks (Alcea), bellflowers (Campanula), snapdragons, pot marigolds (Calendula), China asters (Callistephus) - y'all get the idea. Why not look through Hudson's bulk list and perhaps as a group we could obtain quite a variety at low cost?

There's probably other considerations I haven't thought of, so everyone please let me know wacha thinkin.


This message was edited Oct 21, 2008 12:12 AM

Thumbnail by bluespiral
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Looks great Karen. I;ll work on my list tomorrow.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Fine with me. You can count me in!

Can we keep the piggy, it's so cute!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Looks good to me. Glad ya put that in about the Ike and Gustuv folks , some of them have been very shy and stil cleaning up so maybe this way they wil feel comfortable about asking for stuff.

Been thinking about a name. Came up with a couple. FALL FLING SWAP for all, anythign and everything into the trades, old , new, collected, store bought, or Winter KabliTz ( from somebody saying that word) or Winter Blitz Swap.

If anybody has any cute idea, sure would like to hear them.

The Piggy is cute, I love it too but I just don't know. That is Suzy's crowing achievment. I just don't feel right using it. She more than earned that Piggy and her crown. And if she gets aroudn to doing another one, then she will have it for her swap. Anybody maybe got a scarecrow, would look more like me for real with my stringy hair LOL or a teddy bear maybe.

Did like how Suzy had evrybody put want and wish lists and not sure where the post was for mailing your stuff in and postage. If don't have too too many Ike and Gustuv victims, I will cover their postage.

Everybody throw your ideas in to the hat.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Oooohh, I'd like to participate this time! I've had such fun with the leftover seed from the swap that some of you sent me. I've been fiendishly saving seed from everything too, so I'm ready :-)

La, I've had mixed experiences with MGs reseeding. Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, and Tie Dye have been well behaved and I've never found a volunteer from any of them. But the other I.purpurea varieties I've tried (like Grandpa Ott and Star of Yelta) have turned out to be weeds for me. I don't think Japanese MGs present a reseeding problem either.

Robin, great to "see" ya! The yard is looking awesome! Have you seen lots of hummers at the Tithonias? Mine have been very popular with them and butterflies- great to see all that movement and life in the garden :-) I grew the variety that is supposed to stay shorter (4ft, Fiesta something I think is the name?), and they did top out at 4ft or a little taller. They were in an area with rocky clay soil that may have kept them shorter too. I've harvested seed from them, but I suspect they'll revert to taller plants.

And thankfully I'd already harvested the seeds, because they're all gone now. What started out as some exploratory digging to find and pump out the septic tank, and dealing with a gray water issue from the kitchen sink, 5 of my large beds now have a 4' wide path of destruction left by the backhoe. Losing the annuals was no biggie since we're already getting some light frosts, but the wintersown perennials, roses, lilies, hydrangea and goodness knows what else have made me grieve.

....but, "when life hands you lemons,...." So, in addition to having the gray water and septic issues taken care of (a second 1000 gallon septic tank, 100s of feet of leach lines, and a brand new gray water line from the kitchen sink that had to wrap all the way around the house and through the beds later), I got lots of tilled space ready to plant! As it happened, I had unknowingly planted the Tithonias right on top of the septic tank. Its near the area where the water line went in a few years ago, and the soil was turned over, leaving the heavy clay subsoil on top, and the good topsoil buried. The recent work as turned the soil back over in some of those areas, returning better soil to the surface. And on the other side of the house where the backhoe path followed a grass path around the house, I installed a stone path, which has increased the size of the garden there. What looked like chaos and destruction at first, is ultimately going to look much better than it did.


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Definitely put me on the list - I have lots of things to share ^_^

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm liking it all so far! I do recall that a couple folk painstakingly went through all the threads and copied them so that I could go through and create a spreadsheet - the combination of things posted on the threads and the emails to Suzy worked well for the two of us being together, but I'm not so sure it would be easy for someone on their own. I would recommend that we go ahead and post what we have, and what we want - but then forward those confirmations to the hostess in dmail so there's one spot to refer to (dmail can be sorted, making it MUCH easier to find individuals than on a thread). Lemme tell ya, that spreadsheet ended up being a real life-saver as we got to a point where there were so many seeds, and so many requests, that we literally sat with me reading the spreadsheet and Suzy getting the seeds to put in the coffee cans (remember, she knew where EVERYTHING was...) As best I can recall I spent something like 5 or more days over there (not full days - neither of us are morning people), and I've no idea how much time Suzy spent on it on her own, but I know it was a lot. And then there was the time I spent on the spreadsheets - so don't forget to factor all that time in when you're thinking about how many people, how many seeds, etc. But definitely count me in!

I also like the idea if folks want to participate but don't have seeds that they can pick up some inexpensive (or unique) ones to offer - doesn't have to be many! Remember those black prince snapdragons? They were a suggestion made by Suzy and hugely popular, as I recall. I think any of the suggestions you made, Karen, will be great.

We definitely need to put some kind of limit on the number of people - not that I'm antisocial, it just gets to be too huge otherwise - especially if it's a piggie swap....

And yeah, I think we need a different pic, much as I love Queen Piggie - it's really Suzy's.

Neal, I'm so sorry to hear they had to blaze a path right through your gardens. I've not had a chance yet to divide my iris, but will definitely send you some when I do! There were some hummers on the tithonia, but more butterflies than I'd ever anticipated. The fennel I put out back was gobbled like crazy by swallowtail caterpillars - and they then showed up out front as butterflies happily going from bloom to bloom - it was great! Except for the fact that the poor fennel never really stood a chance to mature. oh well......I'll still plant it next year, it was too fun having the butterflies.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

For me... there are maybe a small amount of seed that I would want/need.
but i will have A LOT to donate. I'm sure there are some newbies out there, or flood/hurricane victims that would love to have any seed [unless they are invasives in their areas]

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I would like to suggest when you put the new name up put a '/ Piggy Swap' so everyone will know, this is the swap to be in lol Or AKA Piggy Swap maybe, a few people have been watching this thread and may not recognize it with another name U think? Everything else sounds good :) I would be more than happy to pitch in for postage for the people that had a hurricane, more than happy to send extra postage in with my seeds, I'm sure some others would pitch in too so you wouldn't have to bare the whole amount Star, I just hope some of them come in with us, I have plenty of seeds to share this year also and only plan to ask for a few annuals, it's just getting them all cleaned right now and the date of Dec. sounds so good to me lol Gives me time to get all of these done!

Neal, I have a noid hydrangea that I didn't think took root but it did, if it makes it I'll send it in the spring and I have a couple more that are named I can take cuttings off of in the spring, let me know what other perennials that you lost and maybe I can find some of those around here I have a lot of plants lol I look at my seeds and think dang I have that many different plants outside, just blows my mind when I get them altogether like that, I've been busy the last couple of years LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>I would like to suggest when you put the new name up put a ' Piggy Swap'

...and it will be in the Trading Forum, right?? i do pop in there, so i'd see it.

hi all

i have been behind reading the threads and now catching up

id love to join the swap ..i will have seeds to donate but i will not be requesting very many seeds either because i have alot of leftover seeds. unless they are daylilies or lilies of some kind. I am not organized at all so having a head start helps

welcome back robin !

been busy with the grand babies this summer and fall and i only did the front garden of flowers which i posted awhile back. i have a veggie garden which produced pretty good in spite of the weather this year.. i plan to border the garden with flowers and that is in progress because of the aggressive weeds. I am laying down cardboard to smother the weeds and putting down brown ,green, brown and hopefully more dirt hauled it is a long process of lasagna gardening.

regarding morning glories..the i. tricolor and i. nils do not reseed readily as i. purpureas ( grandpa otts, etc )

karen..i grew a small blue mg this summer it is a purpurea with the heart shaped leaves and the vine is tall but the leaves and the blooms are pretty small. no idea what it is ..definitely not i. hederacea. its not too impressive but certainly it is different.
the grandpa otts came back this year and ive shoveled them all except one that grew alongside the pepper plants. The i.coccinea reseeded too in spite of my careful seed collecting..but i enjoy having those. they grew alongside the corn and i allowed them to mingle.
my mohawk pepper did produce some nice ones and it is designed to be a container plant. i have it in my five gallon nursery pot and its now in a sheltered area where i can get some peppers if i need some. how did yours grow?


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I might be asking for tomato seeds lol All the tomatoes I grow here just don't do that well for me, I have the rutger's and brandywine and about to give up on them, I always grow some different ones along with those and seems like they give me a good turn out on the first flush of tomatoes then it's down hill from there, I hate that! Maybe some of the other heirlooms would do better? What does everyone else grow that is close to my zone, I know brandywines aren't suppose to do well here but I just love them and appreciate any tomatoes I get from them lol It's time for different seeds for next year for sure!

So Robin, is your business winding down for now? Must have been a busy summer for you and I bet you spent a lot of time at your sisters trying to get her straightened out :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, thank you so much, that's so sweet of you. I've got a couple of other hydrangeas in another bed that aren't happy, so I'll probably move those to the "freshly tilled" spot. I've got some heirloom tomatoes that I'm saving seed from; they've done very well here and I think they would perform well for you too- I think our climates are pretty similar. There are some perennials I'd wintersown (that were lost) that I'd like to get more seed for. I had a big patch of Nora Barlow columbine I was so looking forward to seeing bloom next year, now I can't find a one. There were some Penstemons and Primula (from a cross that occurred in her garden) from seed that a friend in the UK had sent me, that really hurt to see them wiped off the planet! I'm sure some things will show up in odd places too, so I'm hoping to find some surprises in spring. Hope springs eternal in the garden!

Robin, I think I want lots more fennel, dill, parsley, etc. next year. Love those black swallowtails, and I figure if I grow enough I'll have plenty to share with them. I like using my herbs, so they gotta leave me some!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal, I have some pretty penstemons that I don't have a name for I planted the last of the seeds last year, I got them from Mike_freak and they are wonderful, there was one in there that was an electric blue so I planted the rest of the seeds wanting one of those and have oodles of seedlings still in a gal. jug that needs to be planted if you want I'll send some to you, They want to get out of that jug :) So you would be doing me a favor giving them a home :) Wish I had some Nora Barlow columbine for you I do have some baby Yellow Star though, they are small for right now. Or are you just done for plants right now, I gotta tell ya I'm about done for with them lol It's been a long summer and I'm STILL planting:)

Those tomatoes sound great, I only plant about 10 so I wouldn't need a lot :) I'm sure if they do good for you our zones aren't that different we're pretty close really.

Gotta go get the grass cut before the rain.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ooooohhhh, Lea, those Penstemons sound wonderful! I've spent the latter part of summer planted out because it hasn't rained, but although it still hasn't, its at least cool enough that I'm not watching the water I provide evaporate before my eyes. So I'm back in planting mode! Tilled earth and cool weather did its magic, LOL. Yellow Star columbine sound nice too- I never met a columbine I didn't like :-) I had a few blue and pink columbine seedlings still in pots and stuck those where the Noras were. They're still tiny, so time will tell. I just finished the messy job of laying tomato seeds out to dry- glad thats over! I've got Pink German potato leaf, small yellow pear, yellow grape, Green Zebra, and a red from a friend that I think is Mortgage Lifter. Those all managed well even with the dry weather.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya. maybe your right. Have to put Aka Piggy swap or something.

Wil wait for the swap but whoevr has thos eTitonia, would liek some please.

I have sevral kinds of tomatoes and also saved seed from the OSU Blue tomatoes. Best cherry tomatoes I ever ate in my life and kids would come and go wild over them. Folks vist with kids they head for my maters to pick and eat them.

Have bunches of different kinds of peppers too and other cool season crops seeds and such.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow...there is a ton of reading since I was last here (and I think that was just yesterday, LOL.) I will have to catch up on most of it later tonight as I am going nuts trying to bring everything in. (Low of 28° tonight.)

I want to ask one quick question though as I see you've commenced the swap talk. I think last year the first swap was smaller and envolved only FRESH seed, then the Piggy Swap where "anything goes" came later. Are we using that same format? Fresh seed only the first time around then basically whatever we have in surplus for the 2nd?

If you change the name on the big swap this year I kind of like "Feeding Frenzy." LOL.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOL That downright funny. Feezing Frenzy. Maybe we got a shark or pacman or something. Very cute.

If nobody has any objections would liek to have for anythign goes as we don't for sure if Suzy wil have hers or not. I need to clean out some stuff to make room for new stuff.

I have some rare and tropicals I want to see if anybody would like too, I got them and just don't have the time to work with them. grew some of them out and easier to take cuttings now.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

You're right Lala - the first one was recent seed (either purchased that year or just harvested), and the second was a "Clean Your Cupboards" seed (including older seed), which is how we got so many from Weezie.

I was out gathering seed and thinking about the swap, and remembered how really easy it was to distribute the seeds that folks sent in specifically for others - labeled all nice and everything - just had to toss them into their can (and that was the last thing we did). It was the Piggie part that was difficult - that's where Suzy took up two twin beds and other spots in her upstairs, and as people requested things she would find them and toss them into that person's coffee can (and that's where we used the spreadsheet, to make sure we'd got all the requests from the threads). It was that portion that needed the most organizing. Also, while it may seem easier to just start sorting the seeds into the boxes/envies that you might use to eventually send the seeds to the person I'm not sure that would work - some of the folks started in small coffee cans and by the time we were done had migrated to a popcorn tin - so the box size would have changed too.

As for tomatoes, I planted Russian Love, but they kept getting eaten by the ground squirrels, so I had to resort to cutting them green and letting them ripen indoors. I'm hoping I'll have seeds for those - they're nice and big maters. And the plants get HUGE.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cool. I haven't heard of Russian Love.
Do they come with little Russian hats and dance? LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin, grow some roma tomatoes, I say those cause they have a lot of tomatoes so you just need one plant and pitch them out in the yard to see if the squirrels will eat those instead, I had that problem where I used to live, there was a fence post by the garden and the darn varmits would sit on that while eating my tomatoes so I grew some roma tomatoes the next year and left one on the post every day then they left my tomatoes alone, really they did! :) Maybe you could sit one on a bu cket or something like that lol

Neal, I see you are in the exchange I'll get those out to you probably Sat. we have the rain coming in so I'm trying to get plants in the ground, sorry lol I won't be doing anything but planting until Friday :) I'm getting down to the nitty gritty of my last plants FINALLY :) I grew that Mortgage Lifter for two years and I liked it but ran out of seeds and couldn't find it again :) Seems like it was a nice sized tomato and it did well for me, it's been a while lol They change tomatoes too much now on the newer ones, either they change the names or they just don't keep them but I looked in several catalogs to find it again and didn't see it.

(Zone 7a)

Hi all - have been working on fixin' us a logo for our imminent swap.

Until then, the best light bulb that's gone off in my cranium tonight was inspired by La's "feeding frenzy" remark. It made me remember some wonderful pictures of eweed's Golden (type of pooch) nursing her new little pups. What a great logo that would make to our new swap, which we could call "Eweed's Golden (aka Piggy) Feeding Frenzy Swap".

So I dmailed him with my request.

The only other idea that comes to mind is Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Wedding Feast (1525 - 1569). Perhaps we could have our piggy swap travel around from year to year? This year, the first one could be the North Renaissance Piggy Feeding Frenzy Swap. The illustration comes from Wikimedia which allows free image use as long as Wiki gets credited. (Scroll down to The North Renaissance 1500 - 1615) for background info after clicking on this link:

So, whenever we posted the pic during this particular swap, we could cut and paste it's title at the bottom of its post to say:

scroll down to 11th line of images

Anyone is more than welcome to come up with a better idea or an improvement on this one - I will really appreciate the help...did someone say shark or pacman??? Can you provide an image?

ps - Pamsue, the woodchucks got the peppers - I'll dmail you first thing in the am - mind is mush right now...We did put up a valiant fight this past summer against critters and foes in general...still have another line of fencing to put up - hopefully before ground locks up in thinking about electric fencing next year...?

(Zone 7a)

oops - forgot the image -

source: v
scroll down to 11th line of images

Thumbnail by bluespiral
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Too bad we can't use this one from off the wildlife forum. Wonder where she got it from

or if ya go down to bottom of thread Gerris2 posted a cute critter. All nice and fat. LOL

wish I could remmeber what site I foudn this pic on. Been to long again, but loved it.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
(Zone 7a)

I like yours better, Star - but that's the thing - finding a source that allows us to use their image. I spent half a day and all night horsing around the internet with image sources.

perhaps someone might have a usable image for a Flying Piggy Swap???

y'all keep your thinking caps working..

2007 was the Year of the Pig...?

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Feeding Frenzy? What about Seeding Frenzy!

I've got bazillions of seeds to make you all happy! You can already take a peek here:

674 species to choose from and another 100 coming up (still working on documenting and packaging those)!

Kannapolis, NC

Wow, Tuink, I've just added your site to my favs. Are you in business or what??? I can't begin to imagine harvesting that many seeds. Well, I don't have that many plants to harvest from, but to do it, whew! You've got some great seeds, though. Wow!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LOl. Tuink. Like that too, cuz that about what it is a seed feeding frenzy.

Didn't Suzy take a pic of seeds piled all over the place? Wonder if she would let us use one of her pics. I forget who wrote the article about the Piggy Swap and they had put a bunch of pics up.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Good grief! I have sooooo many seeds and need soooooo few . . . honestly, if someone wanted to join with just a few seeds, I personally wouldn't complain. I wowuld be happy for anyone who can give a home to these seeds.

I remember when I first joined DG, people were soooo generous. Now it's my turn. ^_^

Corkscrew vine still hanging in there . . . keep those fingers and toes crossed.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- if you look closely at the bottom of the Coon pic Ruth posted ... here is the web site

>>I forget who wrote the article about the Piggy Swap and they had put a bunch of pics up.

I think that was Jan [gram] -- who i have not seen in ages.
and i'm sure you could ask to use one of her photos.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

OMG you girls have been chatting it up! It took me a while to catch up! I wanted to say I agree with the thought about Tithonia size depending on the soil. Last year I grew them in a spot with composted garden loam and this year I tried them in a spot with unamended dry, sandy soil. The ones in the good soil had grown almost 7' tall while the ones this year only got a few inches over 4'. I think it is also how much water they get because we had lots of dry spells this year while last year we had lots of rain.
I don't have much opinion about all the swap stuff, I know I will definitely be sending some stuff in, because I already offered stuff and have people down for what they wanted. It seems that you are all doing a wonderful job of figuring out the logistics so I'm not gonna try to fix what ain't broken! : )

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

ROTFL about Bruegel the Elder - I have to tell you the very first thing that popped into my mind is the painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymous Bosch!!

OK....enough of that - LOL! If anyone needs photos from the Piggie Swap let me know, as I'm the one who took them while working at Suzy's.

I think we may have a number of folks who have more seeds than they know what to do with - perhaps we should put together some gift packages for folks who were hit hard by Ike? I'd be happy to contribute - I still have seeds from the Piggy Swap that I know I won't be able to find a home for in the next 2 years, in addition to all the seeds I'm compulsively gathering.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>some gift packages for folks who were hit hard by Ike?

I'm game for that. I too have a bunch of seeds that I got so many lil packets of, i could not sow them all.

I could go thru and jot it all down and post what i have to offer, aside from 'fresh seed' [that is dry of course]

and some seeds were given to me, and i know i'll never use them. Like Rose of Sharon, or Hardy Hibiscus.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

ooooo, Rose of Sharon - I KNEW I'd forgot to pull seeds from something! I like the idea of putting that list together - that way we could separate what we have as extras, versus what we have that we want to piggy swap.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Sounds like a good plan to me. I already got plenty of boxes for evrybody.

Dryad. maybe you cna pick out the best picture of a seed mess and in fact maybe in the opening thread we can put a link to th earticle again so folks cna see how much fun it is.

Would liek to try and keep to about 35 regular people and all the storm victims. We had foks lost stuff from texas to Ohio with floods and trees and total disaster.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Star -- do you have a bunch of flood victims who have contacted you yet?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I just checked the last thread... there are only 2 seeds that i have requested so far.
Scabiosa Blue Butterfly from Meredith and Passiflora from Star.

and i REALLY dont need anymore seeds... unless there is something that really grabs my fancy ....

Unless someone has some Hostas they wanna toss my way. *wink*

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Not from on here. I had auctions going on the LA for a family that had totally lost everything and we had alot of victims from Gustuv and Ike up here that stayed and gave plants and seeds to a bunch of them to tak eback.

Was gonan join the tomatoe seeds robin then realized gave all but a few kidns of seeds to the victims to take back with them. We are on the evacuation route and lots of La folks and some Texas folks all seem to have relatives here .

When Rita and Katrina victims were all here staying in the fema trailers I made lot so f pots of flowers and took them down to the trailers and passed them all out so folks could have somethignt o try and make the place look homey.

We had thousands of victims staying here. Cleaned out old toys and games and clothes and such and passed it all on to them.

I got standed in the cold in a blizard in Indiana. Couldn't get home and would have lost all my feet and probably my life instead of just my toenails at the time if it wouldn't strangers taking me in a small boy on a snowmobile who rescused me and I owe so much to them and so when ever there a disaster or somebody needs help I try an dod what I can and wil always be grateful to them folks and always pass it forward. been where them folks have been and it not easy.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I got hosta plants. Nothign real fancy but they good icnreasers and pretty light purple flowers th ehummers love. Not sure if I have any hosta seed left.

When I get some stuff up on my list ya may be wantign more than just them few. LOL can you say feed me. LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Well, i'll just keep collecting, cleaning and baggy-ing up my seeds and get everything ready to ship for when it's time.

the southern states get a much earlier jump on sowing then we do up here in the North. I probably wont get started until Jan/Feb time frame.

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