Oh NO...Whats wrong with my vine?

Lake Charles, LA

I planted two Confederate Jasime vines about 25 years ago and they have always bloomed in the spring than gave a wonderful shade cover to my poarch. One of the vines has parts of it that are dry and brown. Its been a crazy time in Louisiana with two more hurricanes in the last month. I didn't do anything different with this vine. Any suggestions or opinions or advice about my pour brown vine?

Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Lake Charles, LA


Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Lake Charles, LA

My Jasmine vine last spring.

Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Lake Charles, LA

another view

Thumbnail by ssdogwood
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Crazy weather can do bad things to plants. I'd give it some time and see if it looks better next year. If you've taken care of them the same way for 25 years you're obviously not doing anything wrong so anything bad that's gone on is either old age or Mother Nature and there's not much you can do about either of those besides sit back and see if they recover. I'm not sure what the typical lifespan is for these vines but if it's on the older side it could be more susceptible to stresses like excessive wind/rain.

The brown leaves remind me of something I've seen around here on people's boxwood hedges that have been pruned when it's still hot & sunny and the leaves that used to be on the inside are all of a sudden exposed to the sun and burn as a result--I wonder if some of the outer leaves blew off in the storms and now the leaves that were underneath have been burned by the sun that they weren't used to? If that's all that's going on then I imagine it should recover fine. Herbicide overspray can cause similar symptoms. too so if you (or nearby neighbors) have been cleaning up weeds in the yard and spraying anything on them that could be it too.

Lake Charles, LA

Thanks for the words of wisdom ecrane3. I don't think the storm is to blame and no one is using herbicides. Several trees were blown down a couple of hurricanes back and the vine is getting more
afternoon sun so maybe thats the reason? Both vines were fertilized about a month ago and hoping that is not the cause . I'll trim and compost it really well and hope for the best.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It could be fertilizer burn too but if you didn't do anything different than you've been doing for 25 years I don't think that's the problem, unless the roots were already under some stress from being too wet or something like that. Sunburn is definitely a possibility, that was the first thing I thought when I saw the leaves and if you had trees blown down and it's getting more sun now that's definitely a possibility. The good news if that's the case is they can handle a good amount of sun, so when new leaves grow in they should be fine.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

did they get any salt water on them during the hurricane?

Lake Charles, LA

No salt water on the vines and the front of the vine is in full shade so can't blame sunburn on that part. We have all been stressed lately so maybe the vine is picking up on it. thanks of the replies and I'll just wait and see.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

ssdogwood, is there anyway you can dig around the roots and see if it is not an insect. Root Maggots or grub worm larvae could be your problem. Just a thought.


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