Only in Hawaii!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

We are having our cottage renovated at the moment and have a crew of three working. One of the guys brings his parrot to work with him every day, her name is Bobo, and she is very sweet! Now, I have seen people bring their dogs to work - but never a parrot (acually, I think she is a Sulphur Crested Cockatoo). Here is a picture of Bobo, please excuse the gardening outfit and rough look (me, not Bobo). Hard to believe that these birds are such a pest in Australia that they have a bounty on their heads!

Thumbnail by Braveheartsmom
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Braveheartsmom, the picture is one of the best images I've seen since getting out of the hospital. What a great view you have and what a great parrot. You truly are in paradise. Thanks for brightening up my day. Lee

Very cool!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh, BHM how great it is to see looking so great.

Yesterday, I told myself that I hadn't heard from so many people in such a long time. The reason is simple: old threads eventually fizzle out and I haven't been that active on the TGF. I will remedy that right now and further tonight.

Great piece of news. Please tell all your friends: Gail and I have started an internet travel agency:

We handle flights, hotels, vacation packages, cruises, groups, excursions, show tickets and even cut flowers and bouquet deliveries. Plus, we have very good prices. Gail and I made sure of that before joining the organization.

I have started hearing the call of the sea again. We have 1 cruise planned for January (7 days), we are eyeing a quickie one (4 days) in December. There is still no big one in the pipes. We'll just wait and see what the economy does in the months to come.

Take good care, all.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What a beautiful smile!!! The mountain behind and the brugs....ahhhhhh.

Sylvain, looking for you on the "missing everyone" thread that Jenny started.

Will have to check out the travel agency. Unless there is some miracle soon, we won't have anything to stay home with much less travel. oh well.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Jenny how adorable! Both you and Bobo. Yep, only in Hawaii would workmen bring such a lovely bird to work with them. Its nice that you have a good rapport with the guys as you can play with the bird! A bounty??? That's terrible!!!!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My day is complete. Shari and Sylvain at the same time.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

LOL - see...I told you I needed my Tropikids fix. PK you really make me laugh out loud - a tonic for my day!


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Don't how or when but there will have to be a time when a certain number of us can get together in the same place at the same time for many days. I have many friends of years duration but there is just something different and special about the people I have met here on DG.

I love each and everyone of you.

Yokwe, Aloha, Love and God Bless ,

Princess Kilikina aka Louc aka Christi aka ......

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Polar Bear! How very nice to "see" you! Your new site looks great - and I love the name! You and Gail must have settled into the new house in order to have the time to start a new business. Best of luck with your new venture - I will remember you if I ever need to get off this Island. Passing your name to my DD and SIL who travel quite a bit...

Love your picture and they are cute looking birds ...said to be as intelligent as an eight year old child ...but have a look at what happens when they group together and decide to get into mischief
In NSW they are relocated to the national parks ...when I lived at Woronora they destroyed almost every balcony and any wooden construction they could get their beaks on ...the noise was horrific and it really was like scenes from the movie "The Birds" ...I do love them but if they destroyed your homes and gardens you might think differently.
Travel Agency? ...could'nt think of anyone better qualified ^_^

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is so sweet. :)

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Chrissy, the article says that the birds are a protected species but we just had a show on TV which said that they had a bounty on their heads - $2.00, if I am not mistaken. Is it just certain areas that have the bounty ? No, I certainly wouldn't like my house to be destroyed - I keep termites for that LOL!

Bobo has taken quite a fancy to me, probably because I keep bringing her fruit from the garden to nibble on! Mike was telling me this morning that Bobo's favorite food is a spam musabi, and indeed she wolfed half of it down, Braveheart had the other half...

Aloha Lili!

I had one called Cheeky for many years he was already old when I inherited him ...he followed me around the house like a puppy saying "who's a cheeky boy " and some other adorable things ...they are dear things and it's perhaps us who are trespassing in the land that they have lived in for thousands of years ... I am glad they are protected ...but also glad that they are relocated to national Parks ...when we go watch the kids play football the noise from them is sometimes louder than the screaming crowds. (I now live right next to a National Park)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi, all.

Reading the posts above, I was reminded of a case on The People's court a long while back where the plaintiff was suing the defendant because she had boarded her parrot at the defendant's petsitting business for 2 weeks. It seems that when she returned, her parrot had learned quite a slew of colorful words and phrases, to the owner's dismay.

Funnier yet, the defendant said that the bird already knew those words when it came to the boarding place and now she had 2 more birds that swore like drunken sailors. She was countersuing the plaintiff. Isn't the justice system just too precious, though? The judge dismissed both the case and the countersuit.

As Foxworthy would say: if your parrot swears like a cheap brothel's madam, you just may be a redneck.

Take care, all.
Sylvain, A.K.A. Pu'ole.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

It's LouC's birthday today. Here is a link to the Happy Birthday thread.

You didn't hear this from me. As a matter of fact, I was never here. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL, Sylvain! You always make me laugh!

Lol ^_^

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I have been gone for SO long.... I envy your playing with Bobo... I love the Sulpher Crested Cockies...but they are devilish!!! look great!

Sylvain...have you ever take the boat from Puerto Montt (Chile) down to Ushwaia...and then the cruise to Antarctica...? i would love to do that one....or one of the Explorer cruise in SE Alaska. SE Alaska is our most favorite beautiful place from the water...spectacular doesn't begin to cover it!!!


Oooops...Happy Birthday, Princess K!!!!

This message was edited Oct 24, 2008 11:04 AM

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

No, we have no polar ambitions, not even alaskan ambitions. If I can't pack a swimsuit and sandals, I don't want to go.

On our first transatlantic cruise, I wanted to swim in the Mediterranea. Well Duh, you can't swim in the Mediterranea because the water is basically frigid. You stick your foot in the ocean and your toes curl upwards and cramp there.

I didn't know that. People go to the beach on the Mediterranea to sun-bathe and walk around basically naked, but noone dares even go close to the water. I lived in frigid climes for 50 years, bring on the tropical weather and water!

Take care, all.


Chapel Hill, NC

Hello! Is that a path I see in your garden? It has been too long since I have been there, I don't even recognize home :( The bird is almost as beautiful as you are... XOXOXO

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you Braveheartsmom for the nice welcom. I love DG. Everyone are so nice and helpful.

Alohahoya, plants arrived in perfect condition. Thanks so much.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

That picture is adorable! Both of you are sooooo cute! Looks like a beautiful day in paradise!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Finally got the borrowed laptop up and running. Withdrawal pains from my friends. Thank you for the sweet birthday greetings. It was a wonderful chill-out, just breathe deeply day. When there are no hurricanes the Texas Coast is not a bad place to be. The condos are about 50 yards from the high tide on the beach...maybe less. One of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen graced us this morning. Strolling Art Show in Port Aransas today and I think that will be fun. GessieGail says the plant nurseries are great here and I intend to find out before we leave next week.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Christi! So glad you could jump online! Hope your birthday was great - we were all thinking of you!

More plants! Sure beats bringing home a tee shirt as a souvenir!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Lours....well, when we sailed in AK I actually wore shorts one day!!!!

I too am a warm weather bunny (NOT HOT) but SE Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth!!!...NE AK is too, in fact! It is my DH's favorite place after he sailed around the world... Not just the beauty, but the wild life, the incredible connection with nature... it is amazing!

But I understand your preference... good luck on your company.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I still remember when, at the tender age of 34, I saw my first tropical beach: Trunk Bay on St.John, USVI. I thought I had seen beaches before up in Canada and Maine. Oh what a fool, I had been. A sandy shore along a dark, frigid body of water does not a beach make.

Walking from the parking lot to the beach, we turned a corner and there, before our eyes, was one of the world's 10 most beautiful beaches, according to National Geographic. My heart skipped a beat and I stopped dead in my tracks. There sprawling at my feet were hundreds of yards of baby-powder ultra-fine white sand with crystal-clear turquoise waters shimmering in the caribbean sun, palm trees gently swaying in the breeze: a vision of paradise. The water that was at 86 degrees F with not a cloud in the sky. I will never forget it.

Take care, all.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

Ah, yes! Love the look of those white sand beaches .... but Alaska had a very different and more varied beauty. The only time we needed more than a sweater or warm jacket was when near the glaciers. As our Govenator would say, " I'll be back." to both of those spots in coming years.

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