When do I plant these veggies to use my boxes to the best

Crestview, FL

I have 16 earthboxes/garden patch boxes, 2 square footers and 2 topsy turvys. Here is my thoughts: instead of washing them out and packing them away for just the spring/summer season, as I live in NW Florida, is there a chance I could have something growing in them during the fall/winter perhaps? Then when fall/winter is over, I could use them again for spring/summer, that way I'm getting the most out of my boxes and won't have time to get bored. Here are the seeds I have and perhaps, people will tell me when I should plant them, what month for each:
Sweet Corn
Garden Bean (Henderson's Lima)
Black Beauty Eggplant
Lavender Touch eggplant
Burgandy Okra
Carrot Sweetness II
Tomato Super Bush Hybrid
Tomato Glory Hybrid
Pepper Fruit Basket Hybrid
Pepper Colossial Hybrid
Pepper Golden Summer Hybrid
Pepper Gusto
Pepper Italian Gourmet
Pepper Redskin
Cucumber Cool Breeze
Cucumber County Fair
Cucumber Salad Bush
Watermelon Charleston Jr.
Let's not forget I got a portable Greenhouse also. So; what should I plant now if possible? I know most people plant their seeds indoors like I do; before the last frost for tomatoes, peppers, cukes and such; but aren't carrots, onions, cauliflower, pumpkins and possibly watermelons cool weather veggies/fruits? Please let me know when you'd plant the seeds given them a month or month and a half to grow before being transplanted if you know ok? Plus anyone having information on artichokes would be helpful. The type of Artichoke is the Imperial Star Hybrid type.

Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

joy112854- open up this file and it will tell you in northern Florida what and when to plant


Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

OOPPS didn't work. Google -Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide and find and open it.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Bob, is this the page you were referring to? (You may have tried to link to the PDF file.)



Boca Raton, FL(Zone 10a)

Shoe - Yes !!! I did try to link to the PDF File. Siily me, that doesn't work


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sure is lots of good info at that page. Glad you recommended it.

By the way, sure am enjoying your garden pics on another thread, Bob. Way to go! Everything is looking great!

Best to you and yours!

Crestview, FL

Thanks everyone.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have brocoli in mine right now and it is doing great, romaine too. The brocolli has only been in about a week and it took right off. Think I will go get a picture

Crestview, FL

I have cauliflower; but it is listed as a cold weather veggie for my area!!! So are onions, carrots and I believe artichokes too, as I've been studying up on the artichokes, they are not easy to grow I understand, but, they need 50 degree weather to form good viable plants and then 70 degree or less weather to be able to produce, so I think I'll start them next month. In January I'm starting all my tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and cukes as their planting season is from Feb to Apr or July to Aug except the eggplants, they are Feb to July. That way, if I mess up on the startlings I got time to retrieve myself, if not, I have grow lights and a Dream Greenhouse, that should give me a jump on the season right? I gave away the two tomato plants and pepper plants as I really thought they would not produce anything else, after the horned catepillars got them both times; but, the person who took them said they have been getting peppers, sniffles, and I only got one when I had it, this time I will start them a little earlier on.

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