Walnut trees...no nuts!!!

(Cathy), MO

Does anyone have any idea why black walnut trees would not bear?? These are in a newly acquired acreage and there are several of them. From smaller ones to ones that look 40 or 50 years old. And none have had any nuts the last several years. Could there be something missing in the soil?

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Read through this Cooperative Extension link and see what might apply to your trees. I have had one tree that bore nuts and it did so with little care or trouble. After reading this article I see that I was more lucky than anything else.


(Cathy), MO

Thanks. I'll see what they say

Galien, MI

Hi Cat, I have a batch of black walnuts, and they seem to go through a type of seasons. Certain trees will have more nuts one year, and less the next. Some of it has depended on some insect and squirrel populations cutting off the nutlets before they grow, others seem to be water related. The fact that you haven't had them for several years is more worrying than if it had just been one. I'm stumped there. If you need some nuts to restart the trees, I may be able to help you out.

(Cathy), MO

The guy who had the land before said he didn't remember seeing anything on them the last 2 or 3 years. I looked this year and didn't see a one. They range in size and age, from probably 10 yrs old to 40 or 50, so I would think they'd be bearing. I was wondering if maybe they were lacking some mineral or something in the soil?

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

According to the Extension link they don't like weed competition. Did you see anything in the Extension information that provided a clue as to what the problem might be?

(Cathy), MO

The only thing I saw was about the trees not liking competition. Several of them are in a small group of other trees. Thinking about clearing some of the others out

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

with a grove in michigan , some would produce every year , but there are
good and bad years, maybe the squirrels got them quickly ?

(Cathy), MO

I don't think so. We've been watching for the last several months and never even saw a nut on them. Maybe it was just an off year. Hope so

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