Need help please

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Looked through all the forums and stil not sure if I am in th eright one, but hopefully, one of you cna answer my question or direct me to the right forum.

From a co-op, to fil out a tray for folks I bought some Colocasia Black Ruffles. Well the tiny tykes lived and grew. I have them growing in a 1.8 gallon pot.

I moving stuff in for the winter and got a good look at my plants. They tryign to walk away. I have all these like long stems I guess they are that are growing out of the pot and down the sides of it and making a new leaf.

I have never grown these before and don't know if that a normal thing or not. What should I do with the things growning down the side of the pot. , do I let them die back too fo rthe winter or do I cut and try and root em?

Here a pic of what they doing. Would appreciate some advice and help.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I have grown these, and yes, those will be new plants - it can be invasive if left alone to roam and wander, but are easy to trade or give away.

Keaau, HI

The runners are typical of Asian Taro (Colocasia esculentum var. antiquorum).

They are looking for soil; place a pot of soil under each runner and the new plant will grow right into the pot. When the plant is well rooted in the pot, cut it free from the mother plant.

Aloha, Dave

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh Thank you both very much. Nothign like buying plants you've nevre had before and watching them do things you've never seen before either. : ) It was the darnest thing for me to see.

Will get some pots for them before they try and grow on the ground where I don't want them too, so thanks for tip too about them being invasive. Will keep my eyes on them, but for not knowing what I bought, they sure turned into pretty plants.

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