More identification problems...

Onalaska, WA(Zone 8b)

I don't know if I found the right forum, but I work in a greenhouse so this one sounded appropriate.

I am trying to identify some plants that I have, but have run into a slight problem. The labels they currently have ID them as various Pepperomia sp. Unfortunately, I can't find that genus in the plantfiles here at Dave's Garden. Can someone tell me if they might be listed under a synonym or may if I misspelled it?

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

There is also the plant ID forum.
I hope its still here.


Onalaska, WA(Zone 8b)

I did eventually find them. As I suspected it was just enough of a misspelling that the search program wasn't looking for the right thing. Thanks for all the input.

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