cutting frenzy

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm just learning about Dahlias... this is really my first year with them. Bad news, I didn't stake them very well. Good news, flowers in the grass provide a wonderful excuse to cut them and bring them in!

This time I may have gone a little overboard... what do you think ;-) Luckily I have neighbors that love flowers and don't grow many!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Here's my number one favorite, so far Mrs. Eileen!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

And Mrs. Eileen with Kelvin Floodlight...

Thumbnail by klstuart
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

This one, I don't know how, but I've managed to lose it's identity. Anyone know what this might be? Its a pure, deep purple. The light shining on it makes it look magenta at the edges, but it really isn't.

Thumbnail by klstuart
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I think I hear Mr. Rogers singing "Won't You Be My Neighbor." You'll be the most popular person on the block if you share those beauties.

Mrs. Eileen is just perfect for October. Would look great inside a pumpkin.

If the purple unknown is fairly large, it could be Thomas Alva Edison- looks to be the same rich purple.

Nice growing, kl.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Funny thing about Mrs. Eileen, is that it's been what I called "Sunny" all summer, golden yellow with beautiful hints of orange. Now that it's gotten cooler, it's turned much more orange, with hints of yellow... seasonally appropriate as you said!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

There is no overboard when it comes to dahlias klstuart IMHO.Very luvly.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I think when I start digging, if it would EVER freeze here, I will have defined overboard for me. It's good to know one's limits and I have reached mine as it is. Sure was pretty though!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Since I've never done the digging...I may be in for a surprise! We'll see.

I'm both rooting for and against the freeze... want to get going on the digging and general clean-up, but I've got some peanuts and potatoes in the ground that I planted late (experimenting with them) and I think I need to get them out before a freeze... not sure? Ah well, it's all good!

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

We have had a frost here and I have them all cut down and tin foiled so next week it will be Dig Baby Dig!!! I am with you Annie, I have over reached my limit and will have to cut back next year. My mind is 21 but the body feels like 80, the neuropathy is getting the best of me as of late. So if the dig is good I will have a lot of tubers to share with everyone. I had about 150 this year and maybe only 75 next. Of course, I am completely out of my mind as I sent out an order yesterday to Wynn's. A hobby or a mental illness, dahlia's that is, I think I fall in the second catagory. LOL

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear about your neuropathy Willow. It's hard enough work when one is feeling 100%. I am extra careful these days so I don't break a leg or ankle (not that I would mind skipping the digging!) Haven't started cutting down yet at all- there's too much going on at once- work demands, home renovations, and dahlias all at once. I'll be digging dahlias until January at this rate.

And then just when I don't want to see or think another minute about dahlias... I'll find a few new ones to try next year despite myself. Tee hee! You keep room for Irene Ellen, Smoots and Urchin in your 09 garden- they are waiting for you if you want them and I don't kill them.

Bath, NY(Zone 5b)

I have Smoots and Urchin , Annie , if I can get them out of the ground. It was very cold here today and the S word was in the air. I have dug dahlia's in the snow but it is not pleasant to say the least. I will check your thread and see if I can con you out of something else, lol.

Solon, IA

Mrs. Eileen was always bright orange and bloomed real late in my garden.

Thumbnail by dahliadigger
Boxford, MA(Zone 6a)

Holy cow, kl, you did great!!! Amazing photo- I'd enter it in the photo contest.

I've never had that many blooms. I have the same philosphy as you- I don't worry about the branches that aren't vertical b/c I won't feel bad about cutting the flowers. If the stem isn't straight enough for a vase, you can float the blossom in a bowl of water.

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