Greenhouse getting full????

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

How many of us have more plants, than room in our greenhouse to put them this year???

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by Tropicman
Evergreen, CO

That's a great looking GH! What are going to do this winter?

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I have a few hundred palm seeds I'm trying to germinate.
I donated one greenhouse,9x10x12 to nothing but seedlings and germinating palm seeds.
I keep everything growing,by keeping my greenhouses very warm,65* at nite and low 80's during the day,so watering is almost everyday and misting is everyday,so it keeps me busy.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

oh... just love to see what everyone else has growing in their greenhouses.. !

I have a tiny Harbor Freight Green House.. I have been fighting the blow out panel problem ever since I got it.. I have tried clear caulking, clear duct tape, replaced polycarbonate panels with plexiglass.., etc. So, Last Saturday, I did all of that again, another couple of rolls of clear duct tape to tape everything down, inside and out.. and then I bought a couple rolls of clear plastic...Nothing special.. Just heavy clear plastic from Home Depot.. Wrapped it pretty much like a Christmas gift.. Still need to work on the door.. I am so white trash! Seems to have worked like a dream so far.

Last night I got home late from work... I have been working steadily getting all my plants inside.. last night I was in a special frenzy.. I figured it was going to frost.. Sure enough , We had to scrap our windshield this morning... and I hadn't turned any heat on in the GH.. Hurried home from work.. Opened the door... AAHH... That wonderful GH smell we all love.. all my lovely plants looked good..

But, Like you said.. My Greenhouse is stuffed! I use it as more of a season extender.. Those coleus will have to spend a couple of months in a warmer spot.. But, It is sure fun now!

Tropicman, Do you ever just go out there and set in a chair and enjoy? Someday I want a GH that big...

Gainesville, FL

Yeah I kinda always feel that way, LOL. But, there's a fall plant sale and orchid society show this Saturday locally at the Botanical Garden, so what's a girl to do? I can't just not go, but I know if I go, I'll come home with something that I probably don;t really need, especially since I have "winter boarders" sitting outside the greenhouse door awaiting entry at the first sign of a real cold snap

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

some other stuff...

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

utter chaos...

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

do I really need more orchids?
(Yes, of course I do...)

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Gainesville, FL

I need all sorts of stuff (except maybe a Coconut Palm...) (but hey I can rationalize ANYTHING...)

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

gothqueen, Extraordinary... way cool... ! You have quite a collection.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

KJ,I know that smell your talking about!Just love it!
Yes I sit mainly in the sunroom with my palm collection,so I can enjoy my palms and play with my parrots!

GQueen yes you need a palm!

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Gainesville, FL

LOL I had a big Coco, but I gave it away. I have too many other neat palms in my greenhouse that I like better than Cocos. I can go see them anytime when we go to Miami and the Keys. Yours are nice though. I have about 120 palms in the greenhouse collection. Most are rainforest understory palms but a few are larger growers.

Thank you, KathyJo, for your compliment!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Wow 120 palms,that's wonderful!
I hope to have that many some day,I have about 30 or so,it's a joy trying to collect them in the middle of the country,but I love a challenge,!

Gainesville, FL

The closest I have to a coconut at the moment is a Lytocarium weddelianum. They are pretty cool. I had a Lyto hoehnii, but I managed to kill it :-(

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

I have yet to see a weddelianum,they call them a miniature coconut,does yours get very tall at all?

Gainesville, FL

I'll take a photo of mine. Its small yet. I bought it last summer at the Tampa USF sale. I think I recall that they top out at about 10 ft.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

You have any idea how they will get?

Gainesville, FL

The Jungle Music website says they get 8-10 feet max. I still have it in a container, eventually I will find a spot for it.
The Rarepalms site says that these are becoming quite rare due to habitat loss.

Thumbnail by gothqueen
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thats a nice one you have,and a very nice looking jungle to put it in too!

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