my new feature

western sydney nsw, Australia

My new garden feature just arrived her name is fluer she stands four and a half feet .also I dont know the name of the plant next to her it gets a few leaves in spring leaves fall of at the end of summer it grows about 1inch over winter .

Thumbnail by sammut

Hmmm you really are having fun aren't you (giggling)
I think that plant may be the "sacred bamboo" not really a bamboo.
I can't see it very well ...someone will be along to ID it I'm sure.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Yep I am getting good at this. When I look at the plant the stems do look like bamboo it does have ridges i did not notice before I think your spot on thanks.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Sammut, Fleur is very pretty! Another great feature for your garden. Is that where she'll stay or do you have other plans for her?
I think this might be your plant, a succulent called the Zig zag plant. Have a look at the link and see

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Sue , Yes thates it . thanks It was here when i bought the house it has never flowered only leaves in summer now I know why, its in hot summer sun and very cold in winter at night poor little thing . I wanted fleur to stand in the garden but changed my mind she is now in the foyer as you walk in the door POW there is she is looking at you I will put a spot light on her as my son said I live on the main road not the best area he bet she would walk away by the second night . This is the garden I wanted her standing in .

Thumbnail by sammut

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