Iowa Hatch Sequence Commencing....10....9....8....7....6....

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

I want to know, how you all know, how to spell this stuff?

Clarkson, KY

It's from Soth't to Soz't to sos't. Perfectly slovenly Amerikanisch!

Fran - it took years of training!! lol

Lodi, United States

I think "valley speak" is the closest thing to a linguistic change I've heard in the States--suddenly on Public Radio and the TV News all the female scientists and anchors sound like 80's Valley Girls. It is really disconcerting.

Commander Moxon, are you neglecting your mission again?

(How is the goat doing?)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh and how much does it drive you nutz that the anchor says Umm or Uh every other word!!
Uh, it's like Uh.. Oh we have Uh live Uh coverage of a uh..

Spit it the heck out lady!

(Zone 7b)

She is on another forum somewhere else she's being naughty and her thread and chicks are getting cold could someone go tell her??

(Zone 7b)

I personally don't like the "And So"

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I agree. I listen to NPR on my drive to/from work (except lately because I am sick of hearing about the you-know-what) and I have noticed that when they interview scientists, there is this tendency to raise the tone of voice at the end of the sentence so that everything sounds like a question, especially with what sound to me like the younger scientists. Very irritating.

No, I am not neglecting my mission. Commander Moxon is doing her space walk shuttle duties away from main base, such that she can bring home the bacon, as it were.

I have significant goat news. They did a spinal tap, as I had said, and the fluid showed elevated levels of eosinophils. That generally only occurs in goats as a result of infection with Paralaphostrongylus tenius, commonly known as the deer meningeal worm. It generally is a deer parasite but can migrate into other species. Usually this is due to goats or sheep eating snails or slugs, which are secondary hosts. She does not have caprine encephalitis, which was a greater worry. However, the parasite is quite nasty, and she may not recover. We have to give her heavy doses of dewormer, anti-inflammatory (banamine) and a steroid (dexomethazone).

Here is more information.

So basically, since she is already down and can't walk, there is a strong chance she may not recover, but she is young and otherwise healthy, so we are going to hope for the best for now. Even if she doesn't fully recover, as long as she can eat and drink and walk (even if a little wobbly) and play with her sister, we are OK with it. We don't mind that she probably can't be bred. That is not the intent for having her.

Mox over.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And thank you Harmony for revealing my location but my chicks are in a nice warm brooder so nanny nanny p....oops.

(Zone 7b)

Hey Grow put the link up on the hunky roo thread and i just followed the pecan cookie crumbs to you.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan charged me with dereliction of duty! The NERVE!!! I'm not even at home to deal with my 'bator. What the heck?!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

All rise!

We ought to be getting a visit from Sergeant Dahlianut, or possibly Secret Agent Dahlianut, who had the brilliant idea of adding maple syrup to the celebratory foods manual. I hereby add Rule 7b(ii).

7b(ii) Maple syrup is to be permitted at all celebratory hatching events, provided that glass bottles are not thrown in fits of pique, and nobody is allowed put put maple syrup on chicks.

The Commander has spoken. You may now sit down.

Lodi, United States

NPGC rescinds the dereliction charges against Commander Moxon--but would like to point out that her rejoinder that she is not even manning her "'bator" hardly suggests a true dedication to duty.

A hearty NPCG welcome to Sergeant Dahianut in whatever form she wishes to appear.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ninja Dahlianut checking in ^_^ I know nothing about chickens so careful not to laugh too hard and spill the maple syrup.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Excellent!!! Our first Ninja! A new category! How thrilling.

This should keep down the episodes of crew cupcake fights. We will threaten them with a visit from the ninja.

I am going home from work now to check bator.

Lodi, United States


Clarkson, KY

Bacon, lettuce, tomato, nuts?

(Zone 7b)

Hello Grow met the new neighbors?

Lodi, United States

"Better Late Than Never". Though with eggs I am not sure that is always true.

Clarkson, KY

Nope. Still lost.

oops, not you Cats. I DID get that one...

This message was edited Oct 16, 2008 4:57 PM

Lodi, United States

Can I borrow your rock, grow?

(Zone 7b)

I was speaking of dahlianut just back up this thread see she's from the N.E. forum

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hope you don't mind this jersey girl bustin in, but I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed this thread. My town is actually south of the Mason-Dixon line and I say pe-cahn. That actually reminds me that I need to order our supply for the year. My mom orders for Christmas gifts from a place in OK.

Best wishes for your goat and everyone's hatches and please join us in the NE. again and often. My sides hurt from laughing so hard.


(Zone 7b)

Sorry Cat there was room till i crawled under there

Clarksburg, MO


Lodi, United States

Commander(?) Williams--see above:0)

I prefer basaltic rocks....but in a pinch I'll use shale.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I like big fat cobbles

Lodi, United States

Cobbles are nice--but hard to find.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Ed's property next door used to be a pig farm many years ago.. they trucked in cobbles to help with the mud... I went out and gathered them with the golf cart! LOL They were gonna cover it with gravel.. I wanted to save them.. They are really pretty.. and comfy.

Lodi, United States

You're lucky! I'm on sandy loam. It takes hours to find something to hide under.

Newton, AL

I have a question. Is this forum a private club? It seems that you folks almost exclusively talk to each other and don't include new folks but just a little. Am I right? Or am I all wrong? I have been really interested in some of the threads and asked questions. I usually get an initial response by someone, then any follow up questions go unanswered. Just an observation.

Clarkson, KY

Sorry, Inn, It's unintentional I assure you. I think we're mostly too busy being funny these days to remember what we have and haven't said. And I have been hiding under my figurative rock (which is getting VERY cozy and much less private for cranky grownut). I've probably skimmed and missed the secondary questions or merely been ignorant. I do that sometimes too.

I DID think you were already in the "club", btb. And my private, publicly announced on this forum opinion is that everyone here (almost) has been hit with the traditional fall procreating instinct and has gone hatching mad!!! 'Tis the season!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

InBetween... I'm a newbie and don't feel qualified to answer questions yet... I do try, but only when I am sure of what I'm saying... or just giving my opinion.
This thread.. (in my opinion) is not one of "those" threads..
I am easily left out.. and I'm trying to just go ahead and nuzzle my way in like my chicks do!!

(Zone 7b)

The best thing to do is just crash the party we love to have somebody come in and join our group the more the merrier.

Move over Grow your mashin my..............

Lodi, United States

No One would answer me at first. No One! Then some kind people started trying to answer and it was generally just a single answer. But I refused to take the hint!

The "Launch Missions" are probably hardest to get into cause we are just killing time till the little demons decide to emerge. So we are not exactly rational.

But ask me a question. Any question....I love looking stuff up. Just look at all the unwanted info I found on THE
COBB 500:0)

(Zone 7b)

Cat i love all your unwanted info i hang on every word LOL

(Zone 7b)

InnBetween if i missed a post or ignored something i'm sorry i don't know if the others do this but i watch the post and answer what i can the other post on turkeys or broilers or even goats i ignore because i don't know anything about those.
We talk amongst ourselves sometimes but it's mostly foolishness and most people don't want to get into that. We have a good time just joshin josh or pickin on grow and her rock and other topics and if you felt we were being exclusive i'm sorry and we really do try to help out and talk to all as much as we can.
Feel free to join in on any conversation and ask any question you want.

Clarksburg, MO

Inn please don't feel like an outsider. Just some of us are mentally insane and do not always act rationally. Please ask away and I assure you that we will do a better job of being hospitable.


(Zone 7b)

Sheila who you callin mentaly insane surely it's not me and my tangerine elephant??

Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

yea cat is our human encyclopedia
and I agree with her 100%.. just crash and yell louder.. just not meaner..

HELLO my eggs are sitting in vineger

(Zone 7b)

Eggs in vineger are you pickleing eggs?

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