Iowa Hatch Sequence Commencing....10....9....8....7....6....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon at the controls here, reporting commencement of hatch sequence.

Reporting 8 porcelain d'uccle life form encapsulation modules in the R-Com 20 incubator module, 2 of which are pipped. Repeat, 2 pipped porcelain peepers. Positively priceless!

Also reporting 7 millie life form encapsulation modules in the R-Com 20 incubator module, none of which are yet pipped.

All life forms 21 day date is tomorrow, October 16.

Also, single white rock bantam life form encapsulation module with odd shape - lumpy - but candles well and expected to hatch.

Ergo, 16 possible hatches in the next couple of days.
Ground crews: No cupcakes or banana pies permitted. Please stick with jelly donuts, danishes, and coffee-ups or tea-ups. We are considering cinnamon buns.


Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And for the amusement of the ground crews during the boring pipping stages, we present the following life form modules who are now 1 week old.

A buttercup bantam.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A new frizzle - note how the feathers are starting to curve outward. Learning experience for midwest crew.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A millie about 4 weeks old, I think. An awkward stage...

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Clarksburg, MO

Captain Williams here. I have Cinnamon Buns, LOL. Wishing the Comander a good hatch and doing the happy chicken hatching dance.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thank you Captain Williams - your proper behaviour with the cinnamon buns is highly commended! How are your life forms doing?

With regard to the 4 week old millie, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Clarksburg, MO

I WANT A FRIZZLE! Captain Williams showing her bad side and coveting Commander's frizzle!

Panther Creek Outpost ................... Over

Clarksburg, MO

Looks like a rooooooooooooooooooooooooster!

Williams................... Over

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon has a bunch of frizzles and will deliver one in person to Commander Williams in the spring at secret location "JC" (located in southern midwest and known for converting little girls who visit "JC" into silkie lovers).

(Zone 7b)

Major Harmony Reporting and i have a pecan pie "MA'AM" Must say the life forms are very cute and yes that is a Roo.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Major Harmony, you said the "pp" words. Commander Moxon is reduced to a wobbly pile of jello at the mention of the "pp" words. Moxon has absolutely zero self control when confronted with said item. Beware, she would eat the entire thing. Greedily! With gusto!

(Zone 7b)

I said pecan pie because thats my favorite and i make alot during the holidays and banana bread too.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


This is the Iowa Launch Medical Specialist speaking. Commander Moxon is now a wobbly pile of jello. She is unable to type. Somebody must have said "pecan pie" on more than one occasion. Moxon can generally handle a single mention of pecan pie, but upon the second mention, she loses all control. We are administering medical assistance now. Hopefully she will be able to resume normal duties soon.

In particular, Moxon is rendered helpless by the mention of HOMEMADE pecan pie. Anyone mentioning such pie is warned that Moxon may show up unannounced on their doorstep with a plate and fork.

Please resume normal duties while we try to resuscitate Moxon.


(Zone 7b)

Can you mail a pie that could be my holiday gift?

Clarksburg, MO

At least we now know how to get the Commander to be quiet! LOL!!!!!


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Sardent Jordan reporting for duty with bisquits and apple butter. Good luck with your mission Commander

Lodi, United States

NPGC reporting for duty.

Yesterday's cup cake mutiny has led to new celebratory food regulations. But interdiction of Banana Cream Pie has the the new recruits muttering and giving dark looks at NPGC command. Please reconsider.

Instigating yoga sequences to prepare for festive dancing. Newest recruits less supple and co-ordinated than those locked in the brig.


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

mumble mumble mumble....pie....mumble...peeeecannnns......mmmm.....burble burble (drooling) piiiiiiiiie......(gleeful clapping)....mumble....

Lodi, United States

Disturbing image of Commander Moxon forming. Request command be given over, temporarily, to second in command--Agent Kelly.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Best not to mention pumpkin or cherry pie then....and Agent Kelly makes his own pies.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

how bout pecan pie?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


Mumble mumble....peeeeeeeecannnns.....(Moxon in fetal position on floor, crying because she has no pecan pie)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i will send the Commander pecans if 4 legged life forms would stop eating them

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

really? (fanatical glint in eyes)

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

yes, really commander. i will go searching on my hands and knees for you

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Commander Moxon reporting! Sudden return to health thanks to Sergeant Jordan, who is now Captain Jordan, and is still Commander Jordan when commanding her own hatch. Moxon loves her ground crews!

Still reporting 3 pipped porcelains, and adding 2 pipped millies. Eggcitement abounds!

Moxon has to leave in about 30 minutes to go to class, and will be in class until 8 pm this evening. This generates some crankiness in the hatching team, since hatches may occur in my absence. Grumble. Should be easy to differentiate between porcelain and millie chicks, I would think.


Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you for my promotion, Commander

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Where the heck is Grownut these days and why isn't she manning her post?

Clarkson, KY

Grownut is looking out from under her favorite rock periodically but intimidated by the flying pies, cupcakes, bantams, eggs, and mission proliferators. Muttering about blue JG roos and araucana roos and Cats poor unfertilized AM eggies...

Seriously worried that I will cave in to temptation and hatch something after just graduating my egg-sexed chickies to the outside world (which they are barely big enough for). I have feathers in my hair and a crazed gleam in my eyes -fair warning!! bbebh....muttermuttermutter....bbebh....feathersmutter...bloooo.......

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Mother Bird reporting...

I have got to have that Frizzle.. I have too... If I can't have it with me.. I have to keep coming back here to look at it.. and I can't get anything done! Permission to be excused... due to cruel and unusual punishment..LOL


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Grownut - the food fights seem to have dissipated. I think you are safe. I, too have feathers in my hair and a crazy gleam in my eyes, but it's such fun! I note your mutterings too, I have the same symptom. I think it's contagious...

Mother bird. You may have the frizzle if you go on a road trip and help me plant my bulbs (per my blog post). In fact, you can have the pick of at least 10 frizzles in my brooder, most of which look pretty much like that one.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sub Agent Kelly has been contacted and reports no hatches yet, still pips and peeps emanating therefrom. Commander Moxon is trying to read her assigned chapters before 6 pm class while really trying hard not to think about pecan pie. Commander Moxon has also begun a simmering covetousness of Cdr. Jordan's pecan trees, and is imagining having the ability to go in her own yard to pick pecans. This is causing some general grumpiness regarding the climate of Iowa. Moxon is also fond of coconut cream pie, but only when it is properly made. Not with that icky packaged stuff. Fortunately, we don't seem to have any Hawaiian members of the forum, so nobody is going to upset Moxon with discussions of their freshly picked coconuts.

Sub Agent Kelly took a 6 month old nubian goat to the vet this afternoon because her rear legs appear paralyzed and she is dragging them. Vet is checking for CAE, and did blood work and spinal tap. Spinal fluid seems to contain considerable blood. Bad sign. Sub Agent Kelly displeased at prospect of goat euthanasia. We find out in a couple of days.

Pecan pie would be a good thing to raise spirits of Iowa ground crew.

Clarkson, KY

Very sorry to hear about goat troubles. What next?!

(pecans not ready here yet)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh my.. I'd weed your flowerbed for that baby! I love em!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh sure, just go right ahead and start talking about you having pecans too. What am I, chopped liver??? Why don't I have any pecans? What's so bad about Iowa that we can't have a hardy pecan tree? Did somethiing happen here that offended the tree deities such that we have no pecans? I think this is distinctly unfair. I'm writing to my congress person. Hmpf. (Moxon pouting in the corner)

We do have hickory nuts. Kelly collected a box and put them in the barn. The other day he went to crack some and the mice had eaten them all. This is further evidence of a distinct nut disadvantage in Iowa. Why are we being discriminated against?! I want answers! Where are the nut police? I demand equal protection!

Lodi, United States

The enjoyment of Pecans is limited to people below the Mason Dixon line as recompense for the actions of the Northern Carpetbaggers.

We in the great state of California CAN grow Pecans. They do very well here. But chose not to out of respect for our Southern brethern. Instead we grow English Walnuts. A can a day is all we ask. They are shaking the trees now and they are raining down like nutty rain.

I have a great recipe for sugared pecans--like eating pecan pie from a bag.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

(sniffle....wail.....gasping unfair....)

I'm a Canadian. I don't qualify as a carpetbagger. I prefer hardwood floors.

I also used to think the Mason Dixon line was a railroad until I took constitutional law last year.

I don't think I should be discriminated against in this way.

Clarkson, KY

You choose how you will be discriminated against by choosing to live where you do. Although if our trees actually produce this year I'll send you some...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Sigh....that's just so dang logical

Clarkson, KY

Sorry. Downer me...

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