What's In YOUR Incubator??

Lodi, United States

Penedesenca? Really?

Okay, Moxon, I've been feeling really bad about dumpin you for CajuninKy--- you can be my BFF again!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon doing the happy dance at being Catscan's BFF again. Hooray! :-) :-) :-)

Yes, really, penedesenca. It is so hard to candle the eggs but some of them actually appear to have something going on in them. I thought I saw a faint movement this morning. It's like candling a clay flowerpot. I think I have a potential for 5.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

this is in my bator

Thumbnail by jordankittyjo
Lodi, United States

Trump! Check! Checkmate!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I think it is Chief Wild Bird Officer. Put I would like to borrow a few birds. May be a couple of very loud Roos. At least they would not wake me up before daylight like the GARBAGE TRUCK at 6 AM. Or the truck that empties the trash dumpster down at the neighborhood bar one block away. Do you know what a dumpster of beer bottles sounds like a 4 in the morning being dumped into a trashtruck??????

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes Moxon.. You need to come to Lodi...

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

wren, my roosters start crowi at 4 am

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Darn that wont work then, I guess I will just have to keep my 4am bottle alarm.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I have about 7 roos that crow at 4 am also, there are about 3 that want insist on roosting on my back porch. The ruffle their feathers right before crowing, and that means they knock on the door at 4 AM. They are fixing to get their own pens away from my house.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Here is one of my bators right now. The dark eggs are the cuckoo marans and welsummers. I'm so excited!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i have cuckoo marans due to hatch nov. 6

Clarksburg, MO

Well a little disappointed. I just candled the 6 dozen in the bator and had to toss all but 23 of them. Actually I am really disapointed. But that is the way the egg cracks. Am happy to say that I have some lt. brahma eggs on the way and am still looking for standard cochins and campines also lakenvelders. So hopefully I will get these breeds and get them started before spring.


Lodi, United States

Sheila--I got it from the breeder himself the other morning, that Garrie at Zebrafinch.com has bantam Golden Campines. His web site may say he doesn't, but he does.

Clarksburg, MO

Thanks Catscan, I will try him. I have really been wanting some for spring layers. I will keep my fingers crossed.


Lodi, United States

Well, they are bantams--which is why I didn't get them. He had standard Golden Campines--but, according to him, although they laid very well, fertility was low. So he switched to the bantams and has had much better luck.

Clarksburg, MO

Foooeeey- I need standards. Also couldn't find it on his page. But anyway......


The Dalles, OR

I think I am gonna have some SF's. :D

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Cool beans Copperstone! Where'd you get 'em?

The Dalles, OR

CMoxon, I purchased these egss from Ebay--person named Jamie L. Mccallum (jamielmccallum@mccallumsflock.com)
So far so good, they are all fertile. I accidentally broke one while I was turning them. I put the eggs into a "rack" I made. Has rubber bands so that the eggs will be secure without being crushed.
My friend across the street gave me some more banty hatching eggs. I don't know if these will hatch or not. He always leaves them in the nest so I really have my doubts on them.
But, I will turn them until I know for sure they won't hatch.
His banty's are cute.
Does anyone have some Black Copper Maran hatching eggs for a reasonable price.?
I can't belive how much they cost in the auctions. Way to danged much money.
Getting late in the season now to ship eggs but should be good for about 2 more weeks. I need to get some more Serama's too.

The Dalles, OR

Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to offend or break any rules. I am new to the world of forums and this forum, so if I inadventantly break a rule, please understand it's from blissful ignorance and nothing else.

(Zone 7b)

What rule are you refering to?
Are there rules here i didn't know about rule's i probably broke alot i didn't get the memo on the rule's.............
Is it a booklet i didn't get one?.......Is there one?............UH OH It's dark in here could somebody shed some light on this..................

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think maybe you're not supposed to put email addresses in posts? Maybe you should edit the post and take it out?

(Zone 7b)

Claire thanks for the light i'm afraid of the dark.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I took a pretty pic in the dark tonight. Haven't even paid any attention to my flowerbed since I got chickiez

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
The Dalles, OR

Beautiful pic ZZs.
I love flowers. I don't care what color, variety or anything else. I just love flowers.
I have to admit though Daffidils are my favorites as these are so bright and sunny when they come out. It's like "Spring is here guys".

(Zone 7b)

OMG!!!!! You know i love Brugs and ever since my pink turned yellow i have missed it.

ZZ please tell me my new white one is going to stay white?

The Dalles, OR

It's getting cold here now at night. Frost is on the Pumpkin.
Some big strong guys came here a couple of days ago and moved my chicken house to the back of my place. I can keep a better eye on them at night.
I can't belive the arrognance of one little roo I have. He's not afraid of me at all. He will peck my hand like crazy if I get to close and his pecks are getting stronger each time. hmmmmmm
Trouble is, if it's drum stick time, he's so small that I doubt a person could find a drum stick on him.

The Dalles, OR

How many people who have eggs incubating, turn them by hand or do you use the automatic turners?
Right now I am turning my eggs twice a day because when the incubator is opened, the temp is cooled off a lot. So, I open the top only when I have to.
But I am wondering about those automatic turners? What does everyone think about them?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Harmony.. check this out.. LOL http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/917194/

The Dalles, OR

Everyone, I am laughing my head off right now--I just read an article that a breeder of Marans put in his website.
Seems the Marans Roos can be a handful. hahahahaaa

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Care to share the link Copperstone?

The Dalles, OR

Ohhhh boy, ZZs, I'll see if I can find it again. Ok here it is:
I think you'll get a "kick" out of this. hahahahahahahaaa

The Dalles, OR

oopppsss I think I just goofed up. Those look like cuckoo's rather than copper's. But I guess it doesn't matter. A big roo can be a handful no matter what breed.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That is great.. In fact, I've been complaining about a Marans Roo that Catscan gave me. It took weeks for him to "come around" but Geez.. he didn't have to take over the world here.. LOL He has come at me a few times and tonight he came and did the staring contest with me! That made me like him a little more.. Now if he would leave everyone else alone..
I'm gonna get a sign that says "Beware of Rooster" Maby the kids will stay away.. LOL

The Dalles, OR

HMMMMMM ZZs you just gave me an idea.
Instead of the "Dog on Duty Stay Out" sign I have on my gate, maybe I should put a pic of a "pit bull Rooster" instead.
I can say Guard Rooster on Duty. Stay out or get spurred !!!!!

The Dalles, OR

Why do Roos have to be so danged mean anyway????
They act like they are so big, tough, and they can kick the daylights out of their owners. BUT
just catch 'em and see how they yell for help.!!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Copperstone - all of my incubators are automated turners. I love them and would be hard pressed to do otherwise, although I'm awfully busy and would find it hard to remember to hand-turn eggs. I just like it that the only thing I have to remember is to put water in every other day for humidity levels. Other than that, I just set it and forget it....(well until hatching!)

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

when I get one that is what I am getting one just like Clair's. that is the down fall tho only holds 20 eggs. but heck 20 chicks every 22-23 days is ok. I know 21 days to hatch then get them settled and the bator cleaned.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

A chick a day.. That's all we ask. LOL

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

lol yea there ya go.

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