It's the dreaded sandspurs!

Keystone Heights, FL(Zone 8b)

I noticed one or two of these beside the driveway a few weeks ago, promptly dug them up and burned them. What I hadn't noticed is just outside our gate (still our property) are hundreds! After one hour long session of pulling and getting stuck, pulling and getting stuck, more getting stuck and tracking them into the house and onto the carpet on the bottom of my shoes, I'm ready to try something else. The area is right beside and in the center of our dirt driveway for maybe 60-80 feet. Is spending a fortune in Roundup my only alternative to digging? These things are truly devil plants. I even found one of the plants hanging on (or traveling with?) the bottom of the car. Can I plant a couple of trees and shade them out? Are there going to be ten million seeds to recreate the same situation next year? Thanks for any suggestions.

Coushatta, LA

My friend has them so bad if you fall down your a pin cushion.

Keystone Heights, FL(Zone 8b)

They are pretty nasty customers. They've died back for this year, but I'm sure I'm in for a chore next summer.

Coushatta, LA

Yes you are.

Sarasota, FL

Best thing to do is to learn to recognize the plant before they flower and dig them out. They grow in a rosette. You might could drag any cloth or carpet tube over the ground to pick up any stray seeds.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I think we call them sandburs. If so, they don't like it wet. If it's possible to keep the area watered, that might help.

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