looking for frankinsence tree

Louisville, KY

I have googled this tree, but found very little info on care, let alone where to buy one. Anyone know of a good place to get a small one?

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

I don't know where you can buy one,but if you Google Boswellia,you will find a lot of information


Louisville, KY

Thanks for the lead.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Presume you know it is only zone 10/11 hardy?


Louisville, KY

Yep. I plan on keeping it indoors anyway. Too humid to leave outside.

Hawthorne, FL(Zone 8b)

I've seen a few offered as houseplants by on-line sellers. Myrrh needs similar conditions, if you want to go for the Biblical references. (At least figs and olives will grow here, although I haven't done particularly well with either.)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

if you want to go for the Biblical references

I'd like to know how to grow some gold, just to complete the trio.


Louisville, KY

LOL Resin. Me too, me too. But after so many years of effort, even the alchemists gave up. Or at least, they weren't talking. Now that's a wise man.

Thank you gooley. I did find one for $50, but am hesitant to part with that much cash for something sight unseen from an unfarmiliar seller. I was hoping to harvest fresh resin at some point, better than what has sat on a shelf for awhile.
The search continues...

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Au, Resin, that was bad.

Though I must say, plantgeek88 could grow Koelreuteria paniculata in Louisville with no trouble whatsoever.

Louisville, KY

That beautiful tree is all over the place here ViburnumValley. Can resin be collected from it?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Nope, I only grow on conifers ;-)

Louisville, KY

Thanks Resin. I thought perhaps I missed something.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I thought everyone was in on the gag...

Koelreuteria paniculata = Golden Rain Tree

And so it goes...

Louisville, KY

They are now. ;)

Hawthorne, FL(Zone 8b)

Golden rain-tree are already going pink here as autumn marches on...

You want resins, I have enough American sweetgum here to provide resin by the ton. Seems to be pretty useless stuff, that resin. The native trees here sucker wildly and are hard to get rid of.

$50 for a single frankincense tree seems scandalously much, but a quick online search hasn't turned up anything more reasonable -- sad..

Louisville, KY

Thanks for the offer gooley. Never tried that particular one, but perhaps I'll do a bit of research on it first.
And thanks also for checking around for the frankinsence tree. Looks like I'll be sticking with the store bought stuff. Oh well, if that's the worst that happens...

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Apparently sweet gum trees have become fashionable for their fall colors. I've seriously thought about selling them. Complete weed tree where I am. Grow and multiple they do. LOL>

Doesn't surprise me a frankinsence tree is $50. When you get into trees that are real specific to a growing region they tend to be hard to find for sale. That's one reason I fool with seed trading with people. Cheap but slow to get some plants that are very hard to find or expensive. Also some plants (trees) may do very badly out of their native range. It's like the gum trees. I don't think it's possible to kill one of those around here, it a major under taking to kill one off and not have it come back to life. Send a sweet gum to Thailand and there very well may be something that kills it off immediately. Maybe a bug, fungus who knows?

Good luck with the frankinsence. Right now I'm trying to find a Rangpur Lime http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/96333/. If I was Aisa I could find one no problem. Not so easy in the US. I found two places that sell them but they are on root stock that will do poorly where I live. Have yet to find one in the South East US.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw someone had posted on your lime thread to check Woodlanders, they're located in SC so I can't imagine the plants they sell would do badly in your area.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Bingo, woodlanders has them but they had them listed by a different name then I was searching for. I was looking for Citrus x limonia first time I looked through there. They have it under Citrus reticulata var. austera ''Rangpur''.

Woodlanders and Plant deilghts are great for SC plants I'm pretty sure it will be on the right root stock. Have to send them an E-mail.

Thanks for pointing that out ecrane. Not sure how I missed an update on my thread.

Louisville, KY

Yes, sometimes I also go with seeds for the same reason. I'd be willing to try one of these trees from seed, so long as I wouldn't have to wait till my face fell off before seeing any resin.

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