Anyone into Cross Stitching

Lawrencetown, NS(Zone 5a)

Well, if you enjoy cross stitching, you already know it is a major addiction. I am so looking forward to the fall/winter months to get back into this hobby as the gardening seasons ends for another year.

I happened to come across an afghan in one of this year's Stoney Creek bi-monthly magazines and just had to make one. Well, it is likely a two-year project but will be well worth it. It has lots of bird houses, birds, squirrels, the tree and flower pots at the bottom with flowers and well, it just goes on and on. If you haven't seen this magazine, check it out.

What are others making? I'm also trying to make socks for the men in the family for Christmas so time is of the essence and there is just not enough of it. And for socks, I use the Kroy wool with 2.25mm needles so they are a slow process.

Anyway, I'd love to hear what others are working on.

Take care


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