spearmint and silver queen chinevergreen

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

What is the best way to prepare these for a plant trade? Should I root both in water and then send, or take cuttings of both and wrap in wet paper towel (then a small baggie on the cut ends and all in newspaper)?? I want to send these the best way possible...

While I'm thinking about it.....
What's a good way to prepare a prayer plant (maranta rabbit tracks) for the same mailing? :) :) :)

:) Have a great day everybody!

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

spearmint (well any mint) i usually look around the edges of the plant near the soil and try and find a peice that's rooted already (mints do this very easily), cut or snap it off and put in a pot of compost. then i wrap in moist tissue spray with a bit water and send in a plastic bag.

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