CLOSED: Amaryllis belladonna seed

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Packaged as at least 20 seeds per pack.
Free to the 1st 8 patient subscribers that want them. It may take 3+ years to see blooms. (look in Notes for Ladyanne's method of starting seed in paper towel)

Post here and d-mail me with your address.

Gilmer, TX

Potemup, Would love some of your seeds, will send address. Pam

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I would love some too, If I may. I've been trying to order these for about 3 years now and 2 times, they've been out of stock. By the time I 'do' get my hands on a bulb, these may well be blooming :-). Thank you! Andrea

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I would love to try some seeds of this plant if you have any left my address is in the exchange.


Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi, I would love some too. thanks for sharing. André

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

I would love to try these too. Sending dmail now. Thanks! Em

Paradise, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for sharing. I would love to try some of these seeds.
I am send a d-mail!
Happy gardening!

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love to try these too, if you have any left.

Columbia Station, OH(Zone 5a)

If you have enough for me, I'd really appreciate receiving a packet. I'll D mail you my address. Thank you for your generosity, helen

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

That makes eight. I will get them out in the mail today. Just after I joined DG, I divided these bulbs and sent out 43 pounds of bulb When I was visiting the Mendocino Botanical Gardens, the docent referred to them as Slut bulbs, since the really get around!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Wow thanks so much I will love to try to grow them from seed as I never have before now that I am in a new place and have the room to grow plants I am willing to try them.


Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Awesome! Thanks for sharing! Em

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

'They really get around' - LOL! Thanks again!

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for sharing. They are very hard to find anywhere.

Columbia Station, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Potemup, I'n so excited that I'll get to grow your seeds. Thanks ever so much for including me in your gift of seeds. bless you! Helen

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Many of the plants that we remember from childhood are not very available commercially. I have a true Christmas Cactus that is probably 50 years old and I have made many cuttings from it. I have only seen one available commercially one time. All of the plants sold a "Christmas Cactus" are really Thanksgiving cactus.
The Naked Ladies are very reliable once they get going. Transplant a bulb and it may be a year or two before they bloom again, but they will divide and give more bulbs every year. I have always had a good supply that came from an old home I bought in 1980, so I have never even tried to grow from seed, but it looks like they are pretty easy to sprout on damp paper towels put in a bag on top of the refrigerator.
They may not be available commercially because they are so common. I am the type that will even go up to a strangers house and ask them about plants growing in their yard. Quite often they are more than happy to share them with the smiling crazy person that knocked on their door.
I hope these do well for all of you and in a few years you will have more than you can handle and you can share with others.
Isn't DG great?

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Your christmas cactus is looks like one that I just took cuttings from. It's my MIL's and she's had it for yearsss. The branches that came out of the dirt look like that, kind of hard and scabby. Is that what is different from a 'christmas' and a 'thanksgiving' cactus? Hers is the only one that I've seen that large. It's beautiful when in bloom when its that big!

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

The differences are in the leaf structure and in the flower form. then for the whole thread. Thanksgiving has pointy claw edges. Christmas & Easter are more rounded.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ahhh, I do have the Thanksgiving. Thanks for adding a bit more knowledge to the ol' noggin :-). I didn't realize there were different ones. Now that I know this, you know how it goes... in time you'll have to aquire them all :-) And yes, DG is great! Thanks! Andrea

Columbia Station, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi......Thanks so much for all the seeds...they are all undercover...potted em up....some in paper towels and some in potting soil mix. Also thanx for the info on the cactus types..I always called all - xmas cactus. Haven't heard of a halloween cactus, so I guess the one about to bloom is an early Thanksgiving one.
My naked ladies (much easier to spell) will be growing in the conservatory as the winters are too cold here. I hope they will be happy and flourish there, I certainly will share when able......gammy3

Gilmer, TX

Mine were waiting for me when I got home Sunday. Thanks so much PotEmUp for sharing. Have them in a paper towel now, but think might get a few out and put in soil. You were very generous to send enough seeds so we can try different methods.

Slidell, LA(Zone 8b)

Received mine also - thanks again!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I recieved my as well thanks so much for sharing them with me I hope that they grow.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

I recieved my seeds yesterday. Thank you so much for sharing them with me. You were very generous to do this! :-) It will be fun to try to grow. Thanks again, Andrea

Columbia Station, OH(Zone 5a)

My seeds in the paper towel (moist) are popping out little white things (roots?) It is so exciting to see activity!
thanks again for them. they give much joy

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