Speaking of allergies and busy little bees....

Clarence, NY

After having gone into shock (again) from wasp sting, and in the ICU for 4 days, we found out my mother had a new allergy-- honey bees. Sad, because my dad used to have a few hives and we so enjoyed the honey. Coming back to my home in St. Croix, I noticed the honey bees were much greater in number and even so bold as to scare away the Sugar Birds from their feeders. I called The Honey Man.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

The hive was 6 feet long, 60 to 80 thousand bees. Honey man said they were African bees, which are very strong and hard working, not susceptible to the blight that killed off the majority of hives up north.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

He captured the queen and the other bees followed into the super. He takes the hive to his own property where it will continue to thrive. He gave me honeycomb from my own hive. Not heavy and musky like up north, but light and spicy from the Mahogany, Genip, Mango, palms, and Tamarind.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

Good bye honey bees.

Thumbnail by DebSTX
Clarence, NY

Thank you honey bees. DebSTX and Honey Man

Thumbnail by DebSTX

He's good to be able to find the queen in that log!

The bees here have been in the Virgin Islands Africanized for a few years, tough guys! I haven't heard of anyone having any troubles with being attacked, tho'.

Whatcha think about this dark weather we're having today? (Sunday) The center is well south of us. I believe it'll be the next "Storm".


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