Black Spots?

Winamac, IN

I have a cutleaf japanese maple and a bloodgood japanese maple, each that I had to transplant to a new home. At first they did okay, then the leaves all dropped off which was expected, from transplanting, each tree was about 3 foot tall. But the twigs began to die as well, all the way back to the trunk. Then, as I got a closer look, the bark was falling off and there was what appeared to be black spots of mold (won't scratch off) growing on the trunk and dead limbs under the bark. Any suggestions?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Look here and see if you can identify what is going on. It's hard without a photo.

Edited to add the link. Sorry that I didn't do it in the first place. I'm REALLY getting forgetful!

This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 8:10 PM

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Usually all the leaves don't fall off if proper care is taken in transplanting. Can you describe what the size of the tranplants were, how long they had been growing in their original spots, and what the soil conditions are in their new position? Were you able to get as big a root ball as possible and did you keep them watered regularly post transplant? Did the leaves crisp and then fall off or did they wilt and discolor before falling off? Are they in more sun now then they were originally?

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