blanket help please

Campobello, SC(Zone 7a)

I'm blanket shopping as I no longer have a barn with stalls and Thump has already had problems shivering in 60 degree weather when it's raining. I still haven't checked if Joe's still fits from last year but I need one for sure for Lady and Thump. Hoping Missy has a new home before I'd need one for her but if not and if Joe's doesn't fit, they are both getting something from the resale shop as I'm not buying new just for them to outgrow in a year.
I can't believe how many different types of blankets there are out there. I'm pretty sure I need midweight turnouts based on the temp guides in the catalog I'm looking thru. I also like the bellyband vs the straps.
Other than that, there are just way too many options and types.
Advice? favorites? What options can't I live without and what don't I need?

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