Yellow trumpet vine seed pod

Chillicothe, OH

my little vine threw a pod this year. Once it dries, all I need is to pop it open, right? Do these seeds need to go through a chill to sprout?

Melis (eyeing all these empty pots from the flowers I bought this year, and imagining them full of baby yellow trumpet vines.)

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hello Melissande,

Just surfing about DG and noticed you did not receive any replies to
your post about Trumpet Vine.

The funny thing about Campsis radicans seeds, it seems one can
plant them and nothing happens, but let the wind take them and they pop
up everywhere, LOL.

But yes, once the pod is dry and brown, the seeds should be good to go.
I like to tape my pods shut and toss them into the refrigerator until spring
or plant the entire pod in the ground in the fall.

I bought several yellow trumpets a couple years ago, but am still waiting
for blooms. Sigh. Patiently. Oh so impatiently.

Karen Marie

Chillicothe, OH

Thnx, Marie. Mine's coming on strong this year, dunno if mine will have any bloom, but it had a small one last year, it's second year! Go ahead and hate me, I live in a place with two-foot deep alluvial soil, washed for years with a little river that washed up fresh soil every year in its annual minor floods (until the -smart-@ss know-it-all army corp of engineers came along in the 50's and put a lot of dams and flood walls and tried to 'manage' Nature. You remember the old commercial? Ain't nice to fool Mother Nature...

Anyway, it could be this fantastic soil here, so rich and dark, the plants really do leap up and poke you inna eye when you plant them. If you can't garden here, it's because you're some kind of mutant loser with no natural gardening instincts at all!

So thanks for giving your experience, Marie. I hope yours blooms, but if it still looks sulky maybe you could give it some manure or Miracle Gro or something!

May your garden grow beautifully for you this year!-Melis

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

I get tons of Trumpet Vine pods every fall. You are welcome to them, send me a dmail! GM

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Grandmaggie,

Are they yellow? That is the one we are both waiting for. We
have Campsis radicans coming out of our ears here. LOL.

Beachwood, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hi Wuvie! They are mainly light orange with some yellow, wrong kind?

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi Maggie,

That's okay, you're a doll for the offer.


Chillicothe, OH

Me too with the orange volunteers. This is an old house and the yard's riddled with the vines creeping through the yard just under the turf.

I should let one or two pop up in the middle of the yard and prop it up to make a tree like my friend in France did with hers! Beautiful...

Thumbnail by Melissande
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Good news, and more good news!

Several years ago, hubby built quite a gourd arbor. At each pole, I planted
Campsis radicans. Each year, I added a plant to each pole. We've discussed
removing the arbor now, but I hated to lose all the growth, which is similar to
Melissande's picture. Last night hubby and I were at the arbor discussing it's
removal, and I stammered. He knew what I was thinking, and agreed to keeping
the trumpet vines! Whoo hoo!

Maybe we can just remove the wire between each pole so we can get between
the poles to mow and weed. How fabulous that will work, a picture to come later,
it is just now beginning to bloom.

Every winter I get out the ladder and cut the arching branches back. The result
is a gorgeous umbrella. It really is pretty. There are some who do not like trumpet
vine, but a lawnmower works wonders. Just run over the plants you don't want, or
dig them up once in a while.

On another note, years ago I planted yellow trumpet vine in other areas. Realizing
I could not keep up with it all, I dug them up and moved them. Or so I thought. I
went back to find four new plants, apparently from a small chunk of root missed at
each pole. I'm so excited, but now have to find a new, fun place for them.

:-) KM

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh. My. Gosh.

Since I last posted on this thread I have worked my buns off on that arbor.

Sure enough, I just HAD to get out there and get started. It is going to look
fabulous! Thanks, Mel, for reminding me how beautiful Campsis rad can be
if trained and trimmed.

:-) Pics to come...KM

Chillicothe, OH

It's a lot like wisteria that way, innit?

. . . I want a wisteria tree.


This page tells how to do it,
and this pic shows what's offered for sale on a page called 'Garden Oasis dot co dot uk. It's just a baby. I've seen many whose trunks look like braided elephant legs.

Thumbnail by Melissande
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

I almost feel bad telling you I fought, chopped and ripped one from
the earth a few days ago, and tossed it to the side of the yard.

Chillicothe, OH

My little yellow vine is working its buns off this year to prove its just as vigorous as it's kissing cousin just across the flower bed.


Thumbnail by Melissande

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