Container Renovations 5! (smile)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We're OK. DS worked on my hut! I'll have to get some pictures later. My energy level is still at a low. I need to start focusing on the inside before the Holidays gets here. My sister may come in for Thanksgiving and it will be here before you know it.

My oldest granddaughter was in our local little theatre's production of Seussical the Musical. She is a bird girl. She looked beautiful and did such a good job. The play was great! I took my youngest granddaughter to see it last night and she really had a good time. Today I am recooperating. It really was fun!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Spider: I really do overcrowd...when things start growing, I just thin them out and plant somewhere else. It really all depends on the plant and although I don't plant pansy's here, they take a lot to fill out.

You just never know how things are going to grow. I usually plant annuals about 6" apart in a pot. Here's one though that I thought I should have planted more. These were 3 little spindly and sickly impatient plant when I first planted. They sure turned out beautiful.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Patty, I've never used the polymer crystals...have you?

You asked me about the coco-lined hanging pots. I had never used them before and I'm not sure they're the best. They really don't retain any water. When you water them, it's coming out from all areas. If I planted them again, I would probably line them with plastic and poke holes in the bottom. The plants love the drainage I think, but it's too high maintenance.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)


I just know from what we went though here with Charley...the physical energy was there for a while, but it was the emotional and mental thing that got to you. Big Brain Bruise!

Glad you're having some fun though and enjoying the Grand-kids!


Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I have never used them but I considered it with the hanging pots because I figure they will dry out. I talked to the lady at my local nursery on Saturday; she sells Soil Moist crystals but she said they use them in flower beds for some of their customers. She didn't recommend them for annuals; said it would keep too much moisture in especially in a hanging basket. Said you'd have to use them very sparingly. I will need to do some research here and see if anyone has used them in hanging baskets. I do think I remember reading where people were lining the coir baskets with diapers to help keep the moisture in so they wouldn't dry out as fast. Maybe I will use those if I decide against the crystals.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Well that's a good idea Patty. Clean diapers or dirty? Just kidding!

Yesterday I moved my plant shelves again. Not only were they closing that area in too much, the wind was just relentless on the plants.. They look so much better up against the wall and they won't dry out so much!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Back to the original plan...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Okay is it just me or do they just not make hose nozzles like they used to?

You can see by the number I have that I'm continually on a mission for one that waters the plants instead of me! After washers and using pliers, I may have finally found a solution.

Thumbnail by KatG
Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah I like that better. I still think you have way too many plants . . . you best let me take them off your hands . . . go ahead and send em my way . . . I'll take good care of them.

I bought a 1 gallon Xanadu philo this weekend. How long will it take to get big and beautiful like yours. I wanted to go with the bigger one but I was buying other stuff and have gone over my gardening budget this month even before this trip to my nurseries.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

It sure has been beautiful weather the last couple of days. Very windy, but actually kind of cool, which is a nice break.
Even my pups were enjoying it yesterday. hehe

Thumbnail by KatG
Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

I wish I could find one that has just the right amount of pressure to thoroughly water without taking an eternity but that doesn't knock the plant over when you accidently put the force of the water on top of the plant.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

They look pretty comfortable to me. Wish I was sitting in a lounge chair outside instead of stuck in my classroom. It has been beautiful in my neck of the woods also. I had to start the early morning gardening in sweats, but when I went back out in the afternoon, it was shorts and a tank.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I got home from work tonight just eager to plant some new pots. The wind around here would drive you nuts! It's nice that it's cool, but it's getting kind of aggravating and I never remember it being this windy in October.

I snuck out to Target during work this aft and they really had some nice plants. They always have something different. They also had some of their pots still on 50% clearance. Paid $14.99 for these tall pots. They also had a lot of plants on clearance - 50% off and really healthy and good stock.

My dear staff had bought me a Ground orchid for that Hallmark "Bosses Day" and it was gorgeous. Bought another one I planted in the second pot, but it needs to catch up. Mixed it with some Bugle Carpet Plant? as well as some variegated sweet potato vine (50% off). Poked in a couple deep purple coleus. I just liked the combination of the pot and the light green plants together.

Thumbnail by KatG
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful! Good deal on everything. I'll have to check out Target.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Jeanne...Check it out! I never usually get out of there empty-handed! hehe They usually also have a really good selection of succulents that nobody else carries. Got an African Poinsettia tonight...I think it's going to be a cool plant!

All this time I've been planting containers, somethng just struck me tonight! This might sound like a real dumb realization, but it's not so much different than putting a floral arrangement together! DUH! I never really thought about it like that.

Edited because I can't spell!

This message was edited Oct 23, 2008 1:23 AM

Austin, TX

Phughes I'm a great fan of the soil water crystals. I use them only in all my potted plants and hanging baskets. They saved the day this summer---a year in which we got NO rain and temps were 100 plus almost everyday from mid May on. I just toss in a handful as I'm filling the pot, size of handful depends on size of pot---forming a layer about 3 or 4 inches below the eventual soil surface. I don't mix them into the soil generally because you don't want any near the surface since they expand and end up wasted if they work their way to the surface. They are especially useful with plants that like lots of water---that here in Texas one ends up watering every day (or more) in summer---such as Caladiums, tropicals of all sorts, ferns, and yes annuals. I do not use them in the ground as they are relatively expensive---use 3 or more inches of mulch.

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much for the information. I was wanting to use them in my hanging pots to keep them from drying out. I was hoping someone had tried this and been successful. How often were you having to water your hanging pots when using the crystals?

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

New Lizard Lounge Look!

Jury is still out on this one...I put this high-top set in. It's functional, but I think it's just covering up all my pots! Arrrggghhh...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Ziggy's in Love!

Thumbnail by KatG
North Port, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Kat, my friend was down in Key West last weekend for Fantasy Fest and she sent some photos of the dogs in costume. I thought of you when I saw this one :)

Thumbnail by FlowerofScotland
Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Kat, I love the Lizard Lounge. I think the furniture is a really nice addition, and actually enhances rather than hides. Just my humble opinion. : )


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

OMG Annette! Thank-you! How cute are they? hahaha

Thanks Shirl...figure I should just live with it and give it a chance!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Kat, I like the furniture! Looks very relaxing!

Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

Everybody think of me while I ride out this blizzard that is in our forecast. Hopefully it will miss us.

Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

Oh Tina, I will definitely be thinking of you, and hoping the blizzard does indeed miss you.

God bless,


Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Our prayers are with you Tina!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi All - Hope things went okay for you Tina and you're safe and warm. Jeanne - how is everything going with the storm clean-up? Hope you're getting back to normal.

I've been busy trying to plant a few fall/winter containers and maintain the older/lasting ones...I have to say I am getting used to that high set in the Lizard Lounge and am liking it. Had breakfast out there last Sunday morning and it was really nice!

Here's some new pots I've renovated lately...

Pulled apart my herb planter and replanted it with new herbs/flowers...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Did a few unplantings under my large giant white BOP planters - yellow petunias and coleus. They're really starting to fill out...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Bought a lot of new plants from "Almost Eden" nursery and have been re-potting a lot as well as other plants I've received lately...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

New Guinea Impatiens, yellow calibrachoa and Musseandra...

Thumbnail by KatG
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Kat, looks great! Yes, things are finally starting to get back to normal. The patio is so open this year with not having the Canopy there enclosed as a make GH. It is so nice with this beautiful weather to be able to go out there and actually see out into the "garden". We will replace it next Spring, just don't know with what yet. The weather had just been beautiful, except now we have had rain for days, and a cold front coming in. It is supposed to be 38 by Sat night. I have most everything in the makeshift GH that needs protecting so we are good to go.

I am glad that you like your Lizard Lounge set. I thing it looks great!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2008 12:02 AM

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Some very dark and colorful coleus with white impatiens...

Thumbnail by KatG
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Beautiful! I love the contrast!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

That's good to hear Jeanne...So glad things are getting back to normal! Why don't you make something that would double as a GH in winter/sitting area in Summer? Our weather has been gorgeous this past couple of weeks also!


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Kiwi Cordyline, crown of thorns and yellow petunias...

Thumbnail by KatG
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

The "hut" does that also. I just have two many plants and not enough space!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Looks like there was a big sale on Yellow petunias! hahaha. Actually, they were really the healthiest so I decided to spread them all over. I severely cut back my Boug standards and tried to give them some shape. Underplanted them with Petunias and impatiens...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I know what you mean...I'll be up against the neighbors house soon! LOL!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Replanted my front door planters with a mix of impatiens, green sweet potato vine and some dark ivy...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I cannot believe that these Galaxy Caladiums are still hanging in! The one's in the ground expired long ago, but the potted ones just keep on going...

Thumbnail by KatG

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