Container Renovations 5! (smile)

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

What a great way to start a new thread on Container renovations/gardening - with my new potting area!

Continued from:

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

There is a major renovation going on in the "Lizard Lounge". The pile is getting bigger and bigger! hehe

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)


Was at Target and HD tonight. What a difference a week makes. HD is loaded with Impatiens, Begonias,Salvia, Coleus and some very healthy Angelonia. Bought a bunch! I also bought some really cool plants at Target - Hawaiian snow plant, joyweed, elephant bush and some really cool succulents. I usually go to these centers on a Sunday, but I have to say that it looks like Friday is the day the truck comes in! So much more inventory and very fresh.

Target had a bunch of nice pots on sale for 50% off also. Yeah...I don't have enough! hahaha

I am so glad my Dear Man traded in his truck in for a larger one...we filled it! haha. Sometimes he asks me why I keep him around...I tell him it's because of his truck! LOL (nah...he's a keeper!)

I better get to bed...I am so excited to plant things tomorrow!

Take care


Thumbnail by KatG
San Diego-ScrippsR, CA(Zone 10a)

KatG, Thank you so much for the website for the potting bench--the prices are very reasonable. So...I ordered one.
Mine is the 6' model with the green metal slats and added the lower shelf. It looks like yours, I think. It is exactly what I've been looking for. Now I can dismantle my son's gym equipment which I was using as an adjunct bench. He shouldn't be living at home anyway!

I look forward to my new purchase. I mostly do roses but am beginning to add some perennials. Your combination of plants has my mind spewing new ideas.

Again, thanks for the recommendation.

North Port, FL(Zone 9b)

Good morning Kat!!

I have to go in to the office for a few hours today ); but guess where I'm heading to on my way home?? I don't want to go anywhere or do anything tomorrow except be elbow deep in pots, plants and soil. Pure Bliss!! Thanks for the tips.. especially about the pots. Have a great weekend .....Annette

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

You're so welcome Seawatch! Yes, that's the same one I bought also. I'm liking it a lot! Mine was on backorder for a couple of weeks, but no big deal.

Do you think I have enough flora to work with today? hehehe

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Annette: Well you're ambitious today. I should be working too as I've got some taxes to file on the 15th, but I'm not! hehe It was so foggy this morning when I first went outside and the bugs would kill you! Gave it an hour and finally the sun came out and dried things up a bit. I'm in potting heaven right now! Hope you enjoy your potting day tomorrow!


Here's my 1/2 price Target pots...

Thumbnail by KatG
Caddo Mills, TX(Zone 8a)

You are out potting pots and here it was snowing this morning. Gotta love North Dakota. I'm going to be repotting things in the house though today.

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Awwww...You poor thing Tina! I hate to tell you this, but it was just a beautiful day here! When are you moving?

I LOVE my new potting area...I don't know how I did without a table for so long (potted on a barstool! hehe). It sure got a good workout today!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Replanted my Fountain with Begonia's. I can't say I'm too excited about it, but I just can't seem to find anything that will take the sun. I had Sunpatiens in it prior to this, but they're out of season. I may be replanting next week! LOL

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I also replanted these two large planters at my front door. I had regular impatiens in them until about a month ago and they did well in the shade. Replanted with a center of Lemon-lime Dracaena, Pink and Lilac impatiens, Lime sweet potato vine and some red ivy. Should fill in nice!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Cleaned out my bakers/plant rack in the Lizard Lounge and thought I'd put some of my succulents together in one spot!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Planted another little succulent pot - Ghost plant and pineapple something!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Planted my 2 Target pots with a different kind of combination - Hawiian Snowbush in the center, some type of ??? (I am seriously suffering from CRS disease today!) and some Chicken gizzards (iresine). I'm going to try to keep the Snowbush small and shaped.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

And here's my favorite pot of the day! Shaggy has finally found a permanent home. Planted him with Red Flax grass and variegated Liriope and then just added in a bit of Blue daze for a tiny touch of color!

I'm really into this shaggy look lately. I probably really like this Braided Dracaena so much because I love Ponytail Palms and this is about the closest I'm getting to one that size! (This is my dark Pony tail palm!) hehe

That's my day!

Thumbnail by KatG
Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

I am exhausted!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Shirl...those Zoo's can do that to you! hehe

I was over on the Florida gardening thread reading about your day! Just sounds absolutely fantastic and I wish I lived closer. You guys up North have been having way too much fun lately! LOL.

BTW...That's a really good thing!


Thumbnail by KatG
Orange Park, FL(Zone 9a)

We have been having a lot of fun, they really are a great group of people. When I said I was exhausted, I meant I was exhausted from all the work you had been doing. Girl, I don't know how you do it. You continually inspire and motivate. You are fortunate your Dear Man is a willing accomplice. When I returned from my visit at the zoo yesterday, my DH looked at all my goodies and said, "please don't bring anymore home". Boo-Hoo, guess I will have to wait until he is not around before I unload next time. LOL Keep up the inspiration, and keep posting pictures.


Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Ummmm Shirl...Dear Man has been engrossed in Football this weekend! He did put some shelves together for me though today and pruned and weeded a bit! I wanted to choke him when he knocked off the top pot of my newly replanted stackable planter all over the pavers I had just hosed down! (in a hurry to get things done to get back to the games!).hehe. He actually leaves me pretty well alone when I'm creating! LOL. He's good and never criticizes my jungle! I do get on his nerves sometimes though - I'll say, look at that pot over there, and he's like what pot? You have about 100! I do it intentionally now just to bug him! haha

I had another productive day today and I really am tired. It was a beautiful day and I got just a little too much sun...especially on the back of my neck! Redneck!

I replanted my stackable planter (I love this planter) with a mixture of herbs - rosemary/basil/oregano/parsley/mint/aragula/dill - mixed in a few flowers and planted a pepper plant on top. Looks a little sick here, but it will perk up!


Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I'm also taking another attempt at my upside down tomato planter! My tomatos didn't turn out so great last time as it was too late in the season that I planted them. Hopefully these will be better.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I cut that last photo off but on top there's quite a large area to plant other things. I had a bunch of plants in there that went crazy the last time I planted it...I pulled them out months ago and no matter how many times I would pull them out, the Sweet Potato vines just kept coming back.

So today before I planted the tomatoes, I started digging in that planter. Now I've seen little SPV tubors, but judging from the size of these, no wonder they kept growing...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)


Replanted a cactus I had in the tall Target pot I found the other day. Added in Stapelia (Starfish Plant). It's probably going to take a while, but they just have the coolest blooms!

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Now these 2 pots turned out nicely. Tall green background plant is Kiwi Cordyline. Added in some really dark purple Coleus in front. Crown of thorns on the corners and some Angelonia. I've had these pots for a while.They're fairly lightweight and came from HDepot.

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Dear Man put these shelves together for me today. They were fairly easy, basically just snapped together. I bought these at the same place I purchased my potting table and I have to say they were cheap and they're pretty sturdy. Basic shelving but great for watering as the frames are plastic and the shelves are vinyl covered wire. They also hold quite a bit as they're tiered.

I'm not sure this is their home yet, I might have to live with them for a few days...looking at this photo, I might have to switch the potting table to the front and put the shelves in the back. At least that way, I'd get a tanned face instead of a burnt neck! hehe

This message was edited Oct 12, 2008 11:04 PM

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't know? What do you think?

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

New Chairs for the Lizard Lounge...50% off at Sams Club - Of course they were out of the high top table that went with them, but I found one at Target that should be here this week! Some real good buys on Patio furniture these days...

Thumbnail by KatG
Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Well that's my day!

And for anybody thinking I'm really ambitious, I have piles of laundry to do, taxes to finish for the 15th and we had KFC for Sunday dinner! hehe

Take care all!


Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

I think its lovely. So neat. I am such a
Your just like me gardening and shopping. My favorite things. (only your neater) lol. Had my whole family over today for DDIL birthday and the whole time I was thinking about gardening or shopping for plants. I do love to cook but this was not one of those

This message was edited Oct 12, 2008 8:23 PM

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

KatG, I follow all your threads and love your ingenuity and sense of what goes where, etc. You have a real talent and knack for all this. Looks like you have run out of space at your planting station. I am so jealous. I have been looking for some shelves that don't self destruct if you so much as move a pot and those seem to fill the bill. Like you, there is really no reason for us to use ferrous metal or wood (even treated) because of the humidity so PVC and the like are the answer to a prayer. Keep up the good work and keep inspiring all us "10 Thumbs - all Brown".
Edited to ask please, can you give me a link or whatever of where you got your potting bench. I looked it up once and now I've lost it. Thanks!


This message was edited Oct 13, 2008 7:52 AM

Lilburn, GA

Hi Kat,

everything is just gorgeous! What a work of art!!!

I would love if you could give the link for the shelves. They are just what I need!

Well done on your new potting station! You did a great job!

Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

Spider07, I found the link in the other container gardening thread. She got her good stuff at


Lilburn, GA

Hi Plantladyhou,

thank you very much for the info.:o)

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Kat, your stackable container is so cool! Where did you get such a thing?

North Port, FL(Zone 9b)

Kat....everything looks fabulous!!! You really have a talent in the way you choose what plants go with each other. I can't wait to see it all. The stackable container looks great. Ideal for herbs. Did you buy it locally? Annette

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

WoW! You've really been busy! Everything's looking good!! Great job!

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

Thank-you all for the compliments! More to water! :)

Thanks Plantlady for posting that link for the shelves. They're pretty good! I wouldn't put concrete planters on them, but for lighter plants, seed starting, transplants, they're great and lot's of room!

Linda: Trust me, I'm a slob! I just don't take photo's of the mess! hehe. I love to cook also, but it's a real toss-up when it comes to gardening! LOL

Lili and Annette: I love that stackable planter...However the place I ordered it from isn't around any more. On another thread somebody said they found it at a flea market. I also think Hammachler Schlemmer sells it, but they're way expensive. If I find it, I'll let you know.

Hey Jeanne: How are you doing? Hope things are getting back to normal for you.


Here's one of the last times I planted it and it started filling out...

Thumbnail by KatG
Lilburn, GA


when you plant your containers, how do you know how many plants to put in them?

I did some with pansies and they look like I should have used double of the plants. How do I know how much space to leave for them to grow and fill the pots?

Thank you.:o)

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Anybody ever use the polymer water crystals in their containers?

Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

:::: taking notes::: Kiwi Cordyline, dark purple Coleus, Crown of thorns and Angelonia. Love that combination you created - you sure have the knack!

Hopefully you'll appreciate my warped sense of humor (or humour) upon viewing the latest photos of your pergola - paraphrasing Chief Brody in the original "JAWS"..."She's gonna need a bigger potting area!" LOL

Thanks for sharing and inspiring us :)

Port Charlotte, FL(Zone 10a)

OMG Denise...You're getting to know me too well! My staff has bets going on that I'll be creating some kind of greenhouse! haha. I'll be up against my Neighbors house soon! hehehe

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