Hand Pollinating Geraniums

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Over the years I have noticed that the fancy hybrid geraniums, such as Pelargonium x hortorum rarely set seed on their own. This year I decided to hand pollinate. It will be interesting to see if they breed true to the parent or revert. Here are some things I've noticed since I've begun hand pollinating. Please correct if wrong.

There appears to be male and female flowers.

The male flowers look like the female flowers in form and color but produce large, colorful anthers which are usually even or slightly over the top of a sometimes immature pistil and very poorly attached to the filament and fall off when using a brush to collect pollen.

Some of the female flowers appear to have anthers, but are small, immature looking and are below the pistil if present.

So far the hand pollination is working and seed pods are being produced .. I hope I get some viable seeds for next year and hope they look like the parent!


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