Grub Experts...What's up with THIS?

Raleigh, NC

Here's something I've never encountered in all my years of gardening, and I'm not quite sure what to do, if anything.

I created a raised bed under a Maple tree two years ago (brought in soil from a reputable dealer, plus have mulched each year). A few weeks ago, I decided to dig up and rearrange most of the plants in the bed. To my surprise, I discovered at least 3-4 grubs in every shovel-full of dirt I turned. I've never seen this many grubs in one location before. Have not had alot of insect damage in the bed to date--the bed is dry shade for the most part, as its under the tree. Growing ferns, hostas, huechera, cast iron plants, liriope etc. Should I be concerned about this? How do I know if these grubs are the larva of "good" bugs or "bad"? Wondering if I should head for the Milky Spore of leave it alone? Help!

Hurst, TX(Zone 7b)

I am not an expert but a good rule of thumb, when dealing with grubs, is that 10-20 grubs per square foot will do damage. If you have less than that, do not worry but monitor them in case the number of grubs per square foot changes (i.e., increases).

You may also want to alter your watering habits, if you can, as a way to reduce the concentration or population of grubs: allow the soil to get dry or almost dry before watering again. This approach to watering should not harm most plants; I do this with moisture-loving plants like azaleas, camellias and hydrangeas.

Finally, in addition to Milky Spore, you can also apply beneficial nematodes in Fall and Spring to control the grub population.


Raleigh, NC

Wow--can't imagine 10-20 PER sq foot--that seems like alot. Glad to know I don't have that many. This bed is very dry, so I'm sure that helps, but I guess I'm still wondering how you tell a good grub from bad?? I believe there are some beneficial insects that do have an in-ground larval stage. I'd just like to know that before I reach for the Milky Spore, as I haven't seen any damage yet.

By the way, I thought you lived in Puerto Rico--did you move? I lived in PR for a few years and really loved it...also grew up in Texas, and I love it, too, so I consider you lucky both ways!

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