Lets have a big welcome....""" screenerman8""" Pontiac, Mi..

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welcome to DG...the best garden website there is...Hope you enjoy your time..here...This is the Michigan forum...come here often and meet your Neighbors..lol..Any questions? Just ask..some one will help you...This site is big for sure...hahaha we all get lost too...so we could point you in the right direction...and please..tell us about your gardens..and you....again..welcome.....

sending smiles...Diana

Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome screenerman! Glad to have you here. Tell us about your garden.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

welcome to the site and especially to our Michigan garden forum
if you need anything just ask-we have a great group here and more of us
are starting to come inside now that the weather is changing ;)
tell us what you like to grow!

im Dori-NOTmartha

Thumbnail by notmartha
Port Huron, MI(Zone 6a)

Welcome. What's your garden like? I love to hear what other people are growing.

Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

welcome to our Mi part of the garden !!! we all love pics while we sit here and freeze our you know whats off in the winter and dream of the comming spring ;0)

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