Wanted: Annona cherimola seeds!

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for Annona cherimola seeds. Do you still have them? If so, would you mind to share them?

I have lots of seeds to share. You can view them here: http://www.freewebs.com/belevenissen-van-een-tuinkabouter/apps/webstore/

Please let me know if we can do a trade!

Thank you!

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Tuinkabouter,

I can get annona seeds but I don't get them until summer/spring....they're very hard to germinate when dried =/ (they don't have a long shelf life). I'm currently trying to germinate cainito which I have purchased and it's been 4 months now, no sprouts. Longan seeds I was able to germinate but it took 3 months also. They all have similar seed coating etc.

Let me know if you haven't received any cherimoya seeds by summer, I'll give you some next year.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Eliz!

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