Silk flower designs

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This is one of my Cemetery cones I enjoy making and selling. I love working with silk flowers but if you make designs to sell, you must buy wholesale or you can not make your expenses let alone any additional for your time. AC Moore and other large craft places have outpriced most of us small business people. Has anyone else felt this in your areas? I can not make a wreath and price it for what they sell them for. I used to do custom orders and I have stopped that because of that reason.

I just put up two of my Fall designs on the MarketPlace and the flowers on them are all silk. The prices of the crosses and the cones have both gone up this year. I do alot of these for Christmas because we have a Christmas Tree Farm and we sell these as extras we offer. I would be interested in hearing about some of the problems other crafters have trying to compete with the larger stores.

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